To continue this:
Rostos and SJD - if morals are absolute, and the Ten commandments are absolute:
Why is it OK to kill Bin Laden?
If you had a chance to kill Hitler in 1938, is that a violation of the 10 commandments?
Is it OK to steal food in order to not die of starvation?
How can capitalism exist without coveting?
Is it OK to lie in order to save a bunch of people from dying?
Would it be OK to lie to your captors if you were a POW?
Is it OK to lie to Mom and Dad if they are forcing you to kill someone?
Is it OK to not honor the Sabbath if you have to work that day?
Start with those and tell me how those are NOT subjective. Please. I am begging you to not ignore this as usual and respond.
1. Was it ok for him to kill over 3,000 innocent people at the World Trade Center and numerous others worldwide?
If he wanted to surrender then it wouldn't be right to kill him but on the otherhand if he went for a weapon then it would be justified to kill him. ( On Judgment day, the Good Lord will judge everyone accordingly and justly)
2. If he was surrendering to you then it wouldn't be right to kill him. (On Judgment day, the Good Lord will judge everyone accordingly and justly)
3. Why steal when you have mouth to ask for food?, c'mon haven't you seen compassionate people in your life. There are numerous shelters where one can get help. Furthermore if you see someone who is begging you for food wouldn't you help your brother in need? There are compassionate people out there!
Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.-----Matthew 7:7:8
4. To covet is to want ardently (esp. something that another person has), long for with envy, in otherwords wanting someone's wife or girlfriend etc and so was does capitalism have to do with coveting? ...I think you need to study your dictionary as well as the Holy Bible, but please put more emphasis on the Holy Bible.
5. You must tell the truth and not be a false witness.
The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in those who tell the truth. -----Proverbs 12:22
( On Judgment day, the Good Lord will judge everyone accordingly and justly)
6. As an American serviceman you are trained if you are a POW to just show them your dog tags and keep your mouth shut. ( dog tags are those tags that servicemen carry with them at all times that shows their name, rank, and serial number)
7. If Mom and Dad are criminals plotting evil, it is your duty to turn them in to law enforcement.
(God's commandment of thou shalt not kill supersedes God's commandment of Honor thy mother and father and again (On Judgment day, the Good Lord will judge everyone accordingly and justly)
So you see brother van, that's why the Lord Almighty will have a judgment day on everyone because yes, there can be some conflicts when dealing with the Commandments and the Good Lord will judge everyone accordingly and justly.
Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good; celebrate his lovely name with music. ---Psalm 135:3
Praise the Lord Almighty!!