Quote Originally Posted by laythehammer:
I don't think I come in to your thread and bash you. I've said many times that you have tremendous knowledge about college football. I just point out the fact that you can't debate people without calling them names and you're never open to even listening to others opinions without insulting them.
I think you have something against Alabama for some reason, and being from the South and watching the Miss. state/Alabama game in person in October, I can see why people say they get calls and people despise them. After seeing them in person, I think they are the best team, and they'll get the chance to show it in a month.
It's cool that we disagree about #1. I think the main difference is that Florida State doesn't play competition like ANY other power 5 conference, so yes I think if Bama was 13-0 they would deserve to be #1. Florida State, in my opinion, is not even the best team in the ACC right now. I think Clemson is now that they have Stoudt out and a future Heisman contender in Watson in. With that said, Florida State went undefeated and deserve to be there. I also think that if they put Oregon at #1, I wouldn't have any problem with that. Mariotta is having one of the best seasons in CFB history (52 Td's, 2 ints).
I think at the end of the day, again, you and I agree that Baylor got shafted but we disagree on Florida State. It's fine to disagree; let's just keep it civil and without name calling and insulting like we just did.

I do have one question. Do you think that Florida State would beat Oregon and Alabama, or do you think they should be #1 because they are the only undefeated team in the country?
Since we're being civil, let me throw another question at you since you're a Clemson guy....do you think Dabo was stupid to play Watson with an ACL tear, regardless of what doctors say.....this kid has superstar potential written all over him. just not sure he should have been out there.
Good luck in the bowls Boom

I think Oregon and Bama would beat FSU. I do think they are better...But, and this is a big BUT.... I don't know that. I don't that for sure and anyone who says they know for sure is full of it. The thing is we don't know.
This is what I do know.. the 4 they chose can be debated. But there is about 8 teams who atleast deserve to be in that conversation. I can't make a a good argument for Baylor and TCU both being out. I can however, make a argument for Ohio st being out.
A few things about Watson.
Tons of players play with torn ACL's. Do some research and you will see.
Do I think it was ok? yeah and no....I personally know people on the staff and training staff and can tell you with certainty that if they thought playing him would do further damage they wouldn't have.
As far as playing him in the bowl game.... I say no. Just do the surgery and get it over with. The bowl game really means nothing IMO. Go do the surgery and move forward... they got this ACL stuff down to a science. Players can recover in 6 months now.
in summary, my biggest beef isn't really about the Ohio st vs Baylor or vs TCU argument. It's more about treating all teams equally...and that my friend, doesn't happen in college football. The biggest problem with college football in general is ESPN, an I will never back off of that stand.