I did however, read a lot of garbage on here and read back through my threads....Wow, am I glad I have made the decision to leave.
Clemson could have easily won that game last night but didn't due to their failures on special teams. I posted that special teams could in fact be what beats Clemson in the end....and well, it did. But I don't like excuses, never have....So Alabama did what it took to win the game. So you have to tip your hat.
But let's not be naive to what reality is here people.
I used to get upset on here for years because I couldn't understand why people didn't see the things I saw....at times I have been guilty of criticizing people for having an opinion different from mine....but it was only because I was confused at why would people think like that.....But over the last year I finally just accepted it....people dont see the things and know the things I know about this game....and that's fine, I just need to understand that. But what bothered me was how people consistently attacked me......and I really didn't know why. But it I finally understood that these trolls just don't get it. There not very smart.....That they could never even come close to understanding what some of us know in the forum....and that's ok...I just need to understand that, I guess.
In closing.......
I guess I leave you with this. Open your eyes people. If you really want to get at a level of actually being good at " this "..... then stop with the whole judging teams because of conference affiliation or if there from the West....or they play in this league or whatever really.... that's all nonsense. I have been analyzing and following this sport for a long time....and I can honestly say, that today's fan.... 80% of this forum, is a non thinking, ESPN watching, chest beating moron.......Sorry if that bothers you, sometimes you just need to hear the truth.......and I Boom, always give you the truth.
As for the good guys in this forum.....I want to wish you the best.....
- Boom