Quote Originally Posted by blowoutgm:
Calm down and take your meds- Funny how you can dish it out but you can't take it when somebody calls you an Alabama and SEC homer. Yet in tons of threads whenever anybody has anything critical to say about Alabama then you say they are either dumb, ignorant or even worse. We just disagree on Alabama and the SEC(this year)- Fact is the SEC is having a down year. Everyone on here sees that except you and a couple of others. Fact is Alabama's stats were skewed by playing crappy offensive teams. Before you blow another top- i still think Alabama's defense is very good. I am not an Alabama hater like you think. I am just a realist. And trust me, i would be more than glad to talk to you and say these things face to face. It seems to be perfectly fine for you to come in these threads and spread your homerism but when i say critical things about Alabama you go nuts. The only thing i can say is we will see. But i can promise you one thing- IF Alabama wins, i will not cry and whine about why LSU lost or why they are better. I will simply say Alabama deserves to be champion because they won when it mattered the most. Too bad you would never do the same.
By meds would be if you stop pointing me out in these forums...
I don't care if people call me a homer or an Alabama fan and i don't attack people until they attack me first. Now as far as saying something back on a post about Alabama it depends usally i will pass, until that person keeps driven it into the ground....then i will say something...
Now with that said, you don't like me and i damn sure don't like you, so stop you're Bipolar Disorder attacks and fuck off.
I have told you so many times it's starting to piss me off Blowhard find you somebody else to fuck with...k.
You're right about me standing up to pricks like you, if i'm wrong so be it, i'm wrong....
I as of late have decided that i would stand up for Alabama somebody has too because pricks like you dog them out and it gets old reading it.
I would rather just come here everyday and read and not post back much. But i decided not to if it gets out of hand kicking Alabama all over this forum...
I hate LSU but from the 1st of the year i have bragged on them even before the season started right here in these forums.
I still have not figured out were you say i'm crying , whinning , etc. About the Alabama vs LSU game i said congrats to all you LSU fans. And once again let me tell you.... I DON'T CARE ABOUT ALABAMA LOSING THE GAME ANYMORE....
It's the past but LSU will not win the next game and you know it, you even said LSU would lose the 1st game remember...talk to other people blowhard, but leave me out of it -k.
I can't convince you in any other way but threw this computer so move on. Oh and believe me that makes you a lucky person. So take you're luck that you have be greatfull and cap you some games...because you or really lucky blowhard. See ya Coonass