Quote Originally Posted by MrWhatsItToYa:
Quote Originally Posted by Rush51: Quote Originally Posted by MrWhatsItToYa: Quote Originally Posted by Rush51: To the OP of this thread, Trump's Legacy is still being written, w many more chapters to go, including another Presidency. Joe's legacy ? His book is already closed, and only includes 1 chapter. "" My Life as a career politician ""Ya,compared to trumps 4 chapters in his book "My Life as a career conman and criminal",which goes through his 2 impeachments,4 cases and 91 indictments.You are right though stinky's legacy is still being written,and the final chapter is all about how he was the 1st president to be found guilty of crimes.Or as you republicans call it "winning". Ya know, at some point , the American people recognize that the DEM party just hates Trump , and will do anything they can to impeach him while in office, and imprison him when he is not... At some point, most Americans just "" get it ""... When will that moment be for you ? Oh yeah, when you get clean and rid yourself of TDS.First off probably 90% of the world hates him,not just democrats.A lot of your own party can't stand the POS. If trump didn't do anything to get impeached,then why did the Senate republicans vote to block hearing any testimony from being heard in his impeachment trial,or calling any witnesses to testify.Sounds like they were really interested in getting to the bottom of it and hearing the truth about all that happened,right? No,what people will start getting is the truth about what his plans were for Jan 6th.You think those 3 lawyers of his who flipped,don't know all the dirt on him,and are going to be singing like canaries to save their own ass's.And I'll ask you again,why would a guy who supposedly did nothing wrong,be begging for "absolute immunity".Answer,cause HE ABSOLUTELY KNOWS WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A FUCKIN DOUBT IN HIS PEA SIZED BRAIN,they got him by the balls and he knows it.You think he's desperate now,wait for him to start with the 3rd grade name calling and whining and crying,when these lawyers start testifying about his actions. But you'll just keep crying that he's just a poor little victim in all of this.Maybe it's just the big bad "DEEP STATE",eewww everybody be scared of the DEEP STATE.Deep State and TDS,what a bunch of spineless clowns you are.Maybe you should start painting yourself orange to,since you are as big as a clown as he is.
90% ? Wow, that's quite a figure when we the primary results don't seem to substantiate that . 
Instead of acting like a 20- year old ' amped up on Red Bull, sit back, relax, and reflect on all of Trump's accomplishments while in office. Remember, it's important to focus on the stuff that's important,.... and the stuff that isn't. (Like.... ALL the charges are just a means to an end to imprison Trump).
So, Remember again, recognition is the first step to healing yourself... now, let's get crackin' . You have 8 months to do that mental reboot, and fill in that bubble for Trump on your ballot.
I'm confident in just a few months you'll be singing, Let's Make America Great Again !!