Quote Originally Posted by smdio:
Who said that the Bilderbergs have denied their own existance? As a matter of fact, they have not. They openly admitt that the group exists, but they deny that what Estulin claims is true. They argue, instead, that the Group exists to keep peace amongst the world, by having world leaders meet and be able to talk openly and freely without the admittance of the Free Press and Media quoting their every word
The Bilderbergs are an upper class elite, not a group of mindless murderers, for fuck sake! They would not risk seeking out and killing an author and practically "outing themselves". The reason for the 9/11 attacks was to create fear amongst Americans. This attack was the first of several that will occur.
Daniel Estulin is not dead because the Bilderbergs do not want, nor need him dead.
And don't misquote me. I never said the Mi5 or CIA agents were killed by the Bilderbergs. When you swear an oath to keep confidential information classified, and you disobey that oath by releasing information and your employer finds out? You get killed. The Bilderbergs most likely had nothing to do with any of that
I guess you forgot.
1) "Who said that the Bilderbergs have denied their own existance?"
In post #31 you make it clear that this group is a "secret society" and operates in "complete secrecy."
Yet now you are saying they openly admit the group exists. Are they secret or not? When does being secret include talking openly about your secret?
2) "The Bilderbergs are an upper class elite, not a group of mindless murderers"
Your words from post #1: The events of September 11th were planned and executed by a "higher power". This "higher power" group is know as the "Bilderberg Group".
So according to you they are behind the 9/11 attacks in which people were
If you arrange, coerce, pay or otherwise persuade someone to kill another person you are a murderer. Where the people killed on 9/11 murdered or
Now "they are a not group of mindless murderers." I guess this leaves the opening for you to say they are mindful murderers.
If they are not murderers then why all the fuss?
3) "They would not risk seeking out and killing an author and practically "outing themselves"."
So there was no risk of being discovered in orchestrating the events of 9/11 but there was
tremendous risk in being "outed" by killing a relatively unknown author whose plan was to
"out" them?
How in the world would killing Estulin
practically out themselves but killing everyone on 9/11 in such
dramatic fashion pose no risk to their being discovered?
4) "Daniel Estulin is not dead because the Bilderbergs do not want, nor need him dead."
Your words from post #137: Daniel Estulin risked his life on dozens of occasions to get this book in the hands of the public.
Your words from post #159: He's had over a dozen attempts on his life since he started his crusade against them.
Now you are saying
they didn't want nor need him dead and it would have been a great risk to their existence
to kill him? So why would there be attempts at his life?
Which is it? Did they try to kill him or did they deem him irrelevant?
5) "When you swear an oath to keep confidential information classified, and
you disobey that oath by releasing information and your employer finds
out? You get killed."
Someone would have had to inform Mi5 and/or the CIA that this was happening. Who would have known he was getting information from Mi5 or the CIA operatives? So the the persons giving information to Estulin for his book were a risk but not Estulin himself.