Joined: Oct, 2007
Posts: 8971
Posted: Sep. 27, 2011 - 2:48 PM ET
Sadboy 0-1 -104 Sainthead54 3-1 +185 SANGAMAMA 4-2 +173 santafeken 3-3 -20 SarahJPhilli 3-2 +120 Sareesataka 11-19 -948 sartre 13-4 +1018 Saulb998 3-1 +265 sc_capper74 63-43-1 +1296 L2 scaracas51 11-5 +346 Scottyb74 3-2 +110 scubasquad 1-0 +100 Your play was not recorded because you did not post a line. sdiamond7 1-0 +100 sdonelow 0-1 -100 Se7enways 12-6 +470 seanfore17 23-10 +1073 SeaTownJay 3-1 +194 Sec 1-2 -170 sector225 0-5-1 -706 SeeMeBright 0-2 -255 SeetsWay 2-2 -75 Seldombeter 0-1 -100 You need to post your lines or I will not be able to record them! SEMPERFI19 3-4 +7 Serganto 35-25-8 -114 sergei 0-3 -300 seriouspks 1-1 -4 SexyMit 0-1 -110 Seymour24 4-4 -10 SGTKraemer 0-1 -100 Your play last night was not recorded because you did not post a line. sh35109 0-1 -100 shadmarshall18 9-8 +85 ShadowWarrior 3-4 -135 SHANE1752 9-8 +45 SHARK29 1-0 +100 SharpBettor1 1-3 -200 SHARPIE77 57-90-2 -599 Shaun004 2-4-1 -225 She7154 11-14 -358 sherman44 0-1 -135 sherriffics 0-1 -100 Shimmersun 5-4 +158 Shmevin 5-5 -35 shortyghs91 1-1 +0 SickCallREf 2-4 -161 Sidehatch 4-4 -65 sil3ntblitz 4-2 +192 silver84 0-1 -150 Welcome! Silverman 0-1 -157 simpleton 39-26-4 +427 simtrick 1-0 +100 sin2win86 0-1 -100 Sinhdinh 2-1 +108 sirandrew 0-0 Your play last night was not recorded because you did not post a line SirGreatness 0-1 -109 Siro 0-2 -225 Skatman321 2-3 -165 skinny2shoes 0-1 -100 Skinnyguru 0-2 -205 Skipbone 10-9 +56 Skoalmint14 3-1 +162 skyclassic 33-27-1 -184 SkySky 7-11-2 -435 SlamTheBooks 1-1 +45 SlickEclipse 1-0 +100 slikstiks99 3-1 +180 Slim0917 1-1 -55 sloobylover 70-47 -299 sm102279 15-10 +276 sm1975 5-11-1 -575 SMARTBET101 0-0 +0 Your play was not recorded because you did not post a line. smokenjoke 13-26-1 +72 Smokes 16-13 -44 SMusial 57-50-5 +403 snakebyte 85-82 +247 SofaKingDrunk 0-2 -280 softballmaniac 8-10 -167 Somebody 8-2 +500 Sosamatic71 24-22 +732 Soso 0-1 -115 southpenguins 30-35-2 -68 SouthWestPlayer 0-1 -100 soxpatsfan07 3-3 -2 spacer1 1-2 -100 spaceview 0-1 -110 SpaghettiEd 29-22-1 +379 SparkZ351 4-6 -215 Spitfire15 1-0 +100 sportschat 39-42-2 -940 SportsMonster 0-1 -105 Welcome! SqueekTAB 13-9 +457 srs310 1-2 -143 ssnake919 15-14 -233 Starboots 1-2 -90 starpicks 2-3 -155 stats1 0-2 -353 steeler4life 1-1 -83 steve-o13 12-8 +261 Stevie_Boy 3-3 -55 StoneColdSucker 3-1 +190 stopweeping 17-20 -735 str8shot 3-3 -145 streamline 0-1 -120 strfckr900 3-0 +366 Superfan_Sam 1-0 +165 SuperflySnuka 0-1 -100 SURFSUP 1-0 +100 Only 1 play a day! swahili 0-1 -110 sweetlou927 1-0 +100 Swoop 5-1 +390 t4ever 23-18 +233 Tahoeplayer 1-1 -77 TampaDave 25-25 -210 target_9 17-8 +310 TatdBoat 20-14 +595 Tayos 0-1 -124 TcuFrogs 13-12 +105 L1 TDavis5 1-0 +114 TEIXEIRA 0-1 -100 Only 1 play allowed! Templar 3-2 +70 tesla60 10-8 +68-32 TeThienDaiThanh 4-9 -585 texasranger_123 0-1 -100 TDavis5 2-1 +85 The_Prodigy 0-1 -100 The_Reno_Ace 1-3 -245 THE_SAINT 