Suicide is murder...since you are killing yourself it is murder...again one of God's commandment is, "Thou shalt not kill" should be very clear to understand and it is a sinful act which if you do commit will not get you to heaven.
Tony Dungy's son committed suicide. Tony Dungy AND his son were believers in God. What become's of Tony Dungy's son? Is he in heaven? He committed murder. Or is it simple enough that he believed in God so he is forgiven?
Suicide is murder...since you are killing yourself it is murder...again one of God's commandment is, "Thou shalt not kill" should be very clear to understand and it is a sinful act which if you do commit will not get you to heaven.
Tony Dungy's son committed suicide. Tony Dungy AND his son were believers in God. What become's of Tony Dungy's son? Is he in heaven? He committed murder. Or is it simple enough that he believed in God so he is forgiven?
You're exactly right. I would be very insecure about sending you a $1000 because I don't know you or your business acumen. I know God and KNOW what he has done in my life and others. Thank you for proving my point. I think you're finally catching on.
You don't know God. You know what you've been told about God. I'm telling you that I can take that $1,000 and turn it into $10,000. Why do you dismiss me and say that you know God? How do you know God? Haven't talked to Him, have you?
Quote Originally Posted by smoothd20:
You're exactly right. I would be very insecure about sending you a $1000 because I don't know you or your business acumen. I know God and KNOW what he has done in my life and others. Thank you for proving my point. I think you're finally catching on.
You don't know God. You know what you've been told about God. I'm telling you that I can take that $1,000 and turn it into $10,000. Why do you dismiss me and say that you know God? How do you know God? Haven't talked to Him, have you?
Aborting a fetus is murder.....and murder is wrong. But if someone DOES decide to abort a fetus, fear not. Their soul will go to heaven. How convenient is that?
Taking one part out of the bible with suits you
Then not listening to another part of the bibe which doesnt suit you.
How convinient is THAT?
Quote Originally Posted by HutchEmAll:
Aborting a fetus is murder.....and murder is wrong. But if someone DOES decide to abort a fetus, fear not. Their soul will go to heaven. How convenient is that?
Taking one part out of the bible with suits you
Then not listening to another part of the bibe which doesnt suit you.
Holy shit. Rostos - are you mentally handicapped? That is a serious question.
Here it is, plain and simple:
1. Aborted fetus go to heavAn.
2. Someone other than you has an abortion. They have done the "murder", not you.
If the answer is yes, then why are you so helllbent on stopping the abortion in the first place?
Logic dictates that you would have to be happy for the fetus. But that doesn't work in their world.
If the ultimate goal is heaven, why would we punish people who murder individuals who believe in God? They are just getting there sooner than the rest of us. No?
Quote Originally Posted by vanzack:
Holy shit. Rostos - are you mentally handicapped? That is a serious question.
Here it is, plain and simple:
1. Aborted fetus go to heavAn.
2. Someone other than you has an abortion. They have done the "murder", not you.
If the answer is yes, then why are you so helllbent on stopping the abortion in the first place?
Logic dictates that you would have to be happy for the fetus. But that doesn't work in their world.
If the ultimate goal is heaven, why would we punish people who murder individuals who believe in God? They are just getting there sooner than the rest of us. No?
they will not be able to answer this, because living forever is a joke. why would anyone want to live forever anyway...sorry to break the news, but you die and you are dead, end of story...enjoy your life
You sound comfortable in your skin in regards to God and religion. I wish I was. I just don't know. I'm happy to be convinced, but I haven't seen an argument that makes sense.
Quote Originally Posted by SYSTEM:
they will not be able to answer this, because living forever is a joke. why would anyone want to live forever anyway...sorry to break the news, but you die and you are dead, end of story...enjoy your life
You sound comfortable in your skin in regards to God and religion. I wish I was. I just don't know. I'm happy to be convinced, but I haven't seen an argument that makes sense.
You guys have taken the bible and twisted it left right and centre....
