You don't say...very interesting smdio!

I was hoping for this question.
Right after I hit "submit" for the original post, I realized that I hadn't included where Flight 93 actually went.
Flight 93 landed in Cleveland at roughly 11:15 AM. At approximately 10:45 AM, all people inside the terminal and waiting areas of the airport were told they had to evacuate immediately. They were told they could not drive or take any of their vehicles. They were forced to WALK away from the airport, and not ask any questions.
Some people refused and tried to get back to gather their personal belongings. These people were told that if they did not comply and tried to gain access back to the airport, they would be shot on site.
At 11:15 AM, Flight 93 landed. At 11:45, it was evacuated and the passengers were taken to an inactive NASA hanger. What happened from there? It's anyone's guess. I highly doubt the government would have killed those passengers, but I absolutely believe that if they are capable of staging such attacks as the ones on the WTC, they are more than capable of sitting down 200 people, and giving them an ultimatum:
"You will not contact your famlies ever again. We will give you new lives with unlimited access to whatever you desire. We will place you in a very undisclosed location and give you new identities. We will watch every move you make and monitor every minute of your daily lives. Should you contact your family or speak of this to anyone, we will kill both them, and you."
Would you agree? I don't think you would have a choice..
I was hoping for this question.
Right after I hit "submit" for the original post, I realized that I hadn't included where Flight 93 actually went.
Flight 93 landed in Cleveland at roughly 11:15 AM. At approximately 10:45 AM, all people inside the terminal and waiting areas of the airport were told they had to evacuate immediately. They were told they could not drive or take any of their vehicles. They were forced to WALK away from the airport, and not ask any questions.
Some people refused and tried to get back to gather their personal belongings. These people were told that if they did not comply and tried to gain access back to the airport, they would be shot on site.
At 11:15 AM, Flight 93 landed. At 11:45, it was evacuated and the passengers were taken to an inactive NASA hanger. What happened from there? It's anyone's guess. I highly doubt the government would have killed those passengers, but I absolutely believe that if they are capable of staging such attacks as the ones on the WTC, they are more than capable of sitting down 200 people, and giving them an ultimatum:
"You will not contact your famlies ever again. We will give you new lives with unlimited access to whatever you desire. We will place you in a very undisclosed location and give you new identities. We will watch every move you make and monitor every minute of your daily lives. Should you contact your family or speak of this to anyone, we will kill both them, and you."
Would you agree? I don't think you would have a choice..
Great question
The point was on 2 fronts: Our country desperately needed access to the middle-east's oil supply. Our gasoline prices were nearly $4/gallon, and oil prices were the highest on record. The economy was suffering and we needed to take control of the most abundent resource that the middle east had to offer. Saddam Hussein was used as a logical excuse to invade Iraq, since his past actions have essentially set the stage for another war. We used every excuse to go to war with Iraq, except the real reason: we needed the oil, and we needed it badly.
I do NOT believe this was the primary reason, however. As a matter of fact, I believe this was just a "bonus". The real reason? You won't like this..
I've referred many times in my original post to the entity know as the "Bilderberg Group". This group is a "secret society" of Global juggernauts. Past presidents, congressman, foriegn ambassedors, parliment members, foriegn Heads of State, wealthy and powerful business CEO's, mainstream media cooridinators, etc etc. I can go on, but you'd probably rather just googling "The Bilderberg Group". A list of members can be found somewhere.
This group operates in complete secrecy. They meet once a year, and have since 1952. They control absolutely -everything- that we see and hear on a daily basis. Their main goal is to create a "Global Government", in which they use the United Nations as the "enforcer" and main military weapon. They plan to disarm the United States and other countries, so that we must rely on them for protection.
Their goal of September 11th was to create fear. It was the first of a series of events that will ultimately lead to the "New World Order" (which they will call it) taking control of the Global every day actions of this planet. They will have 1 global currency, 1 global army, and 1 global economy. This group will essentially "monopolize" our planet to their own benefit. We will have no choice but to accept the NWO as our new government, because at that point, the series of events they have created will have us living in fear on a daily basis. We will succumb to their entrance as the new World Government, basically out of fear.
I know it sounds far fetched, but if you look closer as I have, and stop being naive and believing everything you hear on the media, you will find the truth.
Great question
The point was on 2 fronts: Our country desperately needed access to the middle-east's oil supply. Our gasoline prices were nearly $4/gallon, and oil prices were the highest on record. The economy was suffering and we needed to take control of the most abundent resource that the middle east had to offer. Saddam Hussein was used as a logical excuse to invade Iraq, since his past actions have essentially set the stage for another war. We used every excuse to go to war with Iraq, except the real reason: we needed the oil, and we needed it badly.
