Mavin you will not believe the night I am having.....
I told you earlier about how i cashed out...
well i decided to do more then 1 cash out and took all my money out of my account by I got a gigantic cash out (which I am ecstatic about)...but it left no money in my acct by mistake....
So I had to go to moneygram to put more money into my acct...because it takes a bit to recieve my cashout, and also I made the mistake of putting on my 2nd cashout my full amount (that was in my acct completely)....when i meant to leave 5 when i went there i was like well whatever no big deal....I'll just recieve a bigger cashout and I can send the money tonight, have it in my acct and start betting....
Well the person from betonline gave me a name, that i then give to moneygram and complete my I went through the entire process, got back home, put in my reference number, waited a half hour for the money to go in my acct......after 45 mins still nothing in i call betonline and ask them, why havent you recieved the money, and picked it up so, there is no money still in my acct...well the frist betonlline person i talked to that gave me the initial name, actually gave it to me backwards......
so the person i talked to said no big deal, just call moneygram and change the name and your transaction will go through....and the guy gave me hte number to moneygram...
So i call moneygram, and argue with the person over the phone for two hours about my name, and the reference number, and on top of it she barely even spoke a lick of I kept giving my name, the receivers name, and she kept asking me for a ten digit number....I'm like listen lady I only have a 8 digit number....there has only been 8 digits every time I have done a transaction...So we argue back and forth, and for the first 40 mins I held my temper and was patient with her....but then it just got ridiculous after a while, so i talked to the manager, once again nothing under my name and also I should have a ten digit number...
so then i call cvs back (the place i actually did the moneygram transaction)....and the girl is like listen I have your order on the computer but there should only be a 8 digit reference number....
So all confused now I call betonline again....infuriated, wondering why in the heck I had a problem....and the worst part about it, is they always give some 3 word weird foreign name to send the money b4 I initially sent the money I called betonline to check on the name...because it was stated Haroldo R I asked her is that the right name??....she says no its James R when I initally did the transaction I gave that name....and when i first called betonline back they said no that name is backwards it should have been Haroldo James R....I'm like listen lady I called you guys b4 this transaction to make sure the name was stated right and the last person gave me the name you are giving now, only after arguing, with betonline, then calling moneygram, arguing more about them not knowing my transaction, calling cvs, then calling betonline again.....DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE FUCKK HAPPENED....
when i first called betonline back and the name was wrong...hte guy gave me the number to western union...instead of moneygram
so there i was arguing with someone from western union for 2 hours about a moneygram transaction...and that is why they couldnt see my transaction to change the name, and why there was no info under my name.....I couldnt friggin believe it...
so then i promptly called moneygram, found my transaction, changed the name and called betonline back to tell them it was all set....and joke around with the person i was talking to about the whole finally it all goes through and do you know what she says....sorry sir but it is 9:03 and we stop recieveing money at 9:00 won't recieve the money till tomm....unfreakingreal.......patience is a virtue Mavin...
well somebody didnt want me to bet tonight....hahaha
but whatever good to take a night off....
and cashing out over 160 units total....wasnt so bad in its own right....unfortunately they wouldnt let me take it all out in one transaction so the initial mistake was breaking it up, into smaller checks and then some how mistakenly taking all my money out of my acct...but whatever.......just in time for me to buy this car i was trying to get...and in the end I truly am happy with my cashout....and how well things have been going for me lately...