It specifically says, do not murder, it doesnt say, murder if you think the soul is going to heavan
It's "heaven," by the way. And you miss the point (as usual). Van wasn't saying you should murder someone, he was asking why you would be against abortion since every aborted fetus goes to heaven. Isn't that the ultimate goal? Heaven.
NO, because the would be mother has DENIED the baby a chance to live. The mother has murdered. The mother cant take what the bible says and change it around to suit what she thinks is best. If the mother follows one part of the bible, she cant ignore another part...Is this how atheists think? Really? Abortion - The anteceedent is WRONG
Question: If a Dr. aborts a fetus in Germany, will their soul go to heaven? If yes, then how can you be upset about it? They go from a fetus to ever lasting life.....isn't that a great trade?
Yes, i am ultimately happy the baby is in heavan, but the whole act was wrong which put the baby into a position for the baby to go to heavan.
If you don't believe the fetus's soul goes to heaven, then God doesn't exist. How could He and let something like this happen?
Again, like many atheists, seem to struggle with the concept of free will......How does God allow this to happen.....If you want God to remove all sin, how about the time when you had sex outside marriage, did you want God to strike you down? Or that time when you lied, did you want God to strike you down? Or that time when you looked at a woman in lust, did you want God to strike you down? Why do you want God to eliminate only some things and not others? Cause it suits you? The genie argument......
You can't play both sides my friend.
You telling me i am playing both sides? many atheists, you are the one that asks why does God allow some things to happen while at the same time wanting God to "tunr a blind eye to others".
Quote Originally Posted by HutchEmAll:
You guys have taken the bible and twisted it left right and centre....
It specifically says, do not murder, it doesnt say, murder if you think the soul is going to heavan
It's "heaven," by the way. And you miss the point (as usual). Van wasn't saying you should murder someone, he was asking why you would be against abortion since every aborted fetus goes to heaven. Isn't that the ultimate goal? Heaven.
NO, because the would be mother has DENIED the baby a chance to live. The mother has murdered. The mother cant take what the bible says and change it around to suit what she thinks is best. If the mother follows one part of the bible, she cant ignore another part...Is this how atheists think? Really? Abortion - The anteceedent is WRONG
Question: If a Dr. aborts a fetus in Germany, will their soul go to heaven? If yes, then how can you be upset about it? They go from a fetus to ever lasting life.....isn't that a great trade?
Yes, i am ultimately happy the baby is in heavan, but the whole act was wrong which put the baby into a position for the baby to go to heavan.
If you don't believe the fetus's soul goes to heaven, then God doesn't exist. How could He and let something like this happen?
Again, like many atheists, seem to struggle with the concept of free will......How does God allow this to happen.....If you want God to remove all sin, how about the time when you had sex outside marriage, did you want God to strike you down? Or that time when you lied, did you want God to strike you down? Or that time when you looked at a woman in lust, did you want God to strike you down? Why do you want God to eliminate only some things and not others? Cause it suits you? The genie argument......
You can't play both sides my friend.
You telling me i am playing both sides? many atheists, you are the one that asks why does God allow some things to happen while at the same time wanting God to "tunr a blind eye to others".
Why are the atheists here so obsessed with religion and how people inside religion act? Why? Especially Vaznack and crerecords, they are soooo obsessed with how people inside religion act. Why?
If a priest collects church money and gambles it away , does that prove God doesnt exist?
If a priets abuses a child, does that prove God doesnt exist?
If a priests uses church money to go and get drunk, does that prove God doesnt exist?
Why are they looking at how people in the churh act and start laughing at them?
This indicates to me that the atheists have some sort of insecurity, where they think Christians think they are better people than atheists, hence when Christians do something wrong, or people in the church, they jump all of over it.
First of all, how people in the church act, has NOTHING to do with Gods existence.
Secondly, if atheists think they know there Christianity, they will know that Christians, like everyone are sinners, hence if a Christian ever thinks they are a better person than you, you just need to point out in the bible that we are all sinners and there is only one judge.
