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Quote Originally Posted by tmpeus78: Honestly electricladylnd, I don't care if you like soccer or not, but my comment "it's not for the simple minded" wasn't meant to offend anyone. The average american doesn't like soccer, mainly cause they either don't "get it" or because they are into other popular high scoring sports. Soccer can be high scoring at times, but not in the first round of the WC. What most people fail to realize is that soccer is a team sport which consists of strategy and endurance. It's often like a chess match. Outside of America, soccer is a sport that runs the world. People in foreign countries eat, sleep, and live soccer. It's how they are raised. You have to remember soccer is a very inexpensive sport and if you're traveled outside the US (say south america or africa) you'll see kids playing in the street barefoot. "Its just such bullshit considering the avg soccer fan overseas is a fucking lifeless moron." Have you honestly attended a game or are you just assuming? That noise is a South African tradition, it's not like this at every soccer match. It can be annoying at times, I honestly prefer the chanting and singing, but I'll deal with it for now. Again, I'm not trying to convince you, i'm just stating some info to back my comment earlier today. ![]() I am gonna tell you a few things....First I like soccer, I am from Mexico but its not my favorite sport, I enjoy watching the champions league and mostly european leagues, mexican league i think is shit..but well... If you really think that soccer is more of a chess match sport than Football or Baseball you are wayyyy off...And I Do know a lot about soccer I have watched and play it since I was a kid but if you think it is harder to understand a soccer game than a football or a baseball game you are just totally WRONG !! First of all Football and baseball have so much more complex rules than soccer and its not even close I know those 3 sports very good and I can tell you what it is believe me or not, so americans dont like soccer not for being ignorant because its more complicated to understand a football game or a baseball game than a soccer game.. Second if you refer a soccer game as a chess match(strategically sport) and you think it is more than football or baseball you are wrong again, yes soccer has tactics and strategies but if you really think the strategy and tactis are mainly before the game starts how the is gonna be the formation(4-4-2 or 3-5-2 etc) and the coach will tell their soccer players laterals how to move and the midfiels how to react when the laterals advance etc but all this strategies are most of them before the game starts, and after that in a corner or a free kick all those tactics are being taught in the week... On the other hand for example in football in every single play there is a different play or formation and the other team has to react(defensive team) according to it and sometimes change the play on the line, there are tons of different plays is so much more of a chess match than soccer but you have to watch hours and hours of football so you could understand more dont believe me... In baseball its about the same, in every single pitch the pitcher, catcher and sometimes the manager have to agree with what they are doing and the defensive team have to reorganized their positions according to who is at bat or what they will play for(double play, out at home, etc) there are just too many variables and tactis so much more than soccer you just have to take sometime sou you could see it with your own eyes... I am not trying to involve you in football or baseball just letting you know... I love the 3 sports but if people think a soccer game is more complex than football or baseball its just totally wrong!!! Just my 3 cents !!! BTW English is not my first language so sorry for the grammar, enjoy the world cup !!! |
mikeyv31 | 83 |
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Quote Originally Posted by esplanade: I wonder why there are guys like Rich Marotta who does international work on all the PPV's and has had a weekly boxing show in LA for a decade and Bert Sugar, who like him or hate him has seen more boxing than most who have Manny Pac as one of the top fighters in history but have PBF OUTSIDE the top 100? I guess you two experts know more than they do? If I'm not mistaken Floyd has fought many of the same opponents, including a grossly blown up JMM in his last bout. PBF has had a great career as well, but he is the one criticized by the xperts for not taking the tough fights and in the context of history he is no Manny. Here you are talking about another subject the video has nothing to do with what you are saying, is the video saying Pacman is not an ATG? NO, its just stating facts of people believes which are wrong, do i think floyd could take on bigger risk fights? YES but that has nothing to do with the subject... In my personal opinion both fighters are ATG, one of them has been in the ring with all kind of opposition styles, fast fighters, bigger ones, heavy handed, pressure fighters, pressure with no defense, slick fighters, counter punchers, etc, while the other one has been being carried carefully, he has fought mostly come forward pressure fighters with poor defense but good offense, the times