I do NOT believe this was the primary reason, however. As a matter of fact, I believe this was just a "bonus". The real reason? You won't like this..
I've referred many times in my original post to the entity know as the "Bilderberg Group". This group is a "secret society" of Global juggernauts. Past presidents, congressman, foriegn ambassedors, parliment members, foriegn Heads of State, wealthy and powerful business CEO's, mainstream media cooridinators, etc etc. I can go on, but you'd probably rather just googling "The Bilderberg Group". A list of members can be found somewhere.
This group operates in complete secrecy. They meet once a year, and have since 1952. They control absolutely -everything- that we see and hear on a daily basis. Their main goal is to create a "Global Government", in which they use the United Nations as the "enforcer" and main military weapon. They plan to disarm the United States and other countries, so that we must rely on them for protection.
Their goal of September 11th was to create fear. It was the first of a series of events that will ultimately lead to the "New World Order" (which they will call it) taking control of the Global every day actions of this planet. They will have 1 global currency, 1 global army, and 1 global economy. This group will essentially "monopolize" our planet to their own benefit. We will have no choice but to accept the NWO as our new government, because at that point, the series of events they have created will have us living in fear on a daily basis. We will succumb to their entrance as the new World Government, basically out of fear.
I know it sounds far fetched, but if you look closer as I have, and stop being naive and believing everything you hear on the media, you will find the truth.
This is simply not true. You are reading aticles that you found on the internet. I have first hand knowledge from my father just 48 hours before the attacks happened. He was at the towers every single day. His life was his work. I barely saw my dad, and when I did, he would always talk about work. He was not the type of person to have mentioned something like the dogs being pulled if he did not feel it was of significance. At the time, we both sort of "shrugged it off". I didn't even draw the line from his statement to the actual attacks until a few weeks after 9/11. His statement to me of the dogs being pulled and "something is up" has driven to me start asking questions.
My questions, however, do not get answered. They lead down a road with no end. I constantly get thrown to the side and given to low-level bureucrats that don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.
Do not believe what you read on the internet tiasman. Those dogs were pulled 2 days prior to the attacks. That is a fact that you should not overlook.
This is simply not true. You are reading aticles that you found on the internet. I have first hand knowledge from my father just 48 hours before the attacks happened. He was at the towers every single day. His life was his work. I barely saw my dad, and when I did, he would always talk about work. He was not the type of person to have mentioned something like the dogs being pulled if he did not feel it was of significance. At the time, we both sort of "shrugged it off". I didn't even draw the line from his statement to the actual attacks until a few weeks after 9/11. His statement to me of the dogs being pulled and "something is up" has driven to me start asking questions.
My questions, however, do not get answered. They lead down a road with no end. I constantly get thrown to the side and given to low-level bureucrats that don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.
Do not believe what you read on the internet tiasman. Those dogs were pulled 2 days prior to the attacks. That is a fact that you should not overlook.
Your "debris" arguement is not a very good one. I've just watched the videos again numerous times, and any piece of debris that had fallen to the ground before the actual "mass" of the towers had start to fall BEFORE the towers initial collapse. If you could point out otherwise, I'll succumb to your arguement. But I doubt you can. In fact, you can't
Secondly, on the "Speed of Freefall", I have no idea what "other formulas" you are speaking of. The formula for freefall speed is universally defined. There are not multiple formulas for this. An experiment was done by the University of Columbia years before the attacks. They dropped a billiard ball from the very top of the WTC to the ground below to determine Free Fall speed. Their results?
It took the billiard ball 9.22 seconds to hit the ground once dropped from the top of WTC South Tower. They estimate if you drop the ball 100 times, it would always land between 8.79 and 9.22 seconds, with the higher number coming in more often than not.
Now let's watch the same tower collapse again:
Okay okay, you still don't believe me? Well let's watch this video. This guy is a Yale University professor in physics.
Let's say I'll believe you, and the South and North towers did not fall in free-fall speed.
Are you telling me that Tower #7 was not a controlled demolition? And if it was (which you have to admitt), WHY? Why would they demolish Tower #7, and how would they have known before September 11th that these attacks would have occured?
Then go and look what was inside of Tower #7. I think you can start drawing the lines...
