Good stuff, Koaj. Reggie's smart, allright. I remember last year about this time when I first started posting in this room. I was all gung-ho looking for some financial shorts right before September. You were rightly bearish as well. I hope you were able to seriously capitalize on that assertion. Like the true dumb-f--k that I am, I chickened out and was way, way too conservative because I was terrified of bailout packages that were going to come (I got obliterated back in later 90s during Asian Tiger bailouts and it still gives me the shakes thinking about it).
This gdmf-ing country deserves to go right down the drain with its horrendous policies put down by its lying leaders. I am angry as hell about the future, but more sad than angry when you really get down to it.
I am all about capitalism and "free markets" where people live, die, thrive, crash, fail, survive, burn, etc.........
i was laughed at by many for being so damn opinion hasnt changed. to cleanse this mkt we need fire and brimstone. bailouts will only but a bandaid on a gunshot wound IMO
i have benefited from the crash by being 50% + cash and being long commodities (15% approx). i dont have the stomach for shorting something i cant get out of immediately
not sure if i told the story but last october i went to nyc to meet with a client (hedge fund...multi b AUM). i sat on their trading desk for about an hour and my client was shorting C by the 10's of thousands of shares in the mid 40s. we talked about the mkt in general and my company's product and finding ideas. i sent him a note at the beginning of june about a very large corp insider sale at AXP and a link to a blog, may have been reggie's. well they were short and added much more in the mid 40s
i would guess they are renewing soon enough