"rockonova said"
maybe not, but it has everything to do with establishing your credibility, and if what you just said is true then you're a self admitted liar. you got out on 50k bail, not 250k as you stated in your original post. yes, you never said you posted 250k bail in that post, but saying you were waiting on 250k bail would imply that was the case. you can try to twist the story and say you didn't feel it was important to clarify the exact amount, but if you were being truthful you would have simply said you got out on 50k bail, being that it was already after the fact.
let's toss aside that indiscretion for a minute and focus on some of your other eccentricities. what really bothers me about you is you're a little too calm, a little too collected, and a little too smooth. there are quite a few other posts that are a little off in this thread, but the one I can't seem to put my finger on is #8, this is what you said....
"Guys, I appreciate the kind words about my dad. I really do. I didn't really start this thread to get sympathy for myself or his death though."
I've been around this forum for awhile and I have read quite a few threads from people who have lost their loved ones, and not once have I ever heard the op say something so strange in response. sure, maybe it was not your intent to garner sympathy, but when a person goes out of their way to wish you well is it really that much trouble to acknowledge their kind gesture before moving on to your agenda... unless, well, I'll let you draw your own conclusions
oh, I did some more digging around, lucky for me this time I didn't have to go far to discover this gem because it's right here on this page. it's about your father whom you claim perished in the wtc...
"I was told that he jumped. I still, to this day, do not believe this. My father was not the type of person to "bail" on a life-threatening situation. He would have instead tried to help the other people around him, not run away and take his own life. But whatever."
hey smarty, you neglected to add that if you contain people in a small space and start a fire and make them wait for more than 5 minutes, they will pay any amount of money to escape and consider themselves benevolent. they will even get very intentional and enthusiastic about putting labels on other people who are less discerning.
btw- I just don't trust people who refer to themselves in third person
Oh, pardon me for not clarifying my bail-structure deal in another thread! I should have given details! I shouldn't have intentionally mislead people by saying 250k! I shouldn't have implied that I posted $250k when in fact I only posted $50k!
Who gives a fucking rats ass you jackwad? Are you mentally retarded, or are you just 100% unintelligent when it comes to a logical debate, and instead try to grasp straws and disprove someones credibility?
Go to hell. I'll no longer respond to your stupid posts, because they're exactly that, stupid. I feel my IQ has dropped just by typing these few sentences.
Don't waste your time replying to me anymore, I'll simply ignore anything you write and instead engage in debate with spiff, tiasman, and other intelligent human beings