70-59-2 +1075 The_True 22-14-1 +580 The Winning Solution 6-4 +65 thebestpicks 5-1 +370 TheBlackandGold 0-1 -100 Welcome! Thebigunit124 6-3 +254 TheBrownMamba 13-11 -578 TheDesertFox 52-38-1 +1281 L1 THEDMACHINE 4-1 +254 theend38 1-2 -195 Thefess 2-4 -216 TheGoldenGoose 40-32 -599 THEGREATESTEDGE 26-17 +674 theguru1 8-15 -983 Thehorsemen2 0-4 -451 thekidyadig21 0-2 -241 thescorp75 3-3 -52 TheThinker 0-1 -100 thinicesports 8-12 -466 tirepressure20 0-1 -104 threes20 0-1 -100 thx4thecookies 10-10 -139 TiltRepeater 1-3 -259 Tippster 1-0 +100 tizzytizzy 1-0 +100 tlong29 3-4 -190 TML4EVER 2-3 -129 TodaysLocks 12-14-1 -252 TokinBruiser 9-11 -93 Toivo 27-30 -63 tom-jerry 2-1 +100 TomGermany 30-26-3 +863 TomKirkman 2-1 +55 Tommyd222 35-31 +660 tonecin 0-2 -200 Topcat69 28-30 -26 Topshelf84 1-1 +0 totoyturok 14-20-2 -231 towme76 1-0 +100 Tracer 0-2 -260 Trehoops 7-4 +276 L1 tribe228 5-4-1 +52 Truepick 7-2 +430 TruProGambler 10-7 +373 ttcasucci 49-44-1 +70 tuansj2007 9-4 +477 TurnstoneMoney 2-0 +200 twynne 2-4 -211 Uhqb 10-8 +275 ult1ma 5-0 +500 Unc12 2-0 +200 underdogtom 6-9-1 -265 Unstoppable Force 4-5 -80 usdachoice 1-4 -385 USCdiehard71 4-8 -405 Vaioice 0-2 -200 Vancity604 1-0 +110 vanillagq 0-1 -125 vaqsoc12 4-3 +45 vegasdiditagain 1-0 +100 vegasplayer 1-2 -170 vegaswingman 0-1 -111 VeniVidiVici 2-2 +35 vetdrm 0-1 -145 VICKJR27 1-1 +66 Vicky98 8-6-1 +110 Viking812 22-10 +1045 VintageVinny 0-0-1 VLR 81-61-1 +1342 L6 vwells1012 1-0 +100 You need to post a line or I will not record them! Thanks. W8LIFTER 4-9 -661 walkingdude 14-16 +247 wank2 16-8 +730 wannatripp 0-1 -100 Watupdoe87 0-1 -100 welsknight 2-3 -270 welway168 16-25 -990 WeMoveLines 0-1 -123 Werker 0-3 -345 Wetbandit4 1-1 -0 whevans 4-3-1 +70 whipton 0-2 -380 WhySoSucK 4-4 +13 WhyWorry 2-3 -88 Wickedgarden 17-27-2 -907 wilko118 0-2 -259 WillyWonka 2-1 +135 Winner88 2-2 -84 WIN4ALL 2-2 -59 winoNV 1-1 -19 wisards32 0-1 -162 wizardem 5-4 +52 Wizfan420 10-3 +595 Your play was not recorded because of the pitching change. Wizkid30 18-23-1 -242 Wizzy 0-1 -172 wmi799 9-14-1 -370 wmtitan30 2-5 -522 Wookiee 24-28-2 -324 Wreck-em11 1-2 -115 xboxtonx 3-2 +100 Xtreme13 10-10 -81 XxMartiniXx 2-3 -162 YACKER 0-1 -100 Yankees042 2-6 -470 yankees2k6 14-14 -521 yankees77 17-10 +659 yattabing 2-4 -254 Yessirr555 12-10 -171 yunghov3000 16-13 +74 yunginvestor 10-13 -333 Yungstar 3-10 -725 zapale 3-2 +70 zeebestpicks 0-1 -150 zig_zag 9-14 -697 zipnjaz 1-1 +0 zmas13 34-28-1 +792 zonk928 0-1 -100 zoopdog7 2-1 +83
Sadboy 0-1 -104 Sainthead54 3-1 +185 SANGAMAMA 4-2 +173 santafeken 3-3 -20 SarahJPhilli 3-2 +120 Sareesataka 11-19 -948 sartre 13-4 +1018 Saulb998 3-1 +265 sc_capper74 63-43-1 +1296 L2 scaracas51 11-5 +346 Scottyb74 3-2 +110 scubasquad 1-0 +100 Your play was not recorded because you did not post a line. sdiamond7 1-0 +100 sdonelow 0-1 -100 Se7enways 12-6 +470 seanfore17 23-10 +1073 SeaTownJay 3-1 +194 Sec 1-2 -170 sector225 0-5-1 -706 SeeMeBright 0-2 -255 