Your "debris" arguement is not a very good one. I've just watched the videos again numerous times, and any piece of debris that had fallen to the ground before the actual "mass" of the towers had start to fall BEFORE the towers initial collapse. If you could point out otherwise, I'll succumb to your arguement. But I doubt you can. In fact, you can't
Secondly, on the "Speed of Freefall", I have no idea what "other formulas" you are speaking of. The formula for freefall speed is universally defined. There are not multiple formulas for this. An experiment was done by the University of Columbia years before the attacks. They dropped a billiard ball from the very top of the WTC to the ground below to determine Free Fall speed. Their results?
It took the billiard ball 9.22 seconds to hit the ground once dropped from the top of WTC South Tower. They estimate if you drop the ball 100 times, it would always land between 8.79 and 9.22 seconds, with the higher number coming in more often than not.
Now let's watch the same tower collapse again:
Okay okay, you still don't believe me? Well let's watch this video. This guy is a Yale University professor in physics.
Let's say I'll believe you, and the South and North towers did not fall in free-fall speed.
Are you telling me that Tower #7 was not a controlled demolition? And if it was (which you have to admitt), WHY? Why would they demolish Tower #7, and how would they have known before September 11th that these attacks would have occured?
Then go and look what was inside of Tower #7. I think you can start drawing the lines...
I've already answered this with my above post. I'll await your reply.
Of the two buildings in your "facts" that were actually hit by a plane and can be used for comparison:
Empire State State Building: In 1945, the B-52 did not exist . It was a much smaller plane, a B 25, the pilot knew he was going to hit something, he dodged for sky scrapers, he was banking hard and PULLING UP at stall speed when he hit the building. Most of the fuel spilled down the side of the building and did not ignite. 11 people were killed, some burned, but the fire was quickly put out. This building also differed as dramatically from the construction of the WTC as a 767 differs from a B 25
Venezuela, it was a small plane that hit the FIRE DEPT at the airport, no 57 story building was hit in 2004 or "burned for hours", whereever you got this story from, is not telling the truth.
18 November 2004; Rutas Aereas Venezolanas (RAVSA) BAe Jetstream 31; Caracas, Venezuela: The aircraft was on a scheduled domestic flight from El Vigia to Caracas and crashed after landing during heavy rain at the Caracas airport. After landing, the aircraft departed the runway and crashed into the airport fire department headquarters and caught fire. That fire was quickly put out by the fire fighters in the building.
Both crew members survived, but four of the 19 passengers were killed.
So one building was hit by a pilot desperately trying to avoid it (instead of full throttle into it), and another was a FIRE DEPT hit by a small plane skidding on the runway. Hardly comparable.
None of the other fires you describe could mimick the intense heat caused by the thousands of gallons of jet fuel that slammed into the WTC at full speed.
I will continue tomorrow with this, see you then.
^^^^ This is the article from the 56 story building that burned for over 26 hours. No, it was not hit by a place. But did burn for over 26 hours and stretched 16 floors.
Intense heat from the thousands of gallons of jet fuel? No, sir. When the planes initially hit the towers, it's been universally estimated that 75% of the jet fuel burned off at impact, and the remaining fuel burned off relatively quickly, having minimal time to spread to neighboring floors. If you watch the initial impact of the 747's hitting the towers, the huge "fireball" that you see if the jet fuel explosion.
Now to debunk your Empire State building claims:
Nuff said there.
Anything else? Because that took me all of 45 seconds to find those articles.
I've already answered this with my above post. I'll await your reply.
Of the two buildings in your "facts" that were actually hit by a plane and can be used for comparison:
Empire State State Building: In 1945, the B-52 did not exist . It was a much smaller plane, a B 25, the pilot knew he was going to hit something, he dodged for sky scrapers, he was banking hard and PULLING UP at stall speed when he hit the building. Most of the fuel spilled down the side of the building and did not ignite. 11 people were killed, some burned, but the fire was quickly put out. This building also differed as dramatically from the construction of the WTC as a 767 differs from a B 25
Venezuela, it was a small plane that hit the FIRE DEPT at the airport, no 57 story building was hit in 2004 or "burned for hours", whereever you got this story from, is not telling the truth.
18 November 2004; Rutas Aereas Venezolanas (RAVSA) BAe Jetstream 31; Caracas, Venezuela: The aircraft was on a scheduled domestic flight from El Vigia to Caracas and crashed after landing during heavy rain at the Caracas airport. After landing, the aircraft departed the runway and crashed into the airport fire department headquarters and caught fire. That fire was quickly put out by the fire fighters in the building.
Both crew members survived, but four of the 19 passengers were killed.
