No historic fact in the Bible ever has been shown to be in error.
The Bible text has been used time and again by archaeologists to locate long-lost sites of cities and towns mentioned in the Bible by geographical references made to them.
One archaeological discovery, the Ebla site, contained rich archives of clay tablets, an ancient "library" if you will. In these tablets were references to ancient Biblical characters (i.e., Abraham) and sites (i.e., Sodom and Gomorrah) (ref.8, p.83).
The ancient city of Babylon of the famous king Nebuchadnezzar yielded 2500-year-old cuneiform tablets (now located in the British Museum) that contained the name of Jehoichin King of Judah who, along with the inhabitants of Judah, was deported to Babylon as a prisoner after the conquest of Judah by Nebuchadnezzar.
The tablets dated and described the conquest itself.
This discovery substantiates the story recorded in the Bible in 2 Kings, chapter 24 (ref.8, pp.301-304).
Any historical statement made in the Bible that has archeological, geographical, or scientific references that have come to surface has been verified by the physical evidences provided by discoveries in these different areas.
God, "The Holy Bible," by Revelation of the Holy Spirit
Green, Michael, "Man Alive," Downer’s Grove, IL 60515: Inter-Varsity Press, 1968
McDowell, Josh, "Research in Christian Evidences"
McDowell, Josh, "Evidence That Demands a Verdict," Here's Life Publishers, 1986
Smith, Wilbur M., "A Great Certainty in This Hour of World Crisis," Wheaton: Van Kampen Press, 1951
Morison, Frank, "Who Moved the Stone?", London: Faber And Faber, 1967
Smith, Wilbur M., "Therefore Stand: Christian Apologetics," Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, copyright 1965
Keller, Werner, "The Bible as History," Bantam Books, NY, 1988
Bruce, F. F. (ed.), "The New International Commentary on the New Testament," Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eedmans Publishing Co., 1971
Annals XV, 44, A.D.112
The Passing Pereguis, Early second century
Antiquities, xviii, 33, Early second century
Curtis, George, "The Military Discipline of the Romans from the Founding of the City to the Close of the Republic," An abstract of a thesis published under the auspices of the Graduate Council of Indiana University, 1928
Dion, Hal, Antiq. Rom.VIII, 79