DL36 - Producers - providers - builders - officers of the law - order
enforcers - first responders - all traditionally subscribe to traditional
American values. They don't hate cops or support anti-gun policies like liberals, or support black lives
matter, Muslims, happy marriage, men using the women's restroom, globalism,
open borders, rioting, political correctness, or the politics of Antonio
Gramsci. This is reality.

First of all - unions are republican creations. The Republican
Party fought the civil war to preserve the union. Republicans have a conundrum
with supporting the working class and supporting job creators. The interesting thing
is republicans support police unions and unionized fire fighters. This is a
very complex issue. Supporting unions doesn’t mean supporting liberal values. It
just means they are republican conservatives that side with unions. Being a union
supporter doesn’t make a person a democrat.
Yeah, ok, sure, lol... hunters,
survivalist experts, mountain men, miners, ranchers, farmers, gun enthusiasts,
gunsmiths, blacksmiths, demolition experts, and the citizens that fly the
knights templar flag, POW/MIA flag, Molon Labe flag, come and take it flag,
rebellious stripes flag, and Gadsden flag are a bunch of liberals lol. Walk up
to a man wearing a Gadsden hat. Tell him what's up fellow liberal lol. You'll
definitely be on the news and worldstar and youtube for getting knocked the fukk out lol.
Second of all - law enforcement hate drugs,
thugs, illegals, rioters, black lives matter, Muslims etc - all things
democrats proudly support. Corrections officers would join the side of the inmates
lol? Thank you for bringing me to tears of laughter. You have no idea that COs
are jail/prison cops with a badge just like patrol cops. Their job is to
enforce the law behind bars. COs and inmates would kill each other - not fight
along side each other lol. You are definitely a liberal social worker that was
educated in a liberal indoctrination camp lol.
Lastly, terrorists, criminals
and gangsters are stupid. They can't shoot or fight for sh1t. They lack discipline
and proper training. Every time they challenge military or police they get
b1tch slapped...
Let's say it wasn't a game but a real war... Black lives matter
would kill all the white democrats because police wouldn't be there to protect
them. Women would be raped and killed by liberal savages because republicans
wouldn't be there to protect them. All the rich liberals would get killed and
robbed by liberal thugs, so liberal thugs would take over all of their personal
property. Liberals would burn and destroy their own neighborhoods and kill
Republicans would just sit back and watch the anarchy. All
democrats do is destroy so there wouldn't be any people who know how to
produce, build, or make things. All the people who are demolition experts, who build
bunkers, build safe houses, build armored trucks, make guns, make swords, make compound
bows, and make other weapons, or build planes, build boats, build tanks, and
build military grade weapons and materials are pro-America patriot republicans...
Then there is the food and water problem for liberals. Liberals would rob and
pillage each others food and water sources quickly. Republicans know how to
find and create water sources and grow crops, hunt animals, farm cattle... Once
the chaos subdued, there would be only thug democrats and Muslim terrorists left...
Republican US military, law enforcement, hunters, survivalist experts, mountain
men, miners, demolition experts, ranchers, farmers, gun enthusiasts, gunsmiths,
blacksmiths, compound bow archers, and the citizens that fly the knights
templar flag, POW/MIA flag, Molon Labe flag, come and take it flag, rebellious
stripes flag, and Gadsden flag would then unite and eliminate them.
In the end
- republicans would win the war - just as republicans have won every war on
American soil. Democrats lack the brains and skills to survive a fight
against republicans. It would be the easiest war ever fought on US soil.