If people were morally perfect, there would be no reason for Christianiity, there would be no reason for Christ to come down and do what he did........
hence the fact that Chrsit came down and did what he did shows that we are all sinners....... All of us.....
Why are the atheists here so obsessed with religion and how people inside religion act? Why? Especially Vaznack and crerecords, they are soooo obsessed with how people inside religion act. Why?
If a priest collects church money and gambles it away , does that prove God doesnt exist?
If a priets abuses a child, does that prove God doesnt exist?
If a priests uses church money to go and get drunk, does that prove God doesnt exist?
Why are they looking at how people in the churh act and start laughing at them?
This indicates to me that the atheists have some sort of insecurity, where they think Christians think they are better people than atheists, hence when Christians do something wrong, or people in the church, they jump all of over it.
First of all, how people in the church act, has NOTHING to do with Gods existence.
Secondly, if atheists think they know there Christianity, they will know that Christians, like everyone are sinners, hence if a Christian ever thinks they are a better person than you, you just need to point out in the bible that we are all sinners and there is only one judge.
If people were morally perfect, there would be no reason for Christianiity, there would be no reason for Christ to come down and do what he did........
hence the fact that Chrsit came down and did what he did shows that we are all sinners....... All of us.....
What part of the Bible suited me? And what part did not?
Uhm, that babies souls go to heavan which you are using as part of your argument but not listening to the part where it clearlry says not to murder.......
If you listened to the antecedent, the latter would not be happening
Quote Originally Posted by HutchEmAll:
What part of the Bible suited me? And what part did not?
Uhm, that babies souls go to heavan which you are using as part of your argument but not listening to the part where it clearlry says not to murder.......
If you listened to the antecedent, the latter would not be happening
Pardon me but some of you guys are so arrogant and ignorant it's truly astonishing. But then again I shouldn't be surprised because you're atheist. In regards to Rostos. Just in case you Einsteins didn't notice. HE'S FROM AUSTRALIA!!! News Flash different English speaking countries spell words differently. England, United States, Canada, Australia and the rest all have words that sound alike but in some cases spelled differently.
Pardon me but some of you guys are so arrogant and ignorant it's truly astonishing. But then again I shouldn't be surprised because you're atheist. In regards to Rostos. Just in case you Einsteins didn't notice. HE'S FROM AUSTRALIA!!! News Flash different English speaking countries spell words differently. England, United States, Canada, Australia and the rest all have words that sound alike but in some cases spelled differently.
it's funny how he keeps saying heavan. It's not even a typo, because he keeps saying it even when corrected, so he must believe it's spelled that way. it's interesting, education level and belief in god seem to go hand in hand....just look at smoothd's posts (know and no, do not mean the same thing, for example)
As I have discussed before I am a college educated man that owns a successful Real Estate business. I'm human and make mistakes like everybody else. You have made several grammatical errors but I don't have a need to go over all of them System because I have a business to run. I think we have discussed your inferiority complex before. Perhaps you need to get some help in this area. You seem to have an incessant need to constantly correct people. But at any rate this is also why you choose to hide behind atheism to hide your many faults that you seem to possess in your personality. Atheism is a convenient way for you not to deal with your problems since there is no God. I will just go on an endless journey to nowhere and not be held accountable to nobody and nothing. Yes System you have all the right answers. Wow!!!
Quote Originally Posted by SYSTEM:
it's funny how he keeps saying heavan. It's not even a typo, because he keeps saying it even when corrected, so he must believe it's spelled that way. it's interesting, education level and belief in god seem to go hand in hand....just look at smoothd's posts (know and no, do not mean the same thing, for example)
As I have discussed before I am a college educated man that owns a successful Real Estate business. I'm human and make mistakes like everybody else. You have made several grammatical errors but I don't have a need to go over all of them System because I have a business to run. I think we have discussed your inferiority complex before. Perhaps you need to get some help in this area. You seem to have an incessant need to constantly correct people. But at any rate this is also why you choose to hide behind atheism to hide your many faults that you seem to possess in your personality. Atheism is a convenient way for you not to deal with your problems since there is no God. I will just go on an endless journey to nowhere and not be held accountable to nobody and nothing. Yes System you have all the right answers. Wow!!!
