Why are we reminiscing about this again?

just to piss you off a-hole
huge slip up, by now you must see the contradiction in that statement and wish it never left your backyard. I don't know if your father is alive or dead, but I don't believe your story about him. I think you made that up to gain sympathy from everyone and thought it would boost your credibility.
I see you just signed on this month, huh... wasn't it your plan to spring this on us after at least a good month of laying some ground work... tisk , tisk
oh, I must give you some credit, I loved how at the end of your first post you said, "...if you're too naive to believe something like this can and most likely has been staged, and you don't have anything constructive to bring to the discussion please find your way out of this thread without responding."
c'mon, hotshot, show us that devilish grin... I bet if you make it really obvious some of the old timers on here can still see it without their bifocals
That might be the ignorant and assinine post I've ever read.
You not only mock the death of my father, but you somehow insinuate that I came to covers.com a month ago, laid "ground work" by posting a few times, and then came here with this thread to gather sympathy?
You sir, are a complete jackass, and you may kindly get the fuck out of a thread in which you are clearly over your head, in terms of intellectual agrumentative response.
Feel free to find the 'Penalty Box" forum, though. I think you'll find the level of posting there to be more "in line" with your level of intelligence.
huge slip up, by now you must see the contradiction in that statement and wish it never left your backyard. I don't know if your father is alive or dead, but I don't believe your story about him. I think you made that up to gain sympathy from everyone and thought it would boost your credibility.
I see you just signed on this month, huh... wasn't it your plan to spring this on us after at least a good month of laying some ground work... tisk , tisk
oh, I must give you some credit, I loved how at the end of your first post you said, "...if you're too naive to believe something like this can and most likely has been staged, and you don't have anything constructive to bring to the discussion please find your way out of this thread without responding."
c'mon, hotshot, show us that devilish grin... I bet if you make it really obvious some of the old timers on here can still see it without their bifocals
That might be the ignorant and assinine post I've ever read.
You not only mock the death of my father, but you somehow insinuate that I came to covers.com a month ago, laid "ground work" by posting a few times, and then came here with this thread to gather sympathy?
You sir, are a complete jackass, and you may kindly get the fuck out of a thread in which you are clearly over your head, in terms of intellectual agrumentative response.
Feel free to find the 'Penalty Box" forum, though. I think you'll find the level of posting there to be more "in line" with your level of intelligence.
spiff, no reason to get nasty here. The thread was intended for debate and counter-debate, not to get personal, which I feel you haven't done yet, but are trying to bait me into doing it.
I'm real tired now and briefly skimmed through this last post of yours. I'll clear some things up in the morning when I have a clear mind. I may or may not have contradicted myself a few times in this thread by mistake. Many times I've been posting here quickly and not thinking the thoughts through, and instead trying to apease all the questions that everyone has been asking without making the correct and proper response.
spiff, no reason to get nasty here. The thread was intended for debate and counter-debate, not to get personal, which I feel you haven't done yet, but are trying to bait me into doing it.
I'm real tired now and briefly skimmed through this last post of yours. I'll clear some things up in the morning when I have a clear mind. I may or may not have contradicted myself a few times in this thread by mistake. Many times I've been posting here quickly and not thinking the thoughts through, and instead trying to apease all the questions that everyone has been asking without making the correct and proper response.
Name calling without any constructive arguement or intellectual approach.
I'll send you a birthday card for your 15th birthday next month, k? K.
Name calling without any constructive arguement or intellectual approach.
I'll send you a birthday card for your 15th birthday next month, k? K.
Nice video Hugh, but almost nothing that was shown can be called fact. It's just another video that the 9/11 Debunkers are floating around out there.
Nice video Hugh, but almost nothing that was shown can be called fact. It's just another video that the 9/11 Debunkers are floating around out there.
That might be the ignorant and assinine post I've ever read.
You not only mock the death of my father, but you somehow insinuate that I came to covers.com a month ago, laid "ground work" by posting a few times, and then came here with this thread to gather sympathy?
You sir, are a complete jackass, and you may kindly get the fuck out of a thread in which you are clearly over your head, in terms of intellectual agrumentative response.
Feel free to find the 'Penalty Box" forum, though. I think you'll find the level of posting there to be more "in line" with your level of intelligence.
That might be the ignorant and assinine post I've ever read.
You not only mock the death of my father, but you somehow insinuate that I came to covers.com a month ago, laid "ground work" by posting a few times, and then came here with this thread to gather sympathy?
