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I'm just sitting here, and yes I do remember the 1980's. In fact, it is a subject that is very prominent with me. I find myself going through withdrawals of sorts if I do not listen to 80's music. Sometimes these withdrawals will manifest themselves into manic episodes of kicking trees randomly, before going to the gas station and sniffing the gas that I pour on the ground. It has to be fresh gas, straight from the spout.
When I think about the 1980's, I go through a range of emotions. I think about how the Hotels came out with that song called Suddenly Last Summer, and I start crying, remembering an era that I loved so much. I try to give myself hugs, but its not the same as a hug from a real person. I want somebody to melt with me, melt as we both reminisce about the 1980's. I searched on the WEB and DID NOT FIND A SUPPORT GROUP THAT WOULD HELP THESE EMOTIONAL ISSUES I HAVE. So I am asking you guys here to empathize with me, and let's never forget the 1980's. I miss you all so much, and sometimes I do punish myself for leaving this thread. Punishments include, but are not limited to: 1. Buying one of those devices the old man on TV sells, where you hang upside down. I make a few changes to the machine, and before you know it I have my arms tied to the bottom in a position I cannot release from. This is done deep in the woods where nobody can hear me holler. 2. Having my wife *domestically* install electrically charged wires while I am out listening to 80s and 90s music in the car, then blindfolding me for 1 week while I am in the house. 3. Listening to music from the decade of 2000-2009. 4. Not watching the movie Sweet November, a movie that I really enjoy a lot. I enjoy this movie because it makes me cry and remember how cool Keanu Reeves was in Point Break. I hope you guys accept me back. Love, ProtoStar P.S. Suddenly Last Summer |
ProtoStar | 2451 |
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Quote Originally Posted by SteelCash: I know thousands of people that used to smoke weed, but now they do crack and heroine because the weed high was no longer good enough after a while and they just needed more.
![]() ![]() ![]() What the fuck is HE smoking? ![]() Ayo, I smoked weed every day from age 15 till about age 23. I also drank daily. At first everything was nice and smooth. Then toward the end, I could not smoke weed without getting an insatiable urge to drink. So I would start drinking at 7 or 8 in the morning. Then the weed made me want cocaine which turned into crack. This also happened to 7 or 8 of my friends. Yeah most of my friends kept the weed smoking under control but for some people it gets to the point where even the best weed imported from Canada is not enough. It is a gateway drug to some people, especially those genetically prone to addiction. |
SteelCash | 80 |
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Had to just smack myself across the head, I'm not sure what to do. You guys know I get emotional.
ProtoStar | 2451 |
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MP we have always been close now I'm welling up again.
Happy Turkay Day to you too Dopay. |
ProtoStar | 2451 |
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Um. What a game between Duke and Kansas!
ProtoStar | 2451 |
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29 nice man. I was trying to answer PokinSmot with my rant.
ProtoStar | 2451 |
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Dang it man. Religion talk will get the best of even the most stone cold forum abstainer. It sounds like you are a muslim. I think muslims believe Jesus was a prophet, but not sure. I'm not googling to cheat. Also it sounds like you don't believe in the Old or New Testament. Even person believe Christ is coming, they just don't think he has already been here. They don't believe in Jesus.
If I am wrong then tell me I'm an idiot because sometimes I am. The Christian God is hard to totally wrap your brain around. At the same time He made the part that is a must to understand simple enough for very slow people to understand. The part you have to believe to get to heaven is that 1. Jesus was sent by God to die on the cross so you can be forgiven of your sins. 2. You have to accept forgiveness and accept Jesus as your God (accept the Trinity). If you want to get deeper into it, it gets mind boggling at times. So yes it is hard to grasp, all but the essential part. |
ProtoStar | 2451 |
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Quote Originally Posted by PokinSmot: Proto...i don't want you to be misinformed... Jesus is not God...God is not Jesus. God does not need to morph into a human being (Jesus) and preach about Himself. Jesus is a messenger (prophet) of God. To associate God with any partner (wife,son,holy spirit) is blasphemy. Peace be upon you and keep the faith ![]() Christians believe that when Jesus died on the cross, he then rose from the dead to become 1 with God the Father. Forming 2/3 of the Godhead or Trinity. It is hard for our human minds to comprehend, but God explains it the best he can for us. He sent his only begotten Son to die for us on the Cross. Jesus was born to a virgin (Mary), performed physical miracles that were witnessed and experienced by a lot of people of all backgrounds, and said He was Christ. To make it even more mind boggling, Jesus was God on Earth at the same time that he was God's Son. God in the flesh. Again, our human minds can't quite wrap around this, requiring faith to become a Christian. But then again, faith is required for many religions. To claim He was only a prophet means that by definition, the person is not a Christian. There is nothing wrong with that. Personally, if I could wrap my brain around everything about the Christian religion, then I wouldn't be a Christian. The Creator of all things has to have such an infinitely higher "conscious and intelligence" than even the smartest human to ever live, there has to be some things that we don't understand about It. If we understood everything and it all made sense, then we wouldn't be talking about God. Of course the next logical question is..couldn't the God of the universe make things simple enough for people to understand? For me the answer is that they are simple enough for me to understand: 1.Every human is created equal in God's eyes. No race or gender is superior. 2.If you believe in Jesus Christ, believe he died on the cross for your sins and is now part of God, then you will go to heaven. Does that mean I think other people will go to Hell? That is not my concern, I will let God judge that because he is going to judge anyway according to my beliefs. What I have to say about it is a moot point. The other stuff is not required to get into heaven, it's just for people who want a higher understanding of it all. And I'm not going to go back and forth about it. The above is what I believe and it's not going to change. Many have tried to change me, and I have tried to witness to many about my beliefs. I'm sure you are just as robust about your beliefs, and that is fine with me. |
ProtoStar | 2451 |
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Thanks guys. Wish the best for you too. I must admit it will be hard to stay away.
