ok, then, hypothetically,
If i posted a story like the example i gave above regarding the little girl and after i said good on those guys for doing what they did and suck shit to the innocent girl.
You or anyone cannot say that my comments are wrong.
You will be restricted to saying , well, that is your opinion and it is no different to you saying Andrew Bynum is better than Dwight Howard...
As you say, SUBJECTIVE....
You see what corner you have been backed into now......Have a good think about it.
ok, then, hypothetically,
If i posted a story like the example i gave above regarding the little girl and after i said good on those guys for doing what they did and suck shit to the innocent girl.
You or anyone cannot say that my comments are wrong.
You will be restricted to saying , well, that is your opinion and it is no different to you saying Andrew Bynum is better than Dwight Howard...
As you say, SUBJECTIVE....
You see what corner you have been backed into now......Have a good think about it.
Just answer the question with a yes or no.
No ifs or buts or counter questions, just a simple yes or no.
If everyone on the planet followed the 10 commandments to the letter of the law, would the world be a better place or not?
Would there be a need for police? Would there be a need for courts? Would there be a need for jails? Would there be a need for theft insurance? Woudl there be a need for guns? Would there be a need for you to close and lock your doors and windows at night?
If there is no God, then morals are subjective, each person decides what is right and wrong. if there is no Supreme law giver, then each person decides what is right and wrong.
Remember, science is morally neutral. It therefore becomes one persons opinion of what is good compared to the other.
If i think raping little kids is ok, then that is my opinion, you are you to say it is not?
of course, morals are subjective. for instance many people read the bible as containing numoerous immoral and evil passages. other people find it appropriate as a guide to live by.
but the best answer to any question about the ten commandments can be found here. you've probably seen it, but i'll post it again just in case.
Just answer the question with a yes or no.
No ifs or buts or counter questions, just a simple yes or no.
If everyone on the planet followed the 10 commandments to the letter of the law, would the world be a better place or not?
Would there be a need for police? Would there be a need for courts? Would there be a need for jails? Would there be a need for theft insurance? Woudl there be a need for guns? Would there be a need for you to close and lock your doors and windows at night?
If there is no God, then morals are subjective, each person decides what is right and wrong. if there is no Supreme law giver, then each person decides what is right and wrong.
Remember, science is morally neutral. It therefore becomes one persons opinion of what is good compared to the other.
If i think raping little kids is ok, then that is my opinion, you are you to say it is not?
of course, morals are subjective. for instance many people read the bible as containing numoerous immoral and evil passages. other people find it appropriate as a guide to live by.
but the best answer to any question about the ten commandments can be found here. you've probably seen it, but i'll post it again just in case.
Just answer the question with a yes or no.
No ifs or buts or counter questions, just a simple yes or no.
If everyone on the planet followed the 10 commandments to the letter of the law, would the world be a better place or not?
Would there be a need for police? Would there be a need for courts? Would there be a need for jails? Would there be a need for theft insurance? Woudl there be a need for guns? Would there be a need for you to close and lock your doors and windows at night?
If there is no God, then morals are subjective, each person decides what is right and wrong. if there is no Supreme law giver, then each person decides what is right and wrong.
Remember, science is morally neutral. It therefore becomes one persons opinion of what is good compared to the other.
If i think raping little kids is ok, then that is my opinion, you are you to say it is not?
Just answer the question with a yes or no.
No ifs or buts or counter questions, just a simple yes or no.
If everyone on the planet followed the 10 commandments to the letter of the law, would the world be a better place or not?
Would there be a need for police? Would there be a need for courts? Would there be a need for jails? Would there be a need for theft insurance? Woudl there be a need for guns? Would there be a need for you to close and lock your doors and windows at night?
If there is no God, then morals are subjective, each person decides what is right and wrong. if there is no Supreme law giver, then each person decides what is right and wrong.
Remember, science is morally neutral. It therefore becomes one persons opinion of what is good compared to the other.
If i think raping little kids is ok, then that is my opinion, you are you to say it is not?
Why Were You BORN?
Is there PURPOSE for human life? Does life, after all, have real meaning? Here is the awesome truth!