You sir, are a complete jackass, and you may kindly get the fuck out of a thread in which you are clearly over your head, in terms of intellectual agrumentative response.
Feel free to find the 'Penalty Box" forum, though. I think you'll find the level of posting there to be more "in line" with your level of intelligence.
That might be the ignorant and assinine post I've ever read.
not as asinine as this one: we will give you new lives to access whatever you desire, but if you try to contact your family we will kill you.
hey sport, it's your game and you make the rules, but I would really rather have contact with my family than any amount of money you can offer me. where do I sign
oh, speaking of ground work, I did some digging around and I found another post of yours, this one is a thread started by someone on here about to go to prison. these were your exact words to him...
"County isn't bad. I did just over a week while waiting for $250,000 bail to post. It gets boring but if you find yourself a decent enough routine, the days will pass much faster. Try not feeling sorry for yourself, it will only make the days longer and crush your morale."
it looks like you and the government just don't get along, huh... that's too bad, of course it's none of my business, but I'm sure a few nosy guys around here would like to know the circumstances. and before you go making something up you might want to get online and research the felony bail schedule to make sure your story is straight
I gotta admit, maybe I was a little too harsh calling you out, but there's one thing I do know for sure though, dead or alive any parent would be proud to have a son like you
ps- take it easy on the brothers in the box aiight
That might be the ignorant and assinine post I've ever read.
not as asinine as this one: we will give you new lives to access whatever you desire, but if you try to contact your family we will kill you.
hey sport, it's your game and you make the rules, but I would really rather have contact with my family than any amount of money you can offer me. where do I sign
oh, speaking of ground work, I did some digging around and I found another post of yours, this one is a thread started by someone on here about to go to prison. these were your exact words to him...
"County isn't bad. I did just over a week while waiting for $250,000 bail to post. It gets boring but if you find yourself a decent enough routine, the days will pass much faster. Try not feeling sorry for yourself, it will only make the days longer and crush your morale."
it looks like you and the government just don't get along, huh... that's too bad, of course it's none of my business, but I'm sure a few nosy guys around here would like to know the circumstances. and before you go making something up you might want to get online and research the felony bail schedule to make sure your story is straight
I gotta admit, maybe I was a little too harsh calling you out, but there's one thing I do know for sure though, dead or alive any parent would be proud to have a son like you
ps- take it easy on the brothers in the box aiight
Yes the towers did indeed pancake down, but even if that's the case, they would not fall at Free Fall speed.
Free Fall speed would be dropping an unobstructed object to the ground. The top of that building would have n
ever collapsed that quickly, since it would have taken much more time for the layers to break through each other.
Yes the towers did indeed pancake down, but even if that's the case, they would not fall at Free Fall speed.
Free Fall speed would be dropping an unobstructed object to the ground. The top of that building would have n
ever collapsed that quickly, since it would have taken much more time for the layers to break through each other.
"Our gasoline prices were nearly $4/gallon, and oil prices were the highest on record."
I think you are confusing summer '01 with summer '08. I filled up for $1.55/gal on 9/11/01.
"Nearly 3 dozen "top Pentagon officials" canceled their flights on the morning of September 11th. All of these officials are confirmed to be members of the Bilderberg Group."
(LOL at the last part, by the way). What is your point? You do realize that after the events of 9/11 every plane was grounded for several hours, right? Or are you saying these "top officials" were supposed to actually be on the planes that crashed? You are aware the Vice President gets his own plane, yes? And those other officials are issued private jets or charter jets, yes?
"This is simply not true. You are reading aticles that you found on the internet."
Then what exactly is it you are doing?
Best of luck, guy, you need it.
"Our gasoline prices were nearly $4/gallon, and oil prices were the highest on record."
I think you are confusing summer '01 with summer '08. I filled up for $1.55/gal on 9/11/01.
"Nearly 3 dozen "top Pentagon officials" canceled their flights on the morning of September 11th. All of these officials are confirmed to be members of the Bilderberg Group."
(LOL at the last part, by the way). What is your point? You do realize that after the events of 9/11 every plane was grounded for several hours, right? Or are you saying these "top officials" were supposed to actually be on the planes that crashed? You are aware the Vice President gets his own plane, yes? And those other officials are issued private jets or charter jets, yes?
"This is simply not true. You are reading aticles that you found on the internet."
Then what exactly is it you are doing?
Best of luck, guy, you need it.