I want to point out something to the Atheist. Have you notice how Rostos, SJD and the other theist/Christians handle our differences. There are several points where we don't agree. Some of them small some of them not so small. But notice how they deal with them. They don't argue over every "T" being crossed or every "I" being dotted. You know why? Because these fine intelligent men are secure in their beliefs. They don't have a need to argue every point. They know that we all believe in God and that we mean well. So there is no need to debate endlessly about our differences. But the Atheists aren't secure in their beliefs so all you guys do day after day after day is the same thing. It's like living Ground Hog day with you guys. No matter the forum all you guys read from the same boring playbook. The one thing all atheists seem to have in common is your completely illogical stance and a unending request for more evidence and proof. As I have said many times. If you're so convinced that there is no God why do you continue to argue the point.
This thread was dead. How did it come back alive? Because yet another atheist came on making yet another ignorant statement and here we go again. Amazing. Take a note from us. We don't ask you guys for constant reassurance on your "scientific evidence" because we know that all science is doing is proving to the really smart atheist that God is real. This is why I invite our atheist friends to talk to atheist who have converted to Christianity or some other God loving religion and asked them why. What are you so afraid of? All of them will tell you what I have told you earlier. Where as an atheist who was once a Christian will only point out to you the Religion as the reason for them becoming an atheist. If you seek the Truth then go find it right in front of you. But alas most atheist are cowards and you wont do this because you're afraid of what you will find.
I challenge you to do that and let us know what you find out.
I want to point out something to the Atheist. Have you notice how Rostos, SJD and the other theist/Christians handle our differences. There are several points where we don't agree. Some of them small some of them not so small. But notice how they deal with them. They don't argue over every "T" being crossed or every "I" being dotted. You know why? Because these fine intelligent men are secure in their beliefs. They don't have a need to argue every point. They know that we all believe in God and that we mean well. So there is no need to debate endlessly about our differences. But the Atheists aren't secure in their beliefs so all you guys do day after day after day is the same thing. It's like living Ground Hog day with you guys. No matter the forum all you guys read from the same boring playbook. The one thing all atheists seem to have in common is your completely illogical stance and a unending request for more evidence and proof. As I have said many times. If you're so convinced that there is no God why do you continue to argue the point.
This thread was dead. How did it come back alive? Because yet another atheist came on making yet another ignorant statement and here we go again. Amazing. Take a note from us. We don't ask you guys for constant reassurance on your "scientific evidence" because we know that all science is doing is proving to the really smart atheist that God is real. This is why I invite our atheist friends to talk to atheist who have converted to Christianity or some other God loving religion and asked them why. What are you so afraid of? All of them will tell you what I have told you earlier. Where as an atheist who was once a Christian will only point out to you the Religion as the reason for them becoming an atheist. If you seek the Truth then go find it right in front of you. But alas most atheist are cowards and you wont do this because you're afraid of what you will find.
I challenge you to do that and let us know what you find out.
Pardon me but some of you guys are so arrogant and ignorant it's truly astonishing. But then again I shouldn't be surprised because you're atheist. In regards to Rostos. Just in case you Einsteins didn't notice. HE'S FROM AUSTRALIA!!! News Flash different English speaking countries spell words differently. England, United States, Canada, Australia and the rest all have words that sound alike but in some cases spelled differently.
News Flash, but heaven is spelled heaven everywhere...and he's still spelling it wrong....
Quote Originally Posted by smoothd20:
Pardon me but some of you guys are so arrogant and ignorant it's truly astonishing. But then again I shouldn't be surprised because you're atheist. In regards to Rostos. Just in case you Einsteins didn't notice. HE'S FROM AUSTRALIA!!! News Flash different English speaking countries spell words differently. England, United States, Canada, Australia and the rest all have words that sound alike but in some cases spelled differently.
