Keep your racist comments to yourself you classless bit**.
If someone writes, "Ya know, I think the Heat will be just fine without Lebron", would you say something?
Although saying the "the Clippers are deep" isn't on that level, it's certainly in the conversation of 'outrageous' statements.
Now if a guy with ten posts said such a thing, I wouldn't care.
When a guy says he's attempting to become a PRO, which is essentially what, in an ideal world, virtually EVERY poster here would desire to be in some way/shape/form, and he caps a game in an outrageous manner with a statement like that, I'm going to point it out. I do the same thing to several other cappers here.
Do you think if begginerboy, a guy I'm good friends with here, said such a thing, I wouldn't correct him? Of course I would. For HIS good, not mine. Luckily, I haven't seen make such statements and that is what is expected out of him.
Several other big cappers? I see it and say something.
So I corrected and I told him why. And then HE goes off on ME.
Why? Because I told him he said something completely unwarranted?
Rangerz had a good point before. He said (paraphrasing), I'd rather be wrong with my cap and win my bet than be right with my cap and lose my bet.
He's right, but that 'right' is conditional. Of course we'd all want to win...that night.
The problem is, with the wrong cap (the perception the Clippers are deep), you might win a few, but over the long term, and especially in the playoffs, you will be on your knees at the sportsbook watching the Clippers implode (and they've done it many times this year). Then you can forget $30 covers at clubs and $11 beers.
The only music you'll be listing to that night will be in an elevator and you'll be drinking from a water fountain.
So I told him.
To help him.
His response?
I'm a vastly inferior capper.
I do this for fun. You do this for a living. Big difference.
We'll have to put the screws down on his NBA picks and his capping now. Make 'em nice and tight.