I am a socialist. I realize that is not popular to say, but it is the truth.
Capitalism, as you state, is unsustainable IMO longterm. The rich get richer, poor get poorer, until the balance gets too wide - and it gets reset usually through violence of the masses. I do not believe that individuals will take it upon themselves to keep things equal, I do believe that it takes a govt to do that. I believe in higher taxes, better education, free and equal healthcare for all, and equal playing fields for things like jobs. Is it surprising that the happiest people year after year are in the scandinavian countries - where you have 50%+ taxes but everyone values life? Not to me.
I am not a sports fan. I dont have favorite teams. I cant understand (really literally cant understand) how people pay money to support their favorite team. The only way I understand it is if it is for family bonding once in a while like a father and son - but a season ticket to the Knicks that cost 40 grand? Huh? I dont get who buys the jackets and jerseys, I just dont get it all. I realize that it is supply and demand, so I understand why athletes get paid what they do, but I cannot comprehend the guy who makes 50K a year who has season tickets to the Cowboys and then calls them "we" when referring to anything about them. There is no we in sports. We didnt win the super bowl. Anyone with a paycheck that says green bay packers won the super bowl, "we" didnt.
Without the "we" there would be no sports... no?