News Flash, but heaven is spelled heaven everywhere...and he's still spelling it wrong....
As I have discussed before I am a college educated man that owns a successful Real Estate business. I'm human and make mistakes like everybody else. You have made several grammatical errors but I don't have a need to go over all of them System because I have a business to run. I think we have discussed your inferiority complex before. Perhaps you need to get some help in this area. You seem to have an incessant need to constantly correct people. But at any rate this is also why you choose to hide behind atheism to hide your many faults that you seem to possess in your personality. Atheism is a convenient way for you not to deal with your problems since there is no God. I will just go on an endless journey to nowhere and not be held accountable to nobody and nothing. Yes System you have all the right answers. Wow!!!
Funny, I have said many times I don't have all the answers, and I'm ok with that. It seems to me and others that you THINK you have all the answers, but no evidence...I love how you just make things up like you know, talk about arrogant...
By the way, I am held accountable, by society, not by make believe
one more thing, nice avatar of the chick with her tits hanging out, another typical religious don't even really believe
Quote Originally Posted by smoothd20:
As I have discussed before I am a college educated man that owns a successful Real Estate business. I'm human and make mistakes like everybody else. You have made several grammatical errors but I don't have a need to go over all of them System because I have a business to run. I think we have discussed your inferiority complex before. Perhaps you need to get some help in this area. You seem to have an incessant need to constantly correct people. But at any rate this is also why you choose to hide behind atheism to hide your many faults that you seem to possess in your personality. Atheism is a convenient way for you not to deal with your problems since there is no God. I will just go on an endless journey to nowhere and not be held accountable to nobody and nothing. Yes System you have all the right answers. Wow!!!
Funny, I have said many times I don't have all the answers, and I'm ok with that. It seems to me and others that you THINK you have all the answers, but no evidence...I love how you just make things up like you know, talk about arrogant...
By the way, I am held accountable, by society, not by make believe
one more thing, nice avatar of the chick with her tits hanging out, another typical religious don't even really believe
If the bible states that under NO circumstances should anyone murder.......then why should a baby ever be aborted (non health issues)........?
I think you should have a look at what UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES mean........if it is under no circumstances, that means NO REASON, not if they think they are going to heavan, NOTHING.......
What flawed logic the non believer has here,...
Why are you saying "non health issues"? That sounds like a condition. That sounds like a circumstance.
Can we also assume that you are against the death penalty?
Quote Originally Posted by Rostos:
If the bible states that under NO circumstances should anyone murder.......then why should a baby ever be aborted (non health issues)........?
I think you should have a look at what UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES mean........if it is under no circumstances, that means NO REASON, not if they think they are going to heavan, NOTHING.......
What flawed logic the non believer has here,...
Why are you saying "non health issues"? That sounds like a condition. That sounds like a circumstance.
Can we also assume that you are against the death penalty?
Funny, I have said many times I don't have all the answers, and I'm ok with that. It seems to me and others that you THINK you have all the answers, but no evidence...I love how you just make things up like you know, talk about arrogant...
By the way, I am held accountable, by society, not by make believe
one more thing, nice avatar of the chick with her tits hanging out, another typical religious don't even really believe
Your ignorance System is truly laughable. I really do feel sorry for you to live in such a small world that you have invented. Fact#1 I am not nor have I ever said I am religious. If you were paying attention which seems to be a major problem of yours I have stated numerous times as some of your atheist friends seem to grasp except you that I AM NOT RELIGIOUS. Religion has nothing to do with God. I am a Christian . I do not follow man I follow God. There is a difference. You are the only hypocrite that I see here because you consistently ASSUME usually wrong and you make no sense with any of your so called arguments. Your only retort is the typical atheist bullshit of more "proof and evidence" Which you defend with such vigor one would have to start seriously questioning your sanity or lack thereof. Just because my Avatars are of beautiful women doesn't reflect any lack of belief in God but for a ignorant person such as yourself I would expect you to feel the way you do because frankly you don't know any better. That is quite apparent from your posts over these past few months.
