Quote Originally Posted by Turbovtk:
$1 for $492 and $1 for $189 same as below but B+2
01/23/2013 @ 07:35 PM NBA
[704] TOTAL u195½-110 ----------> LOSS
01/23/2013 @ 08:05 PM NBA
[705] DETROIT +6½-110 ----------> WIN
01/23/2013 @ 08:05 PM NBA
[710] HOUSTON -2½-110 ----------> LOSS
01/23/2013 @ 08:05 PM NBA
[710] TOTAL u217-110
(DENVER vrs HOUSTON) ----------> WIN
01/23/2013 @ 08:05 PM NBA
[711] LA LAKERS +4-110 ----------> LOSS
01/23/2013 @ 08:35 PM NBA
[714] SAN ANTONIO -8½-110 ----------> LOSS
01/23/2013 @ 10:05 PM NBA
[718] PORTLAND -120 ----------> WIN
01/23/2013 @ 10:05 PM NBA
[720] SACRAMENTO -155 ----------> LOSS
01/23/2013 @ 10:35 PM NBA
[721] OKLAHOMA CITY -130 ----------> LOSS
01/23/2013 @ 10:35 PM NBA
[722] TOTAL u207½-110 ----------> WIN
Most of the write up is on an earlier post on this page-
I will watch closely the MIAMI HOUSTON LAKERS OKC games as potential single bets on the Parlay above.
Monday did not hit over 50% yesterday I went over 50%- Trying to be consistent above 50% and then as previously stated continue to pick 2-3 games to Parlay or go straight bet.
3 of 9 $1 for 300 L
5 of 9 $1 for 17.25 L
8 of 10 with 2 games pending that are today WED $1 to win $642.08
3 of 5 with 2 games pending that are OPEN spots $50 to win $929.71
2 of 8 with 6 pending for WED $3 for $231.35
KINGS THUNDER and SPUR all gave away the lead late- SPURS second half efforts look now like point shaving efforts.