The cupboards are bare, no money left in the piggy bank. The teachers get 57.00 for every 1 dollar they put into the pension fund. Public service workers retire in their early 50's with indexed pensions at 70-80% of their last 5 years. These people do not contribute even half of the cost of the pensions. This is not to mention wages which exceed their private sector equals. We can't compete with emerging economies as it is, let alone with the huge taxes needed to fund these unfare benefit packages. What has happened in Wisconsin is required, people should fund their own pensions, make equitable incomes, and retire in their 60's. It will happen in all U.S. states, especially those with these huge packages, and be ready to see defaults. The US governments (Feds), lack public support to bail these states out, and they don't have the borrowing power. Printing money will not be an option, as forgein interests will drop the buck an crash the currency. Both countries will have to compete for investment dollars and this will go where it gets the best return. The best and brightest will leave if they face the burden of funding these greedy union pigs. Get it through you're thick head, public workers don't drive the economy, they support it. Businss drives the economy, so you better hope policies are designed to attract and grow business. If not we will see our economy and lifestyles fall off.
What we need to do is get rid of all teachers and when these kids reach the age of 5 we need to put them to work. The days of the luxury of going to school are over. Get out there and work for a living. So tired of these lazy kids and their school and these teachers with their salaries getting the summers off playing golf, going to Hawaii. They have gotten by the system long enough. Time to put them all to work. So tired of these damn kids acting like they are so busy with their school. Get out and get a job you damn kids. Time to grow up.