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Quote Originally Posted by Raiders22:
Of course the CEO thing is a liberal scare tactic. Always has been. I agree with all of that. But I don't agree CEOs should pay some to employes. At what point? A million+? 10million+? Way too confusing. After awhile the 200K CEO is expected to pay some back. Also, the employes are rewarded---they get paid. So many of these companies where the CEOs make the multi-millions the employees are very inefficient. So why reward them more?
Never understood the folks that say they hate big companies and banks. Why? The implication is that they are underhanded, etc. Small companies can be also. There are many small contractors are business owners that will rip you off more than a big company will. Big companies do provide great services and products sometimes. So always weird to me that people hate them all because a few do illegal things etc.
1. What makes it confusing ?..........2. Point taken about worthless employees. But not many of those because they would be let go. Their boss and fellow employees will make sure of that, plus what about those employees that over achieve?..........3. If small buisneess is underhanded they don't last, not so with large business. They can screw with people and increase profits and revenues.......Sometimes they do provide a good service, key word SOMETIMES, a good smaller company provides a good service MOST the time........4. My real problem with them is just like the problem I have with big government, way to much influence and power on a national and worldwide level. Again taking advantage of people because of their massive size, their countless lawyers, and unlimited money is something impossible for small business. and small government.......5. Radiers, I agree with many of your comments on other subjects, but not on this one. When it comes to business, smaller will 95% of the time be better, for the customer and employee. Same goes for government. thanks for the reply, good thing to discuss......1iron
don juan | 83 |
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I have a tendency to agree that these top ceo guys are paid a insane amount of money. Why they would not take some of that and pass it back down to all their employees just makes no sense, to me that is. But I never really understood this 350 to 1 pay ratio of ceo vs. avg worker pay. When looking at the very top of ceo pay, yes that maybe true. But to compare the two you have to look at all ceo pay, am I correct ? I was surprised to find out that in 2013 the bureau of labor stats reported that there are 248,760 chief execs. Their avg. pay with compensation was 178,400. The avg worker pay was 46,000. Certainly not 350 to 1..... More like 5 to1a huge difference, and really misleading. But it really fires people up and that sells. In my thinking you should not take the avg of .08% of one thing (top 200 ceo's pay) and compare it to 100% ( avg pay of 100 million workers). IT has to be 100% of one vs 100% of another for a true avg number. Where am I wrong?? But as I said I think these top paid ceo guys (10-50 million/yr) do not help out the lower paid workers in their companies enough. They could give them a 5000 to 10000 bonus/yr . The ceo life style would not change at all vs what it could do for the employee. Me, I cannot stand large corps, large banks or large govt. I avoid them as much as possible and feel good about it. Always buy American products when and where I can, even if it costs more. Perfect example...Going American in the ryder cup, that cost me.
don juan | 83 |
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Looks to me like 2-1 on those last 3 calls. That last one was close, but I think it was good. My real time quotes are close to, but are a shy different from your brokers quotes. Hope I got it correct. Nice calls once again, another couple grand for the good guys. ![]() |
SportsMavin | 382 |
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Mavin.......I was really pulling for you to come out of this dive but after todays trades I think you really need to take a break. Over 45,000$ in losses posted in here the last three days, come on brother take a few days off and re-think this whole thing. Putting down 20 grand on a 30 minute binary is just unrealistic and an account killer, you have to know this. I still wish you good luck in the future, the tide will eventually turn.
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SportsMavin | 791 |
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Quote Originally Posted by LiquidityProvider: My first trade, my first win, on my birthday!
![]() Liquidity....A Peter Luger steak and a 2500 win on your that is a good birthday. Good luck in your future trades.
