Quote Originally Posted by cd329:
And another thing bowlslit
when you have public workers working for the city or state, the only thing the taxpayers are paying for is the labor of the employees, the city or state doesnt have to make a profit off the taxpayer, but when a private company takes over the public jobs, that company isnt going to just provide the taxpayers with services so its employees can make money, hell no, the owners are going to want to make profit on top of paying its workers. So even thou private contracts might start out cheaper to taxpayer{thats only to get the contract in the first place} they soon go way up, costing the taxpayer more then they were paying for public employees. And once they lock up those long term contracts, there isnt a single thing the taxpayer can do about it, their screwed.
So why anybody with a half a brain would want private companies to take over public sector jobs is beyond me. I guess some people are so brain washed into thinking they are going to get big savings like the the poducts they buy from walmart that are made overseas, or else they just like to pay more for the services, while seeing the rich guys make even more of our cash.
bc for the most part its cheaper and more efficient. while i cant comment on your water bill scenario, there are tons of examples of the opposite happening. one of the most mind boggling privatizations occurred when chicago privatized THE COLLECTION OF MONEY via tolls on the skyway. how absurd is that? its cheaper for the government to have someone else collect money for them, and make their own profit, than to simply do it themselves.
now either your govt officials are morons, and judging by their constituents.... or theres more to the story. why couldnt the govt take back control of the water system?
heres one more example of how pathetic govts are at running shit. in mass, toll booth workers make an average of SEVENTY THOUSAND dollars, before overtime or benefits. they are all filled by politically connected ppl, no shot at an average joe getting one of those jobs
Toll collectors are paid an average of roughly $70,000 a year, LeBovidge
said, when benefits and overtime are included. Cullinane said salaries
of toll collectors have been exaggerated, pointing out that full-time
workers max out at $53,000, not including overtime. That does not
include 131 part timers, who can only make up to $32,000. no wonder
"We're in a big financial hole," said LeBovidge, who estimated that the
turnpike authority's annual debt was between $70 million to $100
million.and let me also point out that many of the tolls have a human handing you the toll ticket. arent we in 2011 now? didnt we invite a machine to do that about 30 years ago? yeah, lets pay 3 ppl 300k+ a year in total compensation for a job that can easily, and quite frankly do a better job, be replaced by a machine. there was an article in the globe a few years ago that listed the revenues collected / operating costs of tolls. mass was by far the lowest at something like .35. it think alabama was second worst at around .60.