Should of figured you out to be a selective dobber Rostos...What,did you get bullied at school because of your bling like accent?? Or do you just suffer from chronic pea dick syndrome like many of your fellow boat goers? Either way I couldn`t give.. It`s quite evident you`re from another land that ain`t this one..
This will now be the manifesto I live by when dealing with your soul-less existence .From your own fish fingers laced with lemon....
"People can swear at me, wish anything upon me, call me names, as a matter of fact, even be racial against me, i dont care one bit about that, but once you start discriminating by religion, the most sacred thing to me, i am afraid that is below the belt.
"We are all grown men, and i am far from thinking i am precious, but no one should be saying the things he did against my religion.."
It`s OUR religion you ignorant fool..Are you that greedy and condescending that you choose to interpret your derogatory religious measures at every turn even upon those of the same belief ???...
"What if someone here called your wife and daughter every filthy name under the sun?"
A fuckin` outright lie...You are as deluded as that comment, which only highlights how much of a asinine islamic dogs fan that you really are.
If only Belmore sports ground was still still around...
Either way I now know the game you wish too play now sweetheart ...
So let the games begin...