So one building was hit by a pilot desperately trying to avoid it (instead of full throttle into it), and another was a FIRE DEPT hit by a small plane skidding on the runway. Hardly comparable.
None of the other fires you describe could mimick the intense heat caused by the thousands of gallons of jet fuel that slammed into the WTC at full speed.
I will continue tomorrow with this, see you then.
^^^^ This is the article from the 56 story building that burned for over 26 hours. No, it was not hit by a place. But did burn for over 26 hours and stretched 16 floors.
Intense heat from the thousands of gallons of jet fuel? No, sir. When the planes initially hit the towers, it's been universally estimated that 75% of the jet fuel burned off at impact, and the remaining fuel burned off relatively quickly, having minimal time to spread to neighboring floors. If you watch the initial impact of the 747's hitting the towers, the huge "fireball" that you see if the jet fuel explosion.
Now to debunk your Empire State building claims:
Nuff said there.
Anything else? Because that took me all of 45 seconds to find those articles.
well,,,,i'm sure to no surprise to anyone,,,,,i'm with ya on this one........
sincerley sorry about the loss of your father..........but agree......shit just doesn't add up on this one
well,,,,i'm sure to no surprise to anyone,,,,,i'm with ya on this one........
sincerley sorry about the loss of your father..........but agree......shit just doesn't add up on this one
I was hoping for this question.
Right after I hit "submit" for the original post, I realized that I hadn't included where Flight 93 actually went.
Flight 93 landed in Cleveland at roughly 11:15 AM. At approximately 10:45 AM, all people inside the terminal and waiting areas of the airport were told they had to evacuate immediately. They were told they could not drive or take any of their vehicles. They were forced to WALK away from the airport, and not ask any questions.
Some people refused and tried to get back to gather their personal belongings. These people were told that if they did not comply and tried to gain access back to the airport, they would be shot on site.
At 11:15 AM, Flight 93 landed. At 11:45, it was evacuated and the passengers were taken to an inactive NASA hanger. What happened from there? It's anyone's guess. I highly doubt the government would have killed those passengers, but I absolutely believe that if they are capable of staging such attacks as the ones on the WTC, they are more than capable of sitting down 200 people, and giving them an ultimatum:
"You will not contact your famlies ever again. We will give you new lives with unlimited access to whatever you desire. We will place you in a very undisclosed location and give you new identities. We will watch every move you make and monitor every minute of your daily lives. Should you contact your family or speak of this to anyone, we will kill both them, and you."
Would you agree? I don't think you would have a choice..
Not joking professional help
I was hoping for this question.
Right after I hit "submit" for the original post, I realized that I hadn't included where Flight 93 actually went.
Flight 93 landed in Cleveland at roughly 11:15 AM. At approximately 10:45 AM, all people inside the terminal and waiting areas of the airport were told they had to evacuate immediately. They were told they could not drive or take any of their vehicles. They were forced to WALK away from the airport, and not ask any questions.
Some people refused and tried to get back to gather their personal belongings. These people were told that if they did not comply and tried to gain access back to the airport, they would be shot on site.
At 11:15 AM, Flight 93 landed. At 11:45, it was evacuated and the passengers were taken to an inactive NASA hanger. What happened from there? It's anyone's guess. I highly doubt the government would have killed those passengers, but I absolutely believe that if they are capable of staging such attacks as the ones on the WTC, they are more than capable of sitting down 200 people, and giving them an ultimatum:
"You will not contact your famlies ever again. We will give you new lives with unlimited access to whatever you desire. We will place you in a very undisclosed location and give you new identities. We will watch every move you make and monitor every minute of your daily lives. Should you contact your family or speak of this to anyone, we will kill both them, and you."
Would you agree? I don't think you would have a choice..
Not joking professional help
Not joking professional help
That's the easy way out. Try to dis-prove what I said above. Show me evidence that Flight 93 crashed. Wheres the black box? Where's the wreckage? Where's the bodies?
Saying "you need help HAHAHA LOLZ" is no kind of substantial arguement to contradict my claims. It's the easy way out of an arguement, and an incident that your brain would rather not believe
You can do better than that..
Not joking professional help
That's the easy way out. Try to dis-prove what I said above. Show me evidence that Flight 93 crashed. Wheres the black box? Where's the wreckage? Where's the bodies?
Saying "you need help HAHAHA LOLZ" is no kind of substantial arguement to contradict my claims. It's the easy way out of an arguement, and an incident that your brain would rather not believe
You can do better than that..
I was hoping for this question.