Now to debunk your Empire State building claims:
Nuff said there.
Anything else? Because that took me all of 45 seconds to find those articles.
So you're asking me to believe an article you found on the internet. Again, see the irony here?
I think you should have looked longer than 45 seconds. The B-52 didn't exist in 1945. Look anywhere and you can find that. Oh wait, those will be arguments against your wild theory and therefore be "just some article on the internet". You're right, I can't believe encyclopedias have the audacity to try and tell me the B-52 didn't exist until 1952. Complete nonsense.
Now to debunk your Empire State building claims:
Nuff said there.
Anything else? Because that took me all of 45 seconds to find those articles.
So you're asking me to believe an article you found on the internet. Again, see the irony here?
I think you should have looked longer than 45 seconds. The B-52 didn't exist in 1945. Look anywhere and you can find that. Oh wait, those will be arguments against your wild theory and therefore be "just some article on the internet". You're right, I can't believe encyclopedias have the audacity to try and tell me the B-52 didn't exist until 1952. Complete nonsense.
Funky little shack.............LOVE SHACK BABY LOVE SHACK....................BANG BANG....on the door BABY...BANG BANG.....ON THE DOOR..............................your what???????????????????????????????????????????crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!
Funky little shack.............LOVE SHACK BABY LOVE SHACK....................BANG BANG....on the door BABY...BANG BANG.....ON THE DOOR..............................your what???????????????????????????????????????????crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!
not as asinine as this one: we will give you new lives to access whatever you desire, but if you try to contact your family we will kill you.
hey sport, it's your game and you make the rules, but I would really rather have contact with my family than any amount of money you can offer me. where do I sign
oh, speaking of ground work, I did some digging around and I found another post of yours, this one is a thread started by someone on here about to go to prison. these were your exact words to him...
"County isn't bad. I did just over a week while waiting for $250,000 bail to post. It gets boring but if you find yourself a decent enough routine, the days will pass much faster. Try not feeling sorry for yourself, it will only make the days longer and crush your morale."
it looks like you and the government just don't get along, huh... that's too bad, of course it's none of my business, but I'm sure a few nosy guys around here would like to know the circumstances. and before you go making something up you might want to get online and research the felony bail schedule to make sure your story is straight
I gotta admit, maybe I was a little too harsh calling you out, but there's one thing I do know for sure though, dead or alive any parent would be proud to have a son like you
ps- take it easy on the brothers in the box aiight
If you really must know why I was in jail, I'll explain. Although it really has nothing to do with this thread.
I was accused of 8 felony charges and 12 misdemenours. All charges had to do with the very large business that I own with my partner. I can't get any further into detail than that.
I was locked up on a Friday, unable to even speak with my attorney until Sunday morning. We filed for a bail reduction hearing on the $250k first thing Monday, and it was reduced to $50,000 by Wednesday. I was then released on $50,000 straight cash bail on Thursday.
I hired a private investigator and a team of attorneys to make the charges go away. I was 100% innocent of any wrong doing. A little over 30 days later, the DA dismissed all charges and instead filed against my business partner. I've since dissolved our relationship and taken over the company with a new partner.
I'm totally unsure of what this has to do with September 11th, or why you felt the need to search the forums for "smdio posts" and bring another one up in this thread. I don't think you should disguise the fact that you insulted my fathers death by calling me out for being in prison for 7 days
not as asinine as this one: we will give you new lives to access whatever you desire, but if you try to contact your family we will kill you.
hey sport, it's your game and you make the rules, but I would really rather have contact with my family than any amount of money you can offer me. where do I sign
oh, speaking of ground work, I did some digging around and I found another post of yours, this one is a thread started by someone on here about to go to prison. these were your exact words to him...
"County isn't bad. I did just over a week while waiting for $250,000 bail to post. It gets boring but if you find yourself a decent enough routine, the days will pass much faster. Try not feeling sorry for yourself, it will only make the days longer and crush your morale."
it looks like you and the government just don't get along, huh... that's too bad, of course it's none of my business, but I'm sure a few nosy guys around here would like to know the circumstances. and before you go making something up you might want to get online and research the felony bail schedule to make sure your story is straight
I gotta admit, maybe I was a little too harsh calling you out, but there's one thing I do know for sure though, dead or alive any parent would be proud to have a son like you
ps- take it easy on the brothers in the box aiight
If you really must know why I was in jail, I'll explain. Although it really has nothing to do with this thread.
