You guys kill me with your partisan bullshit and the blame game. We have been sold out by the both parties with he exception of a few renegade politicians. GOP and Dems should just merge and become the RAPP (rape and pillage party).
Our current situation is does not lie with a single POTUS, it has been building for the past 40 years.
Bush was a terrible President and a major contributor to our current woes
Obama is a terrible President and continues our path to destruction
IF Romney is elected will likely be a terrible President
In 2016 if we have not already collapsed, will hopefully be our awakening to turn our runaway freight train of a country around and get back on track.
If Ron Paul was miraculously elected he is the only one talking about real "change". Attempting to get back to basics, repealing a lot of the convoluted bullshit laws, promoting personal freedom yet is treated like a crazy uncle.
If the majority of politicians think he is crazy consider the fucking source. They are the one's who completely fucked up our country and are now sitting on their hands for any real solutions. They have bankrupted our country, continually erode our freedoms, raped and pillaged the people and either are oblivious or too chicken shit to actually do whats right and apply real fixes to our situation. They have the fucking gall to call Ron Paul a loon. If the current political climate think he is crazy then sign me up because I want the exact opposite of what they are doing.
I am writing Ron Paul in regardless because it doesn't matter if Obama or Romney wins we are fucked either way and I can have a clear concience for voting the only candidate at least saying he is going to do something.