Quote Originally Posted by blowoutgm:
Keep crying about that game- You are a delusional, immature, homer. Plain and simple. Everyone can see it. Let's see- Bama could only score 6 on LSU and LSU score 9 so shut the f_ck up and quit crying like a 10 year old girl. Until Alabama beats LSU then you are just making yourself look even more ignorant. However they will not beat LSU and you'll spend the next year in a deep, dark depression trying to clean Sabans dried crusty seaman off your face-But being such a fanboy you probably swallowed his load.
If you can't see the SEC is down this year then you are delusional. Plain and simple.
MF, you talk shit to me over and over because you are behind you're computer, you piece of shit scum bag bitch.
1st off why do you keep attacking me, and why do you talk about little boys all the time do you like little boys, and how the fuck do you know about crusty seaman on a mans face.
You Sandusky prick....i bet you lick you're lips everytime Sandusky is on the news...
You would never talk to me like that to my face, i would stoop you're ass and you're whole mommy, she should have not have wipe you're daddy brothers scum off her leg and pushed it in her box so a piece of shit like you was born.
Now mf, you keep attacking me over and over you if we going to get banded for our last post lets do this right...
I ask you for nearly 2 months to stop calling me out, but everytime you climb off you're sister you get on the computer and look me up, i'm not gay bitch, so go jack off finding someone else to fuck with.
You seem to always make me stump to you're level BLOWHARD, but i will not get on my kness like you do.
Son you have a fucked up mine and you think you can attack me, without me saying anything back, ass kisser or you mad because i will not let you kiss my ass, and point out how much shit is on you're nose. So you speak for everybody now i see, what an ass kisser you or bitch.
Now i guess i could have turned you in for the last month...etc, but i was hopeing you would find sombody else to fuck with and and leave me alone as i have ask, but i'm not going to turn you in hopeing sooner or later you will stop and move on, but i will stand up to you each time, so bring it on bitch...or move on like i have ask you approx: 20 times...
You make LSU fans proud don't you.
Does it bother you that much thinking Alabama is going to kick LSU ass this go round, are did an somebody from Alabama kick you're ass and you're wife run off with them, thats it ani't it you find out you're wife like Alabama fans dicks. Well son it's okay you don't have to dislike all Alabama fans because she got a good country fucking...