where he was matched up against another different fighter style he just couldnt take it, since agapito sanchez when he struggled because of agapitos style(draw) most people had agapito ahead at the point of the stoppage to the scorecards, then when he was matched again against someone whom style didnt get him an advantage even when he wasnt prime he lost again(Eric Morales 1), then he takes the rematch after Eric was coming from a defeat against a C-Level fighter in Raheem and he was totally on the decline he struggle again, in most peoples card pac was losing the fight before the knockout which was great(I think the knockout had more to do with erics legs didnt hold becuase he was done) but a nice win, I dont even mention Pac-Morales 3 becuase Morales was totally shot, then when he gets matched against a counter puncher whom style doesnt get him an advantage again he struggles big time loosing most of the rounds of the fight but a great 1st round save him the "L" on his record and in the rematch when most people thought well now he is a better fighter he has this and that he strugles big time again and most ecperts thought he lost that one after that he has been carried carefully selecting oponnents whose style are good for him, plain and simple...On the other hand Mayweather in his only 40 fights has seen everything, he has seen pressure come forward fighters with no defense, pressure come forwards with ok defense, slick ones, faster than him(judah), counter puncher, leftys, bigger ones, heavy handed, etc and he hasnt struggled against anyone BUT CASTILLO(I think he lost this one btw I had Castillo 1 point ahead in the 1st fight) !! and he rematched him 8 months later when he was still prime and he clearly learned from his mistakes and won the fight...But could mayweather had fought greater opposition? Yes, there is no doubt about that but not get carry away with a fighter who is being carefully managed and whose promoters want you to believe something its just not true, people carry away because of his explosiveness which is great and I really enjoy watching it but he is not what Top Rank has made you believed, thats it... |
GmoNavarro | 21 |
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Quote Originally Posted by licialen: I said these same things about Pacquico in a "MACK 05 blogg" back in January...... and the Mayweather haters said.......its not a publicity stunt......i pointed out that Team Pac-man cherry picked his opponents......I pointed out the DaLa Hoya, Cotto, Hatton and D. Daiz fights were a farce and no one did their research. , most people shot from the hip..... Whether this video is factual or not does show the fighters weights........ FIGHTER OF THE DECADE.......RIGHT.....more like manipulation of the public and the facts.......or public ignorance to the obvious facts.???????? People in this blog.....say Mayweather tanked the fight with Team Pac_man but I tell you that Team Pac-man really did not want the fight. why u ask???? ONE Answer: 10 million dollar weight clause!!! Pac_man is the WBO WW and Ring Mag. WW of the world and he wants a weight clause for PFM. If you know boxing you know Team Pac-man is not concerned about the 147lb limit......they are concerned about PFM re-hydrating his body upto Jr. MW or Middle weight levels. Because PFM will carry the weight and the speed and the stagima, and the later rounds will take there toll on PFM will punish him in the later rounds......Look at Pac-man at the end of the Clottey fight, watch rounds 9 -11 and you see the shot that Pac-man took and see that he is exhausted.... weight , number of punches he had thrown and the heavy handed puches he had absorbed>>>> Mosley would swing for the fences early and often. PFM would shoulder roll, keep his distance, rough house Pac-man in an attempt to tire him and wear him down......if don"t think that Pac-man wears down watch his last 2 fights from rounds 9 -12. He connects but he stops for breathers........ i need to know when PFM rests.....he defends and then waits to run out of steam( could be key to the Mosley fight).
But don't take my word for it ......let Freddy roach explain it and then check the "TALE OF THE TAPE"
JUST My opinion Agree with u !! Here is another video so people can really see who ducked who? Mayweather or Pacquiao, another video, just facts and quotes there are no thoughts in the video just facts !!! Watch it !!! |
GmoNavarro | 21 |
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There is a video who states quotes facts and everything regarding to these 2 fighters, is not about what you think or what people think or if its biased or not, its just the way it is as shown on facts and quotes by the team mayweather or pacquiao so if you want to check it out here is the link... What do you think? |
GmoNavarro | 21 |
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Just take a look at this video, watch it full and please try to be objective, dont be a pactard, and NO I am not a huge floyd fan... |
GmoNavarro | 5 |
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Nice card wahoo !!! GL !!! No LARGE PLAYS THIS SEASON?
WahooS | 126 |
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thats nice value on marquez i think, what happens if the fights end by ko/tko, is the bet cancelled or goes to the cards in that round or what?