Part 7 of 23. Did God Make Man So Destructive?
Why did an all-wise Creator put man on this earth? Did the Creator design and make man as he is---with such tremendous intellect and creative powers, yet so destructive, and so helpless before his most important problems?
It may come as a shock to learn the true explanations of revolting world conditions, their causes---how it all came about---and of the real purpose for human existence. But read in your own Bible with your own eyes scriptures heretofore overlooked or rejected by man---yet true revelations that have been there all along! More, the Bible itself tells us---if we will listen---how it came about that these foundational, basic truths have been both rejected and overlooked.
Amazing?...amazing indeed!
But now see it for yourself, If you do not have a Bible, borrow or buy one!
One of the very first things we need to realize, that has been utterly overlooked in the Bible is this: The creation of Adam was not completed!
The first chapter of Genesis---called the "creation" chapter---actually does not record the completed creation at all! Man's creation was not finished! Read that amazing statement again! Be sure you understand!
What was created, as revealed in Genesis 1, was the physical creation---the mortal , physical man and woman---the physical material with which to created the spiritual creation!
The Bible plainly reveals this, as we shall see: What God actually is creating in the human family is the crowning, supreme masterpiece of all his works of creation! And that will be---when finished---thousands of millions of humans converted into perfect spiritual character!
The spiritual creation is still in progress! As covered above, God created Adam and Even in God's own image, after God's likeness. He created animal life, each after its own animal kind. But he created man after the God kind. That is, as to form and shape, and in intellect, but not of spirit composition.
Why Were You BORN?
Is there PURPOSE for human life? Does life, after all, have real meaning? Here is the awesome truth!
Part 7 of 23. Did God Make Man So Destructive?
Why did an all-wise Creator put man on this earth? Did the Creator design and make man as he is---with such tremendous intellect and creative powers, yet so destructive, and so helpless before his most important problems?
It may come as a shock to learn the true explanations of revolting world conditions, their causes---how it all came about---and of the real purpose for human existence. But read in your own Bible with your own eyes scriptures heretofore overlooked or rejected by man---yet true revelations that have been there all along! More, the Bible itself tells us---if we will listen---how it came about that these foundational, basic truths have been both rejected and overlooked.
Amazing?...amazing indeed!
But now see it for yourself, If you do not have a Bible, borrow or buy one!
One of the very first things we need to realize, that has been utterly overlooked in the Bible is this: The creation of Adam was not completed!
The first chapter of Genesis---called the "creation" chapter---actually does not record the completed creation at all! Man's creation was not finished! Read that amazing statement again! Be sure you understand!
What was created, as revealed in Genesis 1, was the physical creation---the mortal , physical man and woman---the physical material with which to created the spiritual creation!
The Bible plainly reveals this, as we shall see: What God actually is creating in the human family is the crowning, supreme masterpiece of all his works of creation! And that will be---when finished---thousands of millions of humans converted into perfect spiritual character!
The spiritual creation is still in progress! As covered above, God created Adam and Even in God's own image, after God's likeness. He created animal life, each after its own animal kind. But he created man after the God kind. That is, as to form and shape, and in intellect, but not of spirit composition.
ok, then, hypothetically,
If i posted a story like the example i gave above regarding the little girl and after i said good on those guys for doing what they did and suck shit to the innocent girl.
You or anyone cannot say that my comments are wrong.
You will be restricted to saying , well, that is your opinion and it is no different to you saying Andrew Bynum is better than Dwight Howard...
As you say, SUBJECTIVE....
You see what corner you have been backed into now......Have a good think about it.
ok, then, hypothetically,
If i posted a story like the example i gave above regarding the little girl and after i said good on those guys for doing what they did and suck shit to the innocent girl.
You or anyone cannot say that my comments are wrong.
You will be restricted to saying , well, that is your opinion and it is no different to you saying Andrew Bynum is better than Dwight Howard...
As you say, SUBJECTIVE....
You see what corner you have been backed into now......Have a good think about it.
The fact that this is debated is even silly.
It is so ridiculous to even propose that morals are absolute.