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SportsMavin | 791 |
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Quote Originally Posted by SportsMavin: 774810 $4,000.00 NIKKEI 225 2/6/2013 22:19 13,490.40 3/6/2013 2:00 13,300.20 $0.00 774809 $4,000.00 NIKKEI 225 2/6/2013 22:17 13,524.87 3/6/2013 2:00 13,300.20 $7,000.00 774806 $5,000.00 NIKKEI 225 2/6/2013 22:15 13,523.56 3/6/2013 2:00 13,300.20 $8,750.00 774805 $4,000.00 ASX FUTURE 2/6/2013 22:14 4,939.50 2/6/2013 22:30 4,937.50 $6,880.00 774803 $4,000.00 NIKKEI 225 2/6/2013 22:12 13,514.24 2/6/2013 22:30 13,483.47 $7,000.00 774754 $1,000.00 EUR/USD 2/6/2013 21:03 1.29996 2/6/2013 21:30 1.29996 $1,000.00 774749 $1,000.00 EUR/USD 2/6/2013 21:02 1.29996 2/6/2013 21:30 1.29996 $1,000.00 774751 $1,000.00 EUR/USD 2/6/2013 21:02 1.29988 2/6/2013 21:30 1.29996 $1,720.00 774752 $1,000.00 EUR/USD 2/6/2013 21:02 1.29994 2/6/2013 21:30 1.29996 $1,720.00 $25,000.00 $35,070.00 Mavin.....Are these some trades you made last night ? If so I just did not see them posted anywhere. But anyways it looks like you made 10,000$ on those, nice trading. Had to feel good after what happened at the end of last week. Got to give you credit, to lay down 25,000$ on binaries right after those losses is an impressive and very aggressive move. Go get em buddy. ![]() On a side note, last week I gave back almost 80% of gains for the year on the nikkei 225 futures. I got caught up in that 2500 point drop.......... I always, always go with momentum, but not this time and it cost me big time. Kept trying to call the bottom for hours, worse money management in my life, was out of my mind. 5 months profits, almost gone in 5 hours. Cudda puked.
SportsMavin | 791 |
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Quote Originally Posted by SportsMavin: Liquidity provider is inviting to take put position on a longer term - we will take CALL despite a price higher than for the short term as the price is gonna shoot higher than 95
Mavin...........Who or what is liquidity provider?? Another question........When taking this longer term (2 day) call option on oil, you had to ADD 2.00$ to the current price in order to take that trade? I had no idea they did this. To me, that seems like a large spread to overcome on a 48 hour trade. But what do I know, you took it and covered it easily, congrats on that call. If you would have taken a put position (instead of call) on the same 2 day oil trade, do they set the price 2.00$ below current price or what? |
SportsMavin | 974 |
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Quote Originally Posted by bill702: Also why so much juice? I'm assuming there's already a fixed price to make a trade right or is it just the 30 percent or so out of the winnings on some of them? Bill.......There is not a fixed price on the trade. The approx. 30% juice on a winner covers that. What is kind of nice about OptionRally is that they will rebate you around 5% on a loss. Mavin can tell you more about the rebate thing, but I think that is about the way it works.
SportsMavin | 974 |
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Quote Originally Posted by bill702: Where do you trade these if you don't mind me asking? I'm sure you answered it somewhere in here and apologize for that, but I just don't want to scroll through 18 pages. I never heard of these before this thread. Seems like fun and I'm usually looking at the market all day anyways might as well play a little bit. Bill........Mavin uses OptionRally (they are based in the country of Cyprus). Problem is they do not accept US customers. But there is a way around that, you can PM Mavin and he can tell you how to open a account with them if you want to. There are binary option houses that do take US customers, but they are unregulated. I agree with Mavin that depositing and trading with these outfits could be a risk. I would not trade with them unless they are regulated by the SEC. We would have no recourse if they screwed us on a trade or messed up our account or just flat disappeared.
SportsMavin | 974 |
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Quote Originally Posted by dastovski365: and 1 minute after the expiry it jumps to 1450 Not sure how you came up with gold jumping to 1450.00 1 min after Mavins call expired. That would be about a 36.00$ jump. Very rarely does gold jump 36.00$ or anywhere close to that in 1 minute, unless there was some major, and I mean major news event breaking. On my real time chart gold actually went down a few cents 1 minute after his call expired. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
SportsMavin | 974 |
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Quote Originally Posted by SportsMavin: You're funny. All the prices are realm prices of the assets at the real time. There are million ways to check it and they all refelect the same price as if you were at the stock market at that very moment. I use NetDania and don't even look at the small charts. I get my info from big charts. Fixed LOL. So is the dollar you have in your pocket ![]() Mavin, I think you misunderstood me. What I meant was that option rally must have fixed (corrected) the time difference........not that the binary options were fixed. I have followed some of your calls on my real time charts. They were all good calls with the correct entry and exit quotes that you gave and at the times that you stated. Today was the first time I saw a time difference. Just thought you might like to know so you could tell option rally to fix (correct) it.....which it looks like they did to me. Sorry if you took that some other way. ![]() |
SportsMavin | 974 |
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Quote Originally Posted by SportsMavin: Or after since on Facebook after and the Gold before everything was fine like always. I will anyway also alert optionrally about it although right now it seems intact ![]() Yep, I agree the facebook and gold trade were dead on time stamp wise with me. I think its fixed Mavin.... When looking back at all your trades, not just in here, how often do you find yourself still at entry price when there is only 1,2,3 minutes left before it expires ?