Quote Originally Posted by SYSTEM:
Funny, I have said many times I don't have all the answers, and I'm ok with that. It seems to me and others that you THINK you have all the answers, but no evidence...I love how you just make things up like you know, talk about arrogant...
By the way, I am held accountable, by society, not by make believe
one more thing, nice avatar of the chick with her tits hanging out, another typical religious don't even really believe
Your ignorance System is truly laughable. I really do feel sorry for you to live in such a small world that you have invented. Fact#1 I am not nor have I ever said I am religious. If you were paying attention which seems to be a major problem of yours I have stated numerous times as some of your atheist friends seem to grasp except you that I AM NOT RELIGIOUS. Religion has nothing to do with God. I am a Christian . I do not follow man I follow God. There is a difference. You are the only hypocrite that I see here because you consistently ASSUME usually wrong and you make no sense with any of your so called arguments. Your only retort is the typical atheist bullshit of more "proof and evidence" Which you defend with such vigor one would have to start seriously questioning your sanity or lack thereof. Just because my Avatars are of beautiful women doesn't reflect any lack of belief in God but for a ignorant person such as yourself I would expect you to feel the way you do because frankly you don't know any better. That is quite apparent from your posts over these past few months.
I notice System that you didn't make any mention of seeking out a Christian that was once an atheist to learn why they turned away from atheistism. Since you claim that you're not a coward I don't see why you should be afraid to find out some Truth for a change instead of hiding behind a life of lies.
I notice System that you didn't make any mention of seeking out a Christian that was once an atheist to learn why they turned away from atheistism. Since you claim that you're not a coward I don't see why you should be afraid to find out some Truth for a change instead of hiding behind a life of lies.
Your ignorance smoothd20 is truly laughable. I really do feel sorry for you to live in such a small world that you have invented.
Fact#1 I am not nor have I ever said I am religious. If you were paying attention which seems to be a major problem of yours I have stated numerous times as some of your atheist friends seem to grasp except you that I AM NOT RELIGIOUS. Religion has nothing to do with God. I am a Christian .
You might want to look up the definition of religious...
I do not follow man I follow God. There is a difference. You are the only hypocrite (you might want to look this word up too)
that I see here because you consistently ASSUME usually wrong and you make no sense with any of your so called arguments. Your only retort is the typical atheist bullshit of more "proof and evidence"
yes, I know that proof and evidence is bullshit to you, because you have none...
Which you defend with such vigor one would have to start seriously questioning your sanity or lack thereof. Just because my Avatars are of beautiful women doesn't reflect any lack of belief in God but for a ignorant person such as yourself I would expect you to feel the way you do because frankly you don't know any better. That is quite apparent from your posts over these past few months.
keep believing your bullshit, and enjoy your fantasy world...
Quote Originally Posted by smoothd20:
Your ignorance smoothd20 is truly laughable. I really do feel sorry for you to live in such a small world that you have invented.
Fact#1 I am not nor have I ever said I am religious. If you were paying attention which seems to be a major problem of yours I have stated numerous times as some of your atheist friends seem to grasp except you that I AM NOT RELIGIOUS. Religion has nothing to do with God. I am a Christian .
You might want to look up the definition of religious...
I do not follow man I follow God. There is a difference. You are the only hypocrite (you might want to look this word up too)
that I see here because you consistently ASSUME usually wrong and you make no sense with any of your so called arguments. Your only retort is the typical atheist bullshit of more "proof and evidence"
yes, I know that proof and evidence is bullshit to you, because you have none...
Which you defend with such vigor one would have to start seriously questioning your sanity or lack thereof. Just because my Avatars are of beautiful women doesn't reflect any lack of belief in God but for a ignorant person such as yourself I would expect you to feel the way you do because frankly you don't know any better. That is quite apparent from your posts over these past few months.
keep believing your bullshit, and enjoy your fantasy world...
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