I was accused of 8 felony charges and 12 misdemenours. All charges had to do with the very large business that I own with my partner. I can't get any further into detail than that.
I was locked up on a Friday, unable to even speak with my attorney until Sunday morning. We filed for a bail reduction hearing on the $250k first thing Monday, and it was reduced to $50,000 by Wednesday. I was then released on $50,000 straight cash bail on Thursday.
I hired a private investigator and a team of attorneys to make the charges go away. I was 100% innocent of any wrong doing. A little over 30 days later, the DA dismissed all charges and instead filed against my business partner. I've since dissolved our relationship and taken over the company with a new partner.
I'm totally unsure of what this has to do with September 11th, or why you felt the need to search the forums for "smdio posts" and bring another one up in this thread. I don't think you should disguise the fact that you insulted my fathers death by calling me out for being in prison for 7 days
"Our gasoline prices were nearly $4/gallon, and oil prices were the highest on record."
I think you are confusing summer '01 with summer '08. I filled up for $1.55/gal on 9/11/01.
"Nearly 3 dozen "top Pentagon officials" canceled their flights on the morning of September 11th. All of these officials are confirmed to be members of the Bilderberg Group."
(LOL at the last part, by the way). What is your point? You do realize that after the events of 9/11 every plane was grounded for several hours, right? Or are you saying these "top officials" were supposed to actually be on the planes that crashed? You are aware the Vice President gets his own plane, yes? And those other officials are issued private jets or charter jets, yes?
"This is simply not true. You are reading aticles that you found on the internet."
Then what exactly is it you are doing?
Best of luck, guy, you need it.
Yes, I was incorrect about the gas prices. I confused this thread with another debate I'm in on another forum, as I mentioned before. Sorry about that
No I'm not saying that the top-goverment officials were supposed to be on the planes that crashed. I'm simply saying that over 12 hours before the first report of a hijacked plane was reported to the FAA, all the top officials canceled their flights, whether it was private jet or charter. This fact (which you can research and prove to be true) SCREAMS that the Government knew of some sort of attack happening the very next morning, yet did nothing to stop it
"Our gasoline prices were nearly $4/gallon, and oil prices were the highest on record."
I think you are confusing summer '01 with summer '08. I filled up for $1.55/gal on 9/11/01.
"Nearly 3 dozen "top Pentagon officials" canceled their flights on the morning of September 11th. All of these officials are confirmed to be members of the Bilderberg Group."
(LOL at the last part, by the way). What is your point? You do realize that after the events of 9/11 every plane was grounded for several hours, right? Or are you saying these "top officials" were supposed to actually be on the planes that crashed? You are aware the Vice President gets his own plane, yes? And those other officials are issued private jets or charter jets, yes?
"This is simply not true. You are reading aticles that you found on the internet."
Then what exactly is it you are doing?
Best of luck, guy, you need it.
Yes, I was incorrect about the gas prices. I confused this thread with another debate I'm in on another forum, as I mentioned before. Sorry about that
No I'm not saying that the top-goverment officials were supposed to be on the planes that crashed. I'm simply saying that over 12 hours before the first report of a hijacked plane was reported to the FAA, all the top officials canceled their flights, whether it was private jet or charter. This fact (which you can research and prove to be true) SCREAMS that the Government knew of some sort of attack happening the very next morning, yet did nothing to stop it
I'm unsure what to believe swahilli. If you read the logs from Cleveland airport that day, they report that United 1989 and Flight 93 landed within an hour of each other (between 9:45 and 10:45). Hours later, they change the report to say that -only- United 1989 landed. Why change the report?
Why did a NORAD official tell the 9/11 commission that Flight 93 landed, only later to retract his statement saying he was "mistaken", and it was Flight 1989 instead?
I still have not seen wreckage, and neither did the first responders who were there that day. I know there's video out there that shows "wreckage", but there's also video out there that doesn't.
Way too many things don't add up here. And if 1 thing is incorrect, why shouldn't we question the rest?
I'm unsure what to believe swahilli. If you read the logs from Cleveland airport that day, they report that United 1989 and Flight 93 landed within an hour of each other (between 9:45 and 10:45). Hours later, they change the report to say that -only- United 1989 landed. Why change the report?
Why did a NORAD official tell the 9/11 commission that Flight 93 landed, only later to retract his statement saying he was "mistaken", and it was Flight 1989 instead?