SportsMavin | 974 |
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Quote Originally Posted by MaxiMILLION: Being an OptionRally customer myself - that can be easily explained - look at the time stamp of when it was posted : Posted: 4/4/2013 10:58:54 AM
It is also one hour earlier. OptionRally inside clock depends on your geographical location and there's one hour difference between Montreal clock and Toronto clock. What matters is the fact that he posted it two minutes after the trade took place and time stamp that you see from your location is different from the one I see from mine etc. He posted at 10:58 and the position was taken at 11:56 by OptionRally clock while expiry was accordingly 1 hour difference. Correct me if I'm wrong SportsMavin. That would make sense then. It was strange on this one because all the other trade times and Mavins post times sync up perfectly with my time zone. Its still a winner no question about that, just 1 hour earlier.
SportsMavin | 974 |
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Quote Originally Posted by SportsMavin: WIN
Mavin.....May want to look at this one again, I think you got the times wrong, does not make any sense. Its posted a winner 40 minutes before it expired. But anyway,Great picks today and a great overall record. Kinda always thought short term binaries were pretty much 50/50, with some heavy juice on the winners., Proving me wrong in a big way so far, Keep it up to watch and follow
SportsMavin | 974 |
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Quote Originally Posted by SportsMavin: That one was PMed to those followers who already have an account and follow my signals. I did not want to trigger a 5000$ investment for those who have no experience.. I do agree with Wallstreetcappers on that issue that the things have to be taken easily and slowly through learning process and signalling it publicly seemed to me a bit out of place. I will stick to signalling for those who are already a registered traders with optionrally to be syncronized. I will signal 500$ positions, but larger ones will be PMed. At least that is how I regard the issue as of now. Thx for the reply.......kinda thought that was the case. As for the rest of your post it is dead on. Its sad that most on here cant join with you at Optionsrally, as you probably know they dont accept US customers. They also have very good reviews, especially with their customer service, as you have stated. They flat out provide services that others do not. From what I can tell on google search there are maybe 5 or so binary brokers that accept US customers.
SportsMavin | 974 |
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Phixer......Was reading Mavins thread and saw where you placed a 5000$ 15minute call option on oil. Did I see that right? That is a big set of gonads my man, got my respect win or lose. Looks to me that you covered that option by 1 tick. Thats is some crazy stuff, I would be out of my mind watching that 15 minutes tick away. Gotta ask if you actually watch the 1 minute chart on oil after making that bet?
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phixer | 23 |
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Quote Originally Posted by SportsMavin:
Mavin......I cant seem to find where you posted that you were taking a position on this 5000$ 8hr call option. I see where you called out all your other entries but not this one. Was just wondering if there is other place or thread where you call out your entries? Anyways it was a good call and congrats, nice hit.
SportsMavin | 974 |
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Sportsmavin.......first off thanks for starting this thread it should be a very interesting one to follow. I have a few questions on your trading style, your past performance and things such as what triggers your buys and sells with binary options. I do know how these types of options work. I agree with what you wrote in your blog that certain types of trading, can be more profitable than sports gambling for the exact reasons you stated. Please accept me as a friend so that I can PM you. I would also like to ask questions and make comments here in the thread so that other cover brothers can learn and comment and to politely correct each other when we don't quite understand something. Again thanks for this thread and sharing your trading philosophy with us.
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SportsMavin | 974 |
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Most sites I have now searched, across the board, come to the same number on gun ownership in America.... That no. is 47-48%..... In no way do I think 80+% of Americans own guns. Now I do think that no. could be a few points higher at maybe 50%. In my life's travels and experiences, that seems to be about right.
SarasotaSlim | 71 |
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Quote Originally Posted by bowlslit: Except for my data source is correct. Why must you always be trying to act the fool? Why must you always try to speak ill of those you don't agree with? Perhaps your feeble mind doesn't know any better? Bowl, I might be mistaken but I thought you stated that 80+% of Americans own guns. Then backed that up by providing what I see is a good data source. I just cant find where that source says 80+% of Americans own a gun. Your data source, under the gun ownership / civilian guns tab, it does state that there are 88.8 guns per 100 civilians. You did not take that stat to draw your conclusion that 88% of Americans own guns did you? Please point out on the site you provided where it gives a percentage of Americans that own guns. I just cant find it, and I really would like to know that number. Searching around The only thing I could find was number of households that own a gun or multiple guns. That stat was around 47 %. Please let me know if I just read your post wrong or if you can point to the part of that site that states percentage of Americans that own guns...........1iron
SarasotaSlim | 71 |
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