Right after I hit "submit" for the original post, I realized that I hadn't included where Flight 93 actually went.
Flight 93 landed in Cleveland at roughly 11:15 AM. At approximately 10:45 AM, all people inside the terminal and waiting areas of the airport were told they had to evacuate immediately. They were told they could not drive or take any of their vehicles. They were forced to WALK away from the airport, and not ask any questions.
Some people refused and tried to get back to gather their personal belongings. These people were told that if they did not comply and tried to gain access back to the airport, they would be shot on site.
At 11:15 AM, Flight 93 landed. At 11:45, it was evacuated and the passengers were taken to an inactive NASA hanger. What happened from there? It's anyone's guess. I highly doubt the government would have killed those passengers, but I absolutely believe that if they are capable of staging such attacks as the ones on the WTC, they are more than capable of sitting down 200 people, and giving them an ultimatum:
"You will not contact your famlies ever again. We will give you new lives with unlimited access to whatever you desire. We will place you in a very undisclosed location and give you new identities. We will watch every move you make and monitor every minute of your daily lives. Should you contact your family or speak of this to anyone, we will kill both them, and you."
Would you agree? I don't think you would have a choice..
I was hoping for this question.
Right after I hit "submit" for the original post, I realized that I hadn't included where Flight 93 actually went.
Flight 93 landed in Cleveland at roughly 11:15 AM. At approximately 10:45 AM, all people inside the terminal and waiting areas of the airport were told they had to evacuate immediately. They were told they could not drive or take any of their vehicles. They were forced to WALK away from the airport, and not ask any questions.
Some people refused and tried to get back to gather their personal belongings. These people were told that if they did not comply and tried to gain access back to the airport, they would be shot on site.
At 11:15 AM, Flight 93 landed. At 11:45, it was evacuated and the passengers were taken to an inactive NASA hanger. What happened from there? It's anyone's guess. I highly doubt the government would have killed those passengers, but I absolutely believe that if they are capable of staging such attacks as the ones on the WTC, they are more than capable of sitting down 200 people, and giving them an ultimatum:
"You will not contact your famlies ever again. We will give you new lives with unlimited access to whatever you desire. We will place you in a very undisclosed location and give you new identities. We will watch every move you make and monitor every minute of your daily lives. Should you contact your family or speak of this to anyone, we will kill both them, and you."
Would you agree? I don't think you would have a choice..
Internet rumours that the South Tower, North Tower, and Tower #7 fell in free-fall speed?
Rumours that only 3 bulidings in our history have ever fallen because of fire?
Rumours that -zero- wreckage was ever recovered from Flight 93?
I want someone, ANYONE, to counter-act the point of WTC #7 had fallen in free-fall speed. I want someone to step up to the plate, and explain to me how, a 47 story building can collapse on itself, into a neat little pile, in the exact speed of free-fall, without the use of explosive devices.
When someone can do that, I'll agree to eliminate all my other points that I'm trying to make in this thread.
Internet rumours that the South Tower, North Tower, and Tower #7 fell in free-fall speed?
Rumours that only 3 bulidings in our history have ever fallen because of fire?
Rumours that -zero- wreckage was ever recovered from Flight 93?
I want someone, ANYONE, to counter-act the point of WTC #7 had fallen in free-fall speed. I want someone to step up to the plate, and explain to me how, a 47 story building can collapse on itself, into a neat little pile, in the exact speed of free-fall, without the use of explosive devices.
When someone can do that, I'll agree to eliminate all my other points that I'm trying to make in this thread.
If that fucking building were damage, as tiasman had previously claimed, maybe JUST MAYBE it would have collapsed from teh damage.
If that fucking building were damage, as tiasman had previously claimed, maybe JUST MAYBE it would have collapsed from teh damage.
But yet we still don't have anyone willing to engage the question of HOW IN THE NAME OF HELL Tower #7 fell in free fall speed.
Just people that say "boo haa it was the islamic militants" because that's what the Government wants you to believe
It's nice of you to give your opinion Kaponofor, but you're doing very little to speak in factual terms, or engage in debate
But yet we still don't have anyone willing to engage the question of HOW IN THE NAME OF HELL Tower #7 fell in free fall speed.
Just people that say "boo haa it was the islamic militants" because that's what the Government wants you to believe
It's nice of you to give your opinion Kaponofor, but you're doing very little to speak in factual terms, or engage in debate
Internet rumours that the South Tower, North Tower, and Tower #7 fell in free-fall speed?
Rumours that only 3 bulidings in our history have ever fallen because of fire?