Steven19083 | 5 |
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Took 2 weeks because I was doing horrible, hope it worked, here is what I got... 1) Cleveland vs Kansas City Under 8.5 at -112 for 1 unit. 2) Chicago Cubs ML at -115 for 0.825 units. Leaning cincinnati team total under 3.5 but I want to get it at 4... |
GmoNavarro | 1 |
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replied to
All right, might as well start now...Post your line guess for Pacquiao vs Mayweather
in Boxing Quote Originally Posted by walktheline: The line isn't based on what I believe, it's public perception. Diaz was beating the hell out of JMM, and KNOCKED HIM DOWN CLEAN. He just got gassed and couldn't take the brutal body shots from JMM - an amazing mid-fight adjustment that backs up the claim that JMM is one of the sharpest fighters of this decade. He also got his ass beat ala Ricky then turned the fight around and won the first fight. (in my eyes) I wasnt referring to you, I know you meant public perception which I agree with you I am just saying the line is just wrong, people doesnt understand styles makes fights what they see is pacman koed ODLH and hatton in 2 rounds and fmj couldnt koed odlh and he koed hatton in 10 so based on that they think the line must be even or pac a little fave, I hope this would be like that if the fight ever happens so I can go big on floyd but I just wanted to tell the people this perception is just wrong !!! GL !!! ![]() |
WhiteRussian | 14 |
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replied to
All right, might as well start now...Post your line guess for Pacquiao vs Mayweather
in Boxing
I think people is understimating Floyd, and I am not a floyd fan, i actually root for pac and jmm but how can you say a fair line between floyd and marquez is -400 and also saying that a fair line between pac and floyd would be a pick them, I cant believe this comment, base on this comment you assume pack is 4 times better than marquez, are you kidding me? Didnt you watch the marquez-pac fights? Pac started really good in both fights but then jmm schooled him, you can argue about the 1st fight that pac won but the 2nd one at worst was a draw for jmm and STYLES MAKE FIGHTS !!! pac struggles against counter punchers like jmm and floyd is just an improved version of jmm, they are very similar, the difference I see is floyd is faster, stronger and more athethic than jmm, on the other hand I would say jmm counters not just by using a 1-2 punch and then staying out like fmj, jmm counters with combinations as well with 1-2 punches so thats the advantage i see for jmm against floyd but basically floyd is better in every aspect being so similar style as jmm so if jmm did make pac looked bad imagine an improve version of jmm(fmj), faster, stronger and quicker, so dont make those statements in lines that only leads to think that pac is 4 times better than jmm because everyone knows thats just wrong, dont let that hatton ko fool you, STYLES MAKES FIGHTS and thats why pac put to sleep hatton in less than 2 rounds becuase it was a great matchup for pac, a guy(hatton and i am not saying he is a bum or anything, he is good ok fighter with the wrong opponent in from of him for his style) coming straight forward without defense to the straight left and right hooks, fmj didnt knock hatton out in the 2nd round not because pac is better but because its not mayweather style, you cant compare, on the other hand you do can visualize what would happen in a pac-mayweather fight watching the pac-jmm fight why? because jmm and floyd styles are pretty similar so thats it just my opinion... Anyways I hope jmm kick fmj ass and the pacman kick him on the canvas LOL !! But i just dont see it happening I actually think it will be tougher for floyd beat jmm than pacquiao(on points) of course pac can land a big straight left and the fight could be over but which I cant see jmm doing but I dont think it will happen, hope espn and the media keep saying how pacman will kick mayweather ass whch I hope but the day of the fight if I see a line at pickem I will have to go big with floyd...
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WhiteRussian | 14 |
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Game: Philladelphia Phillies at Saint Louis Cardinals.
