I have to question first why you are worried about peace. Everyone has been peaceful. Saying that I don't think justice was done or the law followed will in no way interrupt peace. We always pray for peace. Wanting peace has absolutely nothing to do with debating or disputing this verdict.
It bothers me when you say to me pray for peace as if not agreeing with the jury, or many things you say here, would threaten peace in any way. It will not.
I also think there is an implication that black people might become violent - that it is violence by black people that is the great fear. I don't want to offend you either, or sound like I am lecturing, but in our history, even our more recent history, far more of the violence in race relations in general has been by white people. White people getting violent, while black people marched, or black people prayed or black people tried all they could do to anticipate what it was that might set off a white cop, or set off an white man, or lead to their death - worked hard to "figure that out", vs resorting to violence over a verdict that was clearly unjust. The times where there has been violence or an uprising among blacks have been in fact VERY RARE - compared to the rocks thrown, the lynchings, the anti black violence that has occurred and occurs daily, so please know that the idea the not liking this verdict and not agreeing with what you write above is NOT in any way shape or form a threat in any sense to peace, nor is disagreeing with both in anyway UNPEACEFUL. on the contrary, accepting violence is unpeaceful in my mind and accepting the verdict of this jury is unpeaceful, so discussion is essential.
Having said all that, I ask you, as a MAN (meaning you may have been in a fight or two - me I have just been hit in the head during sports games)- how do you imagine ANY HUMAN BEING getting hit in the head, never mind bashed in the head, never mind as you put it "having their head used as a coconut" and wind up with just two SCRATCHES - one 2cm long, and the other 1/2 a cm long. - not deep enough for sutures.
Wow, what universe are you living in? That is the most ridiculous statement I have ever read and is complete BS