The fact that this is debated is even silly.
It is so ridiculous to even propose that morals are absolute.
The fact that this is debated is even silly.
It is so ridiculous to even propose that morals are absolute.
The fact that this is debated is even silly.
It is so ridiculous to even propose that morals are absolute.
To continue this:
Rostos and SJD - if morals are absolute, and the Ten commandments are absolute:
Why is it OK to kill Bin Laden?
If you had a chance to kill Hitler in 1938, is that a violation of the 10 commandments?
Is it OK to steal food in order to not die of starvation?
How can capitalism exist without coveting?
Is it OK to lie in order to save a bunch of people from dying?
Would it be OK to lie to your captors if you were a POW?
Is it OK to lie to Mom and Dad if they are forcing you to kill someone?
Is it OK to not honor the Sabbath if you have to work that day?
Start with those and tell me how those are NOT subjective. Please. I am begging you to not ignore this as usual and respond.
To continue this:
Rostos and SJD - if morals are absolute, and the Ten commandments are absolute:
Why is it OK to kill Bin Laden?
If you had a chance to kill Hitler in 1938, is that a violation of the 10 commandments?
Is it OK to steal food in order to not die of starvation?
How can capitalism exist without coveting?
Is it OK to lie in order to save a bunch of people from dying?
Would it be OK to lie to your captors if you were a POW?
Is it OK to lie to Mom and Dad if they are forcing you to kill someone?
Is it OK to not honor the Sabbath if you have to work that day?
Start with those and tell me how those are NOT subjective. Please. I am begging you to not ignore this as usual and respond.
I feel this same way all the time.
I feel this same way all the time.
To continue this:
Rostos and SJD - if morals are absolute, and the Ten commandments are absolute:
Why is it OK to kill Bin Laden?
If you had a chance to kill Hitler in 1938, is that a violation of the 10 commandments?
Is it OK to steal food in order to not die of starvation?
How can capitalism exist without coveting?
Is it OK to lie in order to save a bunch of people from dying?
Would it be OK to lie to your captors if you were a POW?
Is it OK to lie to Mom and Dad if they are forcing you to kill someone?
Is it OK to not honor the Sabbath if you have to work that day?
Start with those and tell me how those are NOT subjective. Please. I am begging you to not ignore this as usual and respond.
To continue this:
Rostos and SJD - if morals are absolute, and the Ten commandments are absolute:
Why is it OK to kill Bin Laden?
If you had a chance to kill Hitler in 1938, is that a violation of the 10 commandments?
Is it OK to steal food in order to not die of starvation?
How can capitalism exist without coveting?
Is it OK to lie in order to save a bunch of people from dying?
Would it be OK to lie to your captors if you were a POW?
Is it OK to lie to Mom and Dad if they are forcing you to kill someone?
Is it OK to not honor the Sabbath if you have to work that day?
Start with those and tell me how those are NOT subjective. Please. I am begging you to not ignore this as usual and respond.
originally posted by ClubDirt:
when i say, (now let's move on), i'm not referring to anyone in this thread. i like these debates, for lack of a better wor,d being the masochist that i guess i am. that refers to the people who want to impose their god or religion on others. i don't know, they don't know, i wish they'd move on and stay out of politics, other people's lives, etc.
ClubDirt, Would we all not like to see - all Christians and religious people adhere to their own guidance and rules first or stop calling themselves what they claim to represent. Christian involvement in politics is interesting, for the simple reason that there are many decisions made in politics which are for, as well as against, Christian values. Christians need to weigh in to the debate to ensure that their voice is heard and that their values are taken into account as well as those of secular society. We have just as much right to express our opinion as anyone else - no more, no less. When getting involved in politics though, it’s important not to get caught up in the issues and thus lose sight of the goals. But, it is a free country and people really can say what they like. There’s multiple stages of involvement in politics, from the lobbying to the other end of the spectrum of people who are impartial, who don’t get involved at all. Maybe, its just best if everyone take a don't legislate your morality on me mindset. Though, America has bigger poision in its political system than the CINO factor.
originally posted by ClubDirt:
when i say, (now let's move on), i'm not referring to anyone in this thread. i like these debates, for lack of a better wor,d being the masochist that i guess i am. that refers to the people who want to impose their god or religion on others. i don't know, they don't know, i wish they'd move on and stay out of politics, other people's lives, etc.
