Quote Originally Posted by thirdperson:
Unlike Finland, Ukraine was never allowed to join NATO which might have prevented Russia invasion.
Myth is that Trump could have stopped Russia invasion.
For over a decade, Putin has been consumed by a desire to restore glory of old Soviet Union.
Trump's foreign policies weaken US global standing and strengthen enemies. Appeasement only embolden their aggression.
Trump hostility toward Europe has ultimately proven destructive in undermining the security of US, allies and Ukraine.
1. Ukraine was not allowed to join NATO for a reason....... CORRUPTION.
2014; https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-ukraine-crisis-poroshenko/ridding-ukraine-of-corruption-is-vital-says-presidential-candidate-idUKBREA3507X20140406
2021; https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/558376-biden-ukraine-must-clean-up-corruption-to-be-admitted-to-nato/
That one above is a good one! Biden himself says Ukraine corrupt. But Joe, you set your son up with a high paying job there!
So now lets send billions without knowing where it's going. Lets pay for Ukrainian pensions!!!
2. NO MYTH. There is nothing in it for United States. Democrat Party wants revenge on Russia. When Dems fail its Russia's fault. We pay the price for Dems revenge. Ukrains lose their lives for Dems revenge. All could have been settled before any invasion.
3. Putin not some wacked out madman propaganda puts out. His replacement may be one. Dems can't see beyond the end of their nose, and many repubs too!
4. Trump hostility directed at SELF DEFEATING LIBERIAL POLICES in Europe. Many EU countries ignored NATO share of costs. Let the Americans pay. Germany laughs in Trumps face about Nordstream. Biden OK's it and then blows it up.
5. Democrat foreign policies results on full display! Japan buys Russian oil, Saudi Arabia refuses to answer the phone or even shake Biden's hand. China steps in as world leader calling for peace, aligning Saudi Arabia with Iran. Building pipeline to Russia. North Korea, who has a madman, ready to throw nukes.