14daroad, the point required a little thinking.
not much, but a little. too much apparently.
the point to my response to the christian nut conundrum
and my response to your question is this: your god
doesn't consider homosexuality a sin, she didn't
create homosexuals, and she didn't make murderers,
child molesters, etc.
in other words, your version of a god that thinks
about and declares what is a sin and what isn't
and makes people a certain way is childish
and ridiculous.
the bible thumper has to reconcile the fact his god
thinks homosexuality is a sin yet his god made
homosexuals. it's bad for business to acknowledge
such a basic flaw in the ideology. the way the christian
nut does this is by convincing himself that they
choose to be homosexual. that way, his perfect
god creation can't be flawed and the business model
remains intact. my point is that this is obviously
flawed reasoning and contrary to all evidence and
what any homosexual will tell you. see pen's post above
as an example. whatever the explanation is for why
people are they way they are, you can remove
your idiotic and childishly warped religious perception
and god theory from the picture. but again, that
doesn't make any money for the various religions
so it's not popular among that group.