ClubDirt, Would we all not like to see - all Christians and religious people adhere to their own guidance and rules first or stop calling themselves what they claim to represent. Christian involvement in politics is interesting, for the simple reason that there are many decisions made in politics which are for, as well as against, Christian values. Christians need to weigh in to the debate to ensure that their voice is heard and that their values are taken into account as well as those of secular society. We have just as much right to express our opinion as anyone else - no more, no less. When getting involved in politics though, it’s important not to get caught up in the issues and thus lose sight of the goals. But, it is a free country and people really can say what they like. There’s multiple stages of involvement in politics, from the lobbying to the other end of the spectrum of people who are impartial, who don’t get involved at all. Maybe, its just best if everyone take a don't legislate your morality on me mindset. Though, America has bigger poision in its political system than the CINO factor.
originally posted by ClubDirt:
when i say, (now let's move on), i'm not referring to anyone in this thread. i like these debates, for lack of a better wor,d being the masochist that i guess i am. that refers to the people who want to impose their god or religion on others. i don't know, they don't know, i wish they'd move on and stay out of politics, other people's lives, etc.
ClubDirt, Would we all not like to see - all Christians and religious people adhere to their own guidance and rules first or stop calling themselves what they claim to represent. Christian involvement in politics is interesting, for the simple reason that there are many decisions made in politics which are for, as well as against, Christian values. Christians need to weigh in to the debate to ensure that their voice is heard and that their values are taken into account as well as those of secular society. We have just as much right to express our opinion as anyone else - no more, no less. When getting involved in politics though, it’s important not to get caught up in the issues and thus lose sight of the goals. But, it is a free country and people really can say what they like. There’s multiple stages of involvement in politics, from the lobbying to the other end of the spectrum of people who are impartial, who don’t get involved at all. Maybe, its just best if everyone take a don't legislate your morality on me mindset. Though, America has bigger poision in its political system than the CINO factor.
originally posted by ClubDirt:
when i say, (now let's move on), i'm not referring to anyone in this thread. i like these debates, for lack of a better wor,d being the masochist that i guess i am. that refers to the people who want to impose their god or religion on others. i don't know, they don't know, i wish they'd move on and stay out of politics, other people's lives, etc.
ClubDirt, Would we all not like to see - all Christians and religious people adhere to their own guidance and rules first or stop calling themselves what they claim to represent. Christian involvement in politics is interesting, for the simple reason that there are many decisions made in politics which are for, as well as against, Christian values. Christians need to weigh in to the debate to ensure that their voice is heard and that their values are taken into account as well as those of secular society. We have just as much right to express our opinion as anyone else - no more, no less. When getting involved in politics though, it’s important not to get caught up in the issues and thus lose sight of the goals. But, it is a free country and people really can say what they like. There’s multiple stages of involvement in politics, from the lobbying to the other end of the spectrum of people who are impartial, who don’t get involved at all. Maybe, its just best if everyone take a don't legislate your morality on me mindset. Though, America has bigger poision in its political system than the CINO factor.
The bottom line is, the believer in God says the actual belief in Him trumps all. According to them, He forgives everything if you believe in Him. Too simplistic for me. How can one live the horrible life, believe in God, and go to heaven yet the other chap lives a good life, just can't believe in God no matter how hard they try, and ends up in hell?
It just doesn't add up for me.
I went to a small Lutheran liberal arts college in MN. There were no religious requirements to attend BTW. I took a class called "Studies in Religion"....best class I ever took.....because it wasn't a test on how well you knew the Bible....it was a critical look at religion....why it existed.....different points of view. We had a gal who was the daughter of a pastor who almost started crying in class numerous times because it was out of the realm of what she had been taught growing up. She thought it would merely be an exercise in upchucking what she had already learned. I had more than one prof. tell me that there goal was to teach us how to think.....not what to think. If I'm condemned for thinking what I think, then I guess I'll have to live with that.
