Wall, why are you so against a WALL? It will be a GREAT deterrent and so many other countries would see how the U.S. is finally getting their schizz together....
Look at all the countries around the world that have walls....i.e. The GREAT Wall of China.. Israel. "some Euro countries.....It's all about protecting us U.S. citizens. .PERIOD.... and as President Trump took his oath to serve as President one of his main duties is to protect US!!..Quite simple really...but the TRUE facts are is the DEM party KNOWS once the illegal immigrant spigot is turned off..they will have a much smaller future pool of voters... Why....Because it's obvious..the more educated any person gets of what the DEM party is actually all about they realize what lying power hungry frauds they really are all about...i.e. Schiff who doesn't want to accept the heralded Special Counsel's findings..WTF??..Face it, the GOP is far from perfect..they have plenty of faults too..
Ironically, President Piggy's approval with Mexicans AND Black folks are soaring......And DON'T think this whole Jussie Schmulett(??) case hasn't opened a few eyes into how much deceit and hate resides with the LEFT going wild.....what they'll do. .Did you see Charles Barkley and SHAQ laughing so hard the other night....yeah write a check for $3500...
What's amazing is that after 3 plus years on the national stage..so many people don't get him...I understand the way he thinks and I realize he's not a polished politician and that's ok...He's constantly under ATTACK everyday by people who hate him...Facts are he has very good policies that have been successful ..but so many are blinded by their own emotions (HATE).. it's so so sad...
And Yes, I totally understand your points of cheaper labor...Hi-tech or tire repair shop....But remember..don't think once an illegal gets in , they REALLY don't want more coming..less dinero possibly for them..Enough is ENOUGH...
Take the emotions out of the equation and just look at the policies..light years opposite of BOH...Thank God.. he saved Rome from BURNING much faster had HRC been elected..
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