I still have not seen wreckage, and neither did the first responders who were there that day. I know there's video out there that shows "wreckage", but there's also video out there that doesn't.
Way too many things don't add up here. And if 1 thing is incorrect, why shouldn't we question the rest?
So you're asking me to believe an article you found on the internet. Again, see the irony here?
I think you should have looked longer than 45 seconds. The B-52 didn't exist in 1945. Look anywhere and you can find that. Oh wait, those will be arguments against your wild theory and therefore be "just some article on the internet". You're right, I can't believe encyclopedias have the audacity to try and tell me the B-52 didn't exist until 1952. Complete nonsense.
Are you trying to tell me that a plane did NOT hit the Empire State building in 1945? It seems to me that you're trying to disguise the fact that the building burned for 40x longer than the WTC, yet did not fall, by saying "IT WASN'T THE B-52 HAHA I KNEW IT YOU LIED YOU LIAR", and divert attention about the building burning and not falling.
So you're asking me to believe an article you found on the internet. Again, see the irony here?
I think you should have looked longer than 45 seconds. The B-52 didn't exist in 1945. Look anywhere and you can find that. Oh wait, those will be arguments against your wild theory and therefore be "just some article on the internet". You're right, I can't believe encyclopedias have the audacity to try and tell me the B-52 didn't exist until 1952. Complete nonsense.
Are you trying to tell me that a plane did NOT hit the Empire State building in 1945? It seems to me that you're trying to disguise the fact that the building burned for 40x longer than the WTC, yet did not fall, by saying "IT WASN'T THE B-52 HAHA I KNEW IT YOU LIED YOU LIAR", and divert attention about the building burning and not falling.
I wasn't upset about that post at all. Humor to keep debate active is fine with me
The post that disrespected my fathers death really ticked me off though. There's no reason to post something like that in what's supposed to be a healthy debate
I wasn't upset about that post at all. Humor to keep debate active is fine with me
The post that disrespected my fathers death really ticked me off though. There's no reason to post something like that in what's supposed to be a healthy debate
My family and a number of other famlies were awarded far more money than most were from 9/11. There is a reason for this, which we cannot discuss. It had to do with my fathers line of work and what he actually did at the WTC every day.
He was trapped in the higher floors of the South Tower. I was told that he jumped. I still, to this day, do not believe this. My father was not the type of person to "bail" on a life-threatening situation. He would have instead tried to help the other people around him, not run away and take his own life. But whatever.
When the United States decides to go to war with another country, they are very well aware that they will suffer casualties. They know these casualties cannot be avoided, but are necessary to achieve National Security, and keep our country safe, and in a better place to function as a world power.
I believe that's how the Government (or Bilderberg Group) saw the events of 9/11. Yes, thousands of people died. More than that have died in Iraq since 2003. I think they draw the same line between the deaths of the war soldiers and that of the 9/11 victims, as sickening as it may sound.
9/11 got us closer to the ultimate goal of the Bildgerberg Group.
If you have read, or will choose to read the book in the future, you simply cannot deny the last statement.
My family and a number of other famlies were awarded far more money than most were from 9/11. There is a reason for this, which we cannot discuss. It had to do with my fathers line of work and what he actually did at the WTC every day.
He was trapped in the higher floors of the South Tower. I was told that he jumped. I still, to this day, do not believe this. My father was not the type of person to "bail" on a life-threatening situation. He would have instead tried to help the other people around him, not run away and take his own life. But whatever.
When the United States decides to go to war with another country, they are very well aware that they will suffer casualties. They know these casualties cannot be avoided, but are necessary to achieve National Security, and keep our country safe, and in a better place to function as a world power.
I believe that's how the Government (or Bilderberg Group) saw the events of 9/11. Yes, thousands of people died. More than that have died in Iraq since 2003. I think they draw the same line between the deaths of the war soldiers and that of the 9/11 victims, as sickening as it may sound.
9/11 got us closer to the ultimate goal of the Bildgerberg Group.
If you have read, or will choose to read the book in the future, you simply cannot deny the last statement.
Personally, I've never said that the plane was shot down. I believe the plane landed. I further believe that a missle was fired into the ground in Shanksville. This would explain the 20ish foot wide hole in the ground, as well as lack of wreckage and any identifiable body parts
Personally, I've never said that the plane was shot down. I believe the plane landed. I further believe that a missle was fired into the ground in Shanksville. This would explain the 20ish foot wide hole in the ground, as well as lack of wreckage and any identifiable body parts
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