The bottom line is, the believer in God says the actual belief in Him trumps all. According to them, He forgives everything if you believe in Him. Too simplistic for me. How can one live the horrible life, believe in God, and go to heaven yet the other chap lives a good life, just can't believe in God no matter how hard they try, and ends up in hell?
It just doesn't add up for me.
I went to a small Lutheran liberal arts college in MN. There were no religious requirements to attend BTW. I took a class called "Studies in Religion"....best class I ever took.....because it wasn't a test on how well you knew the Bible....it was a critical look at religion....why it existed.....different points of view. We had a gal who was the daughter of a pastor who almost started crying in class numerous times because it was out of the realm of what she had been taught growing up. She thought it would merely be an exercise in upchucking what she had already learned. I had more than one prof. tell me that there goal was to teach us how to think.....not what to think. If I'm condemned for thinking what I think, then I guess I'll have to live with that.
Whats your model of free?
Whats your model of free?
originally posted by ClubDirt:
when i say, (now let's move on), i'm not referring to anyone in this thread. i like these debates, for lack of a better wor,d being the masochist that i guess i am. that refers to the people who want to impose their god or religion on others. i don't know, they don't know, i wish they'd move on and stay out of politics, other people's lives, etc.
ClubDirt, Would we all not like to see - all Christians and religious people adhere to their own guidance and rules first or stop calling themselves what they claim to represent. Christian involvement in politics is interesting, for the simple reason that there are many decisions made in politics which are for, as well as against, Christian values. Christians need to weigh in to the debate to ensure that their voice is heard and that their values are taken into account as well as those of secular society. We have just as much right to express our opinion as anyone else - no more, no less. When getting involved in politics though, it’s important not to get caught up in the issues and thus lose sight of the goals. But, it is a free country and people really can say what they like. There’s multiple stages of involvement in politics, from the lobbying to the other end of the spectrum of people who are impartial, who don’t get involved at all. Maybe, its just best if everyone take a don't legislate your morality on me mindset. Though, America has bigger poision in its political system than the CINO factor.
i agree that christians have a right to express their opinions and promote their agendas as much as anyone. i just think we'd all be so much better off if they didn't.
originally posted by ClubDirt:
when i say, (now let's move on), i'm not referring to anyone in this thread. i like these debates, for lack of a better wor,d being the masochist that i guess i am. that refers to the people who want to impose their god or religion on others. i don't know, they don't know, i wish they'd move on and stay out of politics, other people's lives, etc.
ClubDirt, Would we all not like to see - all Christians and religious people adhere to their own guidance and rules first or stop calling themselves what they claim to represent. Christian involvement in politics is interesting, for the simple reason that there are many decisions made in politics which are for, as well as against, Christian values. Christians need to weigh in to the debate to ensure that their voice is heard and that their values are taken into account as well as those of secular society. We have just as much right to express our opinion as anyone else - no more, no less. When getting involved in politics though, it’s important not to get caught up in the issues and thus lose sight of the goals. But, it is a free country and people really can say what they like. There’s multiple stages of involvement in politics, from the lobbying to the other end of the spectrum of people who are impartial, who don’t get involved at all. Maybe, its just best if everyone take a don't legislate your morality on me mindset. Though, America has bigger poision in its political system than the CINO factor.
i agree that christians have a right to express their opinions and promote their agendas as much as anyone. i just think we'd all be so much better off if they didn't.
The Book of Ezra
The author was Ezra, written around 430 B.C., recording events between 538 and 430 B.C.
Many great men and women never gain celebrity status. They do their deeds in relative obscurity, yet their contributions profoundly impact the lives of those who come after them. Ezra was just such a person. The book of Ezra details the Israelites' return to the land of Judah after their captivity in Babylon. The book opens with the return of a large group of exiles and the rebuilding of the Temple under Zerubbabel. Halfway through the book, we are introduced to Ezra, a scribe schooled in the laws of Moses. The book records how Ezra dealt with the problems that arose, such as marriages between Israelites and non-Israelites. After many struggles regarding the rebuilding of the Temple, the project was finally completed and dedicated to the glory of God.