Rumours that -zero- wreckage was ever recovered from Flight 93?
I want someone, ANYONE, to counter-act the point of WTC #7 had fallen in free-fall speed. I want someone to step up to the plate, and explain to me how, a 47 story building can collapse on itself, into a neat little pile, in the exact speed of free-fall, without the use of explosive devices.
When someone can do that, I'll agree to eliminate all my other points that I'm trying to make in this thread.
Internet rumours that the South Tower, North Tower, and Tower #7 fell in free-fall speed?
Rumours that only 3 bulidings in our history have ever fallen because of fire?
Rumours that -zero- wreckage was ever recovered from Flight 93?
I want someone, ANYONE, to counter-act the point of WTC #7 had fallen in free-fall speed. I want someone to step up to the plate, and explain to me how, a 47 story building can collapse on itself, into a neat little pile, in the exact speed of free-fall, without the use of explosive devices.
When someone can do that, I'll agree to eliminate all my other points that I'm trying to make in this thread.
I was hoping for this question.
Right after I hit "submit" for the original post, I realized that I hadn't included where Flight 93 actually went.
Flight 93 landed in Cleveland at roughly 11:15 AM. At approximately 10:45 AM, all people inside the terminal and waiting areas of the airport were told they had to evacuate immediately. They were told they could not drive or take any of their vehicles. They were forced to WALK away from the airport, and not ask any questions.
Some people refused and tried to get back to gather their personal belongings. These people were told that if they did not comply and tried to gain access back to the airport, they would be shot on site.
At 11:15 AM, Flight 93 landed. At 11:45, it was evacuated and the passengers were taken to an inactive NASA hanger. What happened from there? It's anyone's guess. I highly doubt the government would have killed those passengers, but I absolutely believe that if they are capable of staging such attacks as the ones on the WTC, they are more than capable of sitting down 200 people, and giving them an ultimatum:
"You will not contact your famlies ever again. We will give you new lives with unlimited access to whatever you desire. We will place you in a very undisclosed location and give you new identities. We will watch every move you make and monitor every minute of your daily lives. Should you contact your family or speak of this to anyone, we will kill both them, and you."
Would you agree? I don't think you would have a choice..
I was hoping for this question.
Right after I hit "submit" for the original post, I realized that I hadn't included where Flight 93 actually went.
Flight 93 landed in Cleveland at roughly 11:15 AM. At approximately 10:45 AM, all people inside the terminal and waiting areas of the airport were told they had to evacuate immediately. They were told they could not drive or take any of their vehicles. They were forced to WALK away from the airport, and not ask any questions.
Some people refused and tried to get back to gather their personal belongings. These people were told that if they did not comply and tried to gain access back to the airport, they would be shot on site.
At 11:15 AM, Flight 93 landed. At 11:45, it was evacuated and the passengers were taken to an inactive NASA hanger. What happened from there? It's anyone's guess. I highly doubt the government would have killed those passengers, but I absolutely believe that if they are capable of staging such attacks as the ones on the WTC, they are more than capable of sitting down 200 people, and giving them an ultimatum:
"You will not contact your famlies ever again. We will give you new lives with unlimited access to whatever you desire. We will place you in a very undisclosed location and give you new identities. We will watch every move you make and monitor every minute of your daily lives. Should you contact your family or speak of this to anyone, we will kill both them, and you."
Would you agree? I don't think you would have a choice..
Smdio, it takes a lot of guts to come out and say what you have considering what happened to your father, and I commend you for that.
The evidence is overwhelming, and in my opinion, impossible to ignore. I assume you have already seen the documentary "loose change" on U Tube, which is one of the most compelling documentaries I have ever seen.
Unfortunately, this wasn't the first time a false flag operation was conducted, and they don't plan on it being the last either. When you control the media, you control everything. How could the news lie to us?
People ask why dwell on an event in the past? The answer is simple... they haven't completed their plan yet. Keep your head up man, your on the right path here.
Smdio, it takes a lot of guts to come out and say what you have considering what happened to your father, and I commend you for that.
The evidence is overwhelming, and in my opinion, impossible to ignore. I assume you have already seen the documentary "loose change" on U Tube, which is one of the most compelling documentaries I have ever seen.
Unfortunately, this wasn't the first time a false flag operation was conducted, and they don't plan on it being the last either. When you control the media, you control everything. How could the news lie to us?
People ask why dwell on an event in the past? The answer is simple... they haven't completed their plan yet. Keep your head up man, your on the right path here.
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