More bullshit from Hutch....
I haven't seen you in about 4 years
We had this same discussion in the Political thread about 5 months ago...Same shit there of you avoiding one or two questions.
my favorite was the one where the firefighters had increased cancer rates
My point of that was.....Your Government not caring about them but of course you try to make something else about it.
The best you have to offer that a plane didn't hit the pentagon is there is no picture of it.
That's the ONE question that I ask ....Why not show it to put it to bed.....YOU can't answer that so your Kool-aid soaked brain tells you to go on defence rambling on other shit like this.....
coldsnap: But seriously, a car did slam into my front door.
insurance agent: Do you have any video of this?
coldsnap: No, but we have 2 dead bodies and parts from a Chevy Tahoo in my kitchen and living room.
insurance agent: Sorry, but we can't honor your claim. How can we assume that these parts and bodies weren't just planted by you in an effort to collect the insurance money. 
And for what it's worth, my cat anecdote was in a cat and dog thread. It was almost as interesting as your story about getting to go hang out in the pilot's cockpit and take some pictures. I'm sure those pictures were way more amazing then the ones you get out of the window in the worst seat of the plane
I was in the cockpit of a plane flying to England.....You have a cat. Awesome.
Tell everyone the amazing stories you have posted in the past like...
When you went over to Wagerline all pissed off cause a buddy of yours got banned and you blamed them.....You got your ass handed to you by those guys and came back with your tail between your legs. 
The bar in Wisconsin that you and your brother shot pool in ...then realized that it was a gay bar....but still go to when you are in the neighbourhood. 
Spilling nailpolish on your carpet. 
Too many to go on but....All great stories. 
You do own me in sports wagering, though. Oh, wait, that would be impossible since you never, EVER post an opinion on any sporting event.
You should do a litte research yourself before posting shit like this...This weekend alone I have posted...
Virginia Tech first 1/4 and game. 2 WINNERS
Kansas St. first 1/2 and game. 2 WINNERS
Chic-Gr.Bay-KC Parlay $500 to win $610 BIG WINNER
Bruins - 1/2....LOST
New England tonight.....Didn't post this part but.....It's the last part of a 3 team 7 pt. teaser + 3 1/2.
UPDATE.....5-1 one game pending.
I'm not an attention person so I don't start a lot of threads with picks just to boost my ego.....But you can look through my recent posts to see if I'm lying.
What did you post? ....Thought so. 
coldsnap owning anyone
Just you.
Quit posting bullshit you can't back.