ProtoStar | 2451 |
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Iwinnar cute kid, I had no idea you had one. Mine has taken over my life, in a good way.
Iw1nBets | 115 |
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I need to clarify. I meant to say that the life on drugs I live is wrong. Not posting here at Covers. I messed that up. I'm just trying to get off drugs and writing about being on drugs here, or anywhere else is something I need to get away from. I need to get away from all things drug related.
I don't have a problem with anyone here at Covers or Covers itself. It is me that I have a problem with. I try not to judge anybody for what they do. I can't judge anyone or anything when I have done just as bad, or worse, in my life. |
ProtoStar | 2451 |
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Ok boys I think this may be the end of the protostar train. Or vw bug. Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know that the things I write are sort of attention getters for my seemingly boring life. I'm going to end this one like I ended the other.
Despite my posts that may seem to sometimes contradict what I am about to say, I am a Christian. Yes I do write things that are not always morally right, and it is because I am not perfect and like the little bit of attention I get here. I write things that I think others will like and laugh at. It's wrong though. I am a drug addict and I am trying to get sober. The one thing that has helped me to maintain peace in my life is God...Jesus. I get away from him and do bad things, and this is what has led me to become addicted to drugs. This causes me and my family all kinds of problems, legal and otherwise. I become another person when I get really smashed and blackout. What I want to leave you with is that I wish everyone peace and I hope that you will look into trusting Jesus with your problems in life. If you don't want to go that way, it's ok, I am just leaving you with this message of what gets me through it all. I have had fun with you guys here and hope the few people that view this thread will consider taking your problems to God (Jesus). I think all people have good inside them and can turn anything around. God tells us in the Bible that he will forgive you and give you peace. That is what I wish for everyone who reads this, if anyone actually does read this. Peace. |
ProtoStar | 2451 |
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PS Iwinnar you should get a facebook page, it's all the rage. I have one and boy do I look cool there.
ProtoStar | 2451 |
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Ok boys here it is. A real naive man doing a real naive man's work. No wonder there are no takers. Rendering a stone cold, tree topping glance, I endure a bout of dumbfoundedness. Yes you read that correctly, dumbfoundedness. If not in your local dictionary, slap yourself silly. I'm talkin willy nilly silly. That's how silly.
Now everyone with me- one for the money, 2 for the show, 3 to get ready, now go Proto go! My use of keyboard symbols has increased 3 fold and it's because my knowledge of keyboard symbols has increased 6 fold. Yes willy nilly style, at least. A wonderful assortment of dumbfoundedness. MP hey bud. Iwinnar! what's cookin? Dopay! LOL! On 3... MP you go down out and down. Iwinnar you just cross to the inside, we will call it an inside post. Dopay you are on the go route. We're gonna rap it up stone cold Steve Austin style. Break! Secret Lovers |
ProtoStar | 2451 |
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It's been a while boys. Hard to type right now because I have the soma shakes. I obtained a line of credit and have run my balance up just a little bit. I have come to the conclusion
![]() I have taught Jangles to sing 80's era soft rock. He was so inspired that he got other mocking birds to follow suit, so now I awake to "Jangles and the Mockers" singing Manic Monday, or any one of thousands of songs they have learned in this short time. If I did not know better, I would think that my life was moving in the right direction. But it's me, ProtoBum, king of all nerds. Destined to fall on my face. In fact I feel a collapse coming on right now. I'm thinking of becoming a trucker. Can you just imagine me and Jangles taking on the wide open yonder? Oh my. If Jangles can't teach me to fly, then at least I can see the world by way of truck. I would have to get Jangles to stop mocking me so much though. I have convinced him to mock me only 4 hours a day, and spend the rest on the town people who lurk around the house waiting for a chance to get in a citizens arrest. Before that, Jangles was mocking me a solid 16 hours a day. What a bird that Jangles is. It makes me tear up just thinking about the little guy. What would I do without him? Oh my. Girl I'm Gonna Miss You |
ProtoStar | 2451 |
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Rainman material. Was I adopted? Biologically cut from the same cloth as the Rainman? Why is this? Delusions of grandeur? No, exactly opposite. In fact ladybugs are more notorious.
