Quote Originally Posted by SurfApe:
CD, i realize that there are defensive systems in place to protect high value targets- what i said was we were not ready for this type of attack. Shit happens- just because we have a plan in place doesn't mean that it will be executed flawlessly when the shit hits the fan. What seems more likely to you- that the government's defense plans failed, or that our own government shot a missile at its military headquarters on a morning when terrorists had alread flown jets into our two most iconic buildings? What the fuck would be the point? It makes less than no sense- what, 3000 deaths wasn't going to be enough to start the war you claim they wanted, but a handful more would be the tipping point? "War?! Fuck that, they only killed 3000 innocent people. Whats that- they hit the pentagon and killed a couple dozen more?! Nuke the cocksuckers!" The whole notion is just mind bogglingly stupid. As for flight 93, I have seen absolutely no compelling reason not to believe that exactly what happened occured, and if the gov't did shoot down the plane, good for them, they saved a lot of lives.
First off you are wrong on your point about our govt not being prepared for that type of attack. Forgot the towers for a minute,because thats a whole differnt ball game and i agree they couldnt be prepared for that type of attack, but to safe one of our most important buildings wasnt prepared for an attack is just plain crazy. These govt buildings that are guarded are prepared for any type of attack, thats what the people devoted to protecting those buildings train for. There is no way any plane should have hit the Pentagon on any day of the year, let alone what had already happened earlier that day with the towers. They had more then enough time to stop that so called plane from hitting the pentagon.
Next up you mention, why would our govt need to do the pentagon after the towers, because they i believe wanted multiple targets hit, so they would for sure have nobody questioning the need to go to war. Thats just my opinion.
Also was it just luck that the terrorist just happened to crash the plane into the part of the pentagon wall that was being worked on.
Also you never answered, why didnt the terrorist fly the plane into the middle of the pentagon? why go after an outside wall? Lot easier to just fly the plane straight down into the center, then hitting a wall at almost ground level.
also why was it so important for the fbi to go get the videos from the store within minutes of the crash? my guess is they wanted to make sure nobody seen a video of a missile hitting the building.
Like i said a person would have to be crazy to believe that a building like the pentagon doesnt have the most advanced cameras in the world all around the building. All they got do is show a clear picture of that airliner flying towards the pentagon and then the whole missile theory is over with.
To me theres just to many common sense unanswered facts to this whole story.
lastly why on the day of the attacks was bush so gun ho about searching the world for the people who did the attacks? At 9:30 they didnt know more people were involved then just the people on the airplanes.
And like i said flight 93 was shot down. all the calls the passengers made happened and am sure they did try to take the plane back, but i still believe that when that plane started going back towards Washington, it was shot down. If that plane would have crashed into any buildings with fighter jets following it, the govt could have never explained that one in a million years.
We just got differnt opinions on this one, its gonna happen. I respect your opinion, i just believe your wrong thou.![](https://images.covers.com/covers/emoticons/Peace_5.gif)