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
The Book of Ezra
The author was Ezra, written around 430 B.C., recording events between 538 and 430 B.C.
Many great men and women never gain celebrity status. They do their deeds in relative obscurity, yet their contributions profoundly impact the lives of those who come after them. Ezra was just such a person. The book of Ezra details the Israelites' return to the land of Judah after their captivity in Babylon. The book opens with the return of a large group of exiles and the rebuilding of the Temple under Zerubbabel. Halfway through the book, we are introduced to Ezra, a scribe schooled in the laws of Moses. The book records how Ezra dealt with the problems that arose, such as marriages between Israelites and non-Israelites. After many struggles regarding the rebuilding of the Temple, the project was finally completed and dedicated to the glory of God.
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
The Book of Ezra
The author was Ezra, written around 430 B.C., recording events between 538 and 430 B.C.
Many great men and women never gain celebrity status. They do their deeds in relative obscurity, yet their contributions profoundly impact the lives of those who come after them. Ezra was just such a person. The book of Ezra details the Israelites' return to the land of Judah after their captivity in Babylon. The book opens with the return of a large group of exiles and the rebuilding of the Temple under Zerubbabel. Halfway through the book, we are introduced to Ezra, a scribe schooled in the laws of Moses. The book records how Ezra dealt with the problems that arose, such as marriages between Israelites and non-Israelites. After many struggles regarding the rebuilding of the Temple, the project was finally completed and dedicated to the glory of God.
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
The Book of Ezra
The author was Ezra, written around 430 B.C., recording events between 538 and 430 B.C.
Many great men and women never gain celebrity status. They do their deeds in relative obscurity, yet their contributions profoundly impact the lives of those who come after them. Ezra was just such a person. The book of Ezra details the Israelites' return to the land of Judah after their captivity in Babylon. The book opens with the return of a large group of exiles and the rebuilding of the Temple under Zerubbabel. Halfway through the book, we are introduced to Ezra, a scribe schooled in the laws of Moses. The book records how Ezra dealt with the problems that arose, such as marriages between Israelites and non-Israelites. After many struggles regarding the rebuilding of the Temple, the project was finally completed and dedicated to the glory of God.
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
no offense to drake, but i quit reading his stuff a while ago unless it is either very short or i scan it and see my name (drake, please don't take this as an invitation to include my name in your religious rantings)
no offense to drake, but i quit reading his stuff a while ago unless it is either very short or i scan it and see my name (drake, please don't take this as an invitation to include my name in your religious rantings)
Im pretty sure SJD is a bot.
Im pretty sure SJD is a bot.
The Book of Ezra
The author was Ezra, written around 430 B.C., recording events between 538 and 430 B.C.
Many great men and women never gain celebrity status. They do their deeds in relative obscurity, yet their contributions profoundly impact the lives of those who come after them. Ezra was just such a person. The book of Ezra details the Israelites' return to the land of Judah after their captivity in Babylon. The book opens with the return of a large group of exiles and the rebuilding of the Temple under Zerubbabel. Halfway through the book, we are introduced to Ezra, a scribe schooled in the laws of Moses. The book records how Ezra dealt with the problems that arose, such as marriages between Israelites and non-Israelites. After many struggles regarding the rebuilding of the Temple, the project was finally completed and dedicated to the glory of God.
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
The Book of Ezra
The author was Ezra, written around 430 B.C., recording events between 538 and 430 B.C.
Many great men and women never gain celebrity status. They do their deeds in relative obscurity, yet their contributions profoundly impact the lives of those who come after them. Ezra was just such a person. The book of Ezra details the Israelites' return to the land of Judah after their captivity in Babylon. The book opens with the return of a large group of exiles and the rebuilding of the Temple under Zerubbabel. Halfway through the book, we are introduced to Ezra, a scribe schooled in the laws of Moses. The book records how Ezra dealt with the problems that arose, such as marriages between Israelites and non-Israelites. After many struggles regarding the rebuilding of the Temple, the project was finally completed and dedicated to the glory of God.
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
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