Line: Saint Louis -130 Play: Philladelpia Team Total Under 4 at -110 for 0.775 units. No time for a writeup...GL !!! |
GmoNavarro | 1 |
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Game: NY Mets at Philadelphia Phillies
Line: Phillies -110 Play: NY Mets ML at +102 for 0.85 units. Game: Cleveland Indians at Detroit Tigers Line: Detroit -108 Play: Cleveland Indians ML at +100 for 0.775 units. |
GmoNavarro | 2 |
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Last 2 plays I didnt have time to post it, one was the under 7.5 in the NY Mets vs Florida game 2 days ago and the other one was one of my worst looses, I still cant believe how i lost that bet, I had the under 9.5 last night in the cubs/fish game and i cant imagine a worst lost than that I was so pissed off but thats ok hope things will turn in my favor...So here it is what i am playing tonight.. Game: LA Angels at NY Yankees Line: NY Yankees -137 Better pitcher for the Angels, both lineups pretty hot, but i think the pitcher opposition has been tougher for the angels than the yankees the last few games, I will ride the better pitcher who actually is better away from home than at home, his last outing was good and I will look to continue, the problem is that I dont trust the angels bullpen, they dont matchp up well against the yankees and thats why i will ride just for 5 innings.. Play: LA Angels 1st 5inn at +130 for 0.95 units. |
GmoNavarro | 1 |
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Game: Seattle Mariners at Chicago White Sox
Line: White Sox -140 I think Seattle bats will show up this afternoon against a Bartolo Colon who historically has really strugle against this lineup, he hasnt been pitching well and except for the past game Seattle was batting pretty good with 17 and 12 hits... I know the pitchers opposition was pathetic but Colon is not that much better really and having those numbers wont help him, the Mariners can hit right handers and they do better away from home... Play: Seattle Mariners Team Total Over 4.5 at +103 for 0.925 units. Game: NY Yankees at Detroit Tigers. Line: Tigers -109 Jackson started the season really good but last game he got rocked, I expect the same here against a lineup which he has always struggled, the Yankees has lost the 4 games but they have been hitting the ball well, their pitching staff is what have them where they are, I hate the yankees but I see a ton of value here, Yankees last 6 games have hit for 12, 17, 13, 15, 7 and 10 hits and I dont see that changing tonight against Jackson....Also Yankees lineup hit pretty well the tigers penn so I wont take the over 9.5 because of the poor tigers bats showing the last few games even they have hit hughes before I dont trust them right now... Play: NY Yankees Team Total Over 4.5 at -106 for 0.925 units. Game: LA Angels at Baltimore Orioles. Line: LA Angels -118 This looks like a trap game but I will take it, better pitcher on the mound Saunders is coming of a bad home start but he historically pitches better away than at home so I expect a rebound start here against a struggling lineup which has not hit well against Saunders before... Even the orioles hit the ball well against left handed hitters they didnt do it the last 2 games, they couldnt hit Danks and they couldnt hit Harrison either so I expect them not to hit Saunders either... The Angels bats have been hitting the ball well and Eaton has did pitch well in his last start but I expect a rebound tonight against this hot lineup, bullpen also favors a little bit to the angels in terms of historic stats... Play: LA Angels ML at -118 for 0.85 units. |
GmoNavarro | 1 |
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Play: Arizona Team Total Under 4 at -115 for 0.925 units. |
GmoNavarro | 4 |
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Play: Cincinnati Reds at +104 for 0.725 units. Hot team coming to home after 3 road series streaking 2 road victories against the cubs with the better pitcher on the mound and the better bullpen... |
GmoNavarro | 4 |
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Game: Texas Rangers at Baltimore Orioles. Line: Orioles -127 Uehara comes tonight after a very solid outing at fenway park allowing just 5 hits and 2 runs in 7 ip, he already faced the rangers and he got rocked at texas, but the way I see it is that it was his first road appereance and that didnt help him, people doesnt know this guy but this guy is solid on the mound you cant even compare him with padilla he is a master control pitcher, excellent command and I dont know how in hell he gave up 4 bb at texas but this wont happen again, he knows how to strikeout people, and he will show that tonight, he will take care of the rangers, the rangers havent been hitting the ball well so that will only help him, on the other hand Padilla has been terrible in his last 2 outings he has allowed 19 hits in 8.3 ip with 12 er, and historically the orioles hit him hard, the orioles have been ok with the stick lately so I dont get this line, in the bullpen, every oriol pitcher matchup fairly well against this rangers bats with the only excepcion of bass so I hope i wont see him tonight, the texas bullpen is not that good against this lineup, the only one I would trust is their closer frank francisco but they will have to be winning so we can see him and I dont think its gonna happen, well thats it...GL !!! Play: Baltimore -1 at +109 for 1.1 units. |
GmoNavarro | 4 |
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No time for writeups but I have been terrible lately, fade me all the way...
Play: Chicago Cubs -1 at -114 for 0.775 units. |
GmoNavarro | 2 |
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No time for writeups but I have been terrible lately, fade me all the way... Play: Chicago Cubs -1 at -114 for 0.775 units. |
GmoNavarro | 2 |
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Quote Originally Posted by blstuart: Once again, you're writeups and reasoning is very solid. On the Tigers as well. Taking a chance on the Rangers at that big number, so how about something like 4-2 Texas ![]() Actually my first lean was the rangers, it is such a big number, I just dont like to feel like is a flip coin even if the odds are great, my bad I know but I like feel that out of 10 times I would win 6 times on my sides... the numbers indicate the rangers has been solid against halladay but they way the rangers have hit the past couple of games I couldnt pull the triger I thought it was safer the under but it has more value the rangers ML... ![]() |
GmoNavarro | 6 |
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