Quote Originally Posted by PeterBlack:
Once again, a total deflection of what Cashin is actually talking about, that being the fact that this man is totally unfit and corrupt to lead our country in a positive way. and still talking about the Clintons???!!!jeez oh man. Hey Alex Jones!!!! Have another Scotch!!
Oh yeah, I heard about what your "genius" buddy Steve Bannon has been up these days, seems he has been traveling through Europe pedaling his retrogressive ideology, firing up the far-right and calling the women's movement "the biggest threat to the patriarchal social order."
is that what you heard about Steve Bannon , Peter ? ...

well , i could tell you much more about the movement in Europe , much more , you would not like it i am afraid....
let me give you an example what Steve Bannon is referring to...
Sweden's government visiting Iran , commonly known as " the walk of shame"
a continent run over by muslim and african young men , just what we begin to see here down at the border ...organized ...
2 million young men alone this German lunatic preacher's daughter Merkel let in , oh wow , now she regrets it ohhhh....

uhhh , ahhh
you really think it takes a Steve Bannon to wake people up over there ? let me tell you the rape and crime numbers over there a skyrocketing , which the "luegenpresse" doesn't report , yes , Fake News originated in Germany as a term

i co- pay my 2 young nieces (sister's daughters) in Germany school tuition on private schools now since 2015 , since they got groped , touched and harassed by lovely young muslim men in their classes in public schools
and guess what genius , this are not isolated cases but everyday live , get a grip , would you ? get real information , from people who know , not from your fake news outlets
why are 100k soldiers on French streets ? u tell me , you international fake news expert , since 2014 ?