Realizing an inevitable slip into daily mishaps, I AM RAINMAN AT HIS BEST. I wish I could speak with Mr. Einstein. There is so much to discuss. Time travel and wormholes would be tops on the list. If time and space are the same, and you can bend the space in half, there can be a wormhole created between the 2 sides thus creating an ability to travel forward or backward in time. Perhaps Jangles, my new friend who is a mocking bird, knows more about this subject than I do. The birds are so fascinating. I call out to them and they cackle back. I gobble like a turkey and they come. I build it and they come. At times when it is chilly outside, I strut out there like a Dodo bird. You should see me strut, it's wonderful at least. When I put on my bird suit people are sometimes fooled by it. They really think I am a bird out there. I just know this is what they think of me. I tried to fly again. In order to make it urgent, I ran at an oncoming car in the street. I jumped, cackled, then flapped the ole wings. I was just starting to ascend into the wild blue yonder when I struck what I believe to be a windshield. Because of the fact that I had started my ascent, I was propelled UPWARD instead of INTO THE WINDSHIELD. This is giving me all the evidence I need that one day soon I will be joining Jangles in the wild blue yonder. Cackling and mocking, gliding through the breeze. A smile, finally a smile, wide upon my face. Until then I will let my broken bones heal. All I ask is that the birds sing for me. Oh my. Rocket Man |
ProtoStar | 2451 |
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Iwinnar good grief let me go back and read to see what I could be mad about. Ok I don't see anything Iwinnar. What am I supposed to be mad at you about? In fact, if I could see you in person right now I may just kiss your bald head. A big hug would be just right.
Iwinnar I do need some advice if you have time. I stopped methadone and got into my street ways again. So I am quick to withdrawal syndrome. You see I am back on short acting street opiates. My question is this, with oxycodone at 20 bucks for a 30mg IR pill, is there a cheaper alternative that hits just as hard? I combine it with xanax or soma to get the synergistic effect but I nod out and wake up with stomach cramps. I know in West Palm Beach you guys are in to heroin but I do not like it as much as oxycodone. Is Opana any good Iwinnar? Cheaper? Bang for the buck is what I seek. What the heck happened to sandals? He was a bit of a wild card. Is he in the penalty? Speaking of penalty, Austin I will get down there ASAP and shoot the dirt the best I know how. Just give me a little while to chase the dragon. Boys I have a special feeling that my 500 credit line is going to turn into mega bucks. I'm going to search for a 4 leaf clover to rub on my forehead and tape to my chin. This will make all my dreams come true. I know this because we use to sing a song in kindergarten about 4 leaf clovers. What a glorious memory. Thriller |
ProtoStar | 2451 |
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At this point my wing dream has run out of funds. Oh how bad I wanted to shoot through the air and over to the Appalachians. In protest of running out of funds, I felt the only appropriate action was to simply hold my breath until I fainted. I climbed up into a tree to do it, so I could be with the birds. I didn't want to fall and hurt myself, so I tied my shoelaces around the tree branch in case I didn't fall squarely on the branch.
Against all odds I held my breath, passed out, missed landing on the tree branch, and then my shoelaces didn't even keep me from falling. I calculated the probability of me falling to the Earth to be 0.000002%. I just don't understand how something like this could happen to me. It's downright baffling. So now I will have to really start prowling for copper. I am going to prowl like I have never prowled before. I may even set a prowling record in the process, this is how intense I am about the whole ordeal. Let's hope I can pull this off without a glitch. Normally my anxiety would get bad right about now, but surprisingly I am a calm man. Total Eclipse of the Heart |
ProtoStar | 2451 |
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OMG! As I was posting this, look at who showed up! This is beyond belief and I am slapping myself as I type. I just cannot fathom it.
ProtoStar | 2451 |
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MP maybe instead of bucking up, we could all do some collapsing. Try it right now in your living room. Just fall right on out. You may feel stupid if somebody sees you, so don't do it outside where I have collapsed so many times.
However, if you perform a collapsation technique correctly, you will feel so much better. You should feel like a somebody has just dumped a bowl of rose pedals all over your body, and I can't think of anything much better than that. So many times I have fainted or collapsed outside, only to find myself being kicked without mercy. I do not want this plight to fall on anyone here in TW, so pick your spots well my friends. Worried about your reputation and safety I am. Buscuit you are a man who is very wise. It is true, if built correctly, and with the help of an alien abduction of sorts, one could find himself right up there on the fuking moon. Oh boy, what a conundrum this type of situation would turn out to be. My advise to those who think they have built a pair of wings daft enough to take them to the moon would be to wear an oxygen tank. If you are connected to the aliens like I am, this oxygen tank becomes much more of a necessity. You could also try to scale the wings back a bit. dytide! dytide! dytide! Bring yourself back my brother! I am very worried about our friend dytide. I have paid thousands of stolen dollars to an expert in posting patterns, just to find out what is going on with dytide. The analysis she came back with caused me to faint, and worry about dytide. Now I am looking for copper to pay another expert in the field. No expense will be spared. If I have to obtain a home equity loan to add to the copper funds, then I will. Release the hounds! Let's bring him home ![]() Coward of the County |
ProtoStar | 2451 |
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