SeetsWay 2-2 -75 Seldombeter 0-1 -100 You need to post your lines or I will not be able to record them! SEMPERFI19 3-4 +7 Serganto 35-25-8 -114 sergei 0-3 -300 seriouspks 1-1 -4 SexyMit 0-1 -110 Seymour24 4-4 -10 SGTKraemer 0-1 -100 Your play last night was not recorded because you did not post a line. sh35109 0-1 -100 shadmarshall18 9-8 +85 ShadowWarrior 3-4 -135 SHANE1752 9-8 +45 SHARK29 1-0 +100 SharpBettor1 1-3 -200 SHARPIE77 57-90-2 -599 Shaun004 2-4-1 -225 She7154 11-14 -358 sherman44 0-1 -135 sherriffics 0-1 -100 Shimmersun 5-4 +158 Shmevin 5-5 -35 shortyghs91 1-1 +0 SickCallREf 2-4 -161 Sidehatch 4-4 -65 sil3ntblitz 4-2 +192 silver84 0-1 -150 Welcome! Silverman 0-1 -157 simpleton 39-26-4 +427 simtrick 1-0 +100 sin2win86 0-1 -100 Sinhdinh 2-1 +108 sirandrew 0-0 Your play last night was not recorded because you did not post a line SirGreatness 0-1 -109 Siro 0-2 -225 Skatman321 2-3 -165 skinny2shoes 0-1 -100 Skinnyguru 0-2 -205 Skipbone 10-9 +56 Skoalmint14 3-1 +162 skyclassic 33-27-1 -184 SkySky 7-11-2 -435 SlamTheBooks 1-1 +45 SlickEclipse 1-0 +100 slikstiks99 3-1 +180 Slim0917 1-1 -55 sloobylover 70-47 -299 sm102279 15-10 +276 sm1975 5-11-1 -575 SMARTBET101 0-0 +0 Your play was not recorded because you did not post a line. smokenjoke 13-26-1 +72 Smokes 16-13 -44 SMusial 57-50-5 +403 snakebyte 85-82 +247 SofaKingDrunk 0-2 -280 softballmaniac 8-10 -167 Somebody 8-2 +500 Sosamatic71 24-22 +732 Soso 0-1 -115 southpenguins 30-35-2 -68 SouthWestPlayer 0-1 -100 soxpatsfan07 3-3 -2 spacer1 1-2 -100 spaceview 0-1 -110 SpaghettiEd 29-22-1 +379 SparkZ351 4-6 -215 Spitfire15 1-0 +100 sportschat 39-42-2 -940 SportsMonster 0-1 -105 Welcome! SqueekTAB 13-9 +457 srs310 1-2 -143 ssnake919 15-14 -233 Starboots 1-2 -90 starpicks 2-3 -155 stats1 0-2 -353 steeler4life 1-1 -83 steve-o13 12-8 +261 Stevie_Boy 3-3 -55 StoneColdSucker 3-1 +190 stopweeping 17-20 -735 str8shot 3-3 -145 streamline 0-1 -120 strfckr900 3-0 +366 Superfan_Sam 1-0 +165 SuperflySnuka 0-1 -100 SURFSUP 1-0 +100 Only 1 play a day! swahili 0-1 -110 sweetlou927 1-0 +100 Swoop 5-1 +390 t4ever 23-18 +233 Tahoeplayer 1-1 -77 TampaDave 25-25 -210 target_9 17-8 +310 TatdBoat 20-14 +595 Tayos 0-1 -124 TcuFrogs 13-12 +105 L1 TDavis5 1-0 +114 TEIXEIRA 0-1 -100 Only 1 play allowed! Templar 3-2 +70 tesla60 10-8 +68-32 TeThienDaiThanh 4-9 -585 texasranger_123 0-1 -100 TDavis5 2-1 +85 The_Prodigy 0-1 -100 The_Reno_Ace 1-3 -245 THE_SAINT 70-59-2 +1075 The_True 22-14-1 +580 The Winning Solution 6-4 +65 thebestpicks 5-1 +370 TheBlackandGold 0-1 -100 Welcome! Thebigunit124 6-3 +254 TheBrownMamba 13-11 -578 TheDesertFox 52-38-1 +1281 L1 THEDMACHINE 4-1 +254 theend38 1-2 -195 Thefess 2-4 -216 TheGoldenGoose 40-32 -599 THEGREATESTEDGE 26-17 +674 theguru1 8-15 -983 Thehorsemen2 0-4 -451 thekidyadig21 0-2 -241 thescorp75 3-3 -52 TheThinker 0-1 -100 thinicesports 8-12 -466 tirepressure20 0-1 -104 threes20 0-1 -100 thx4thecookies 10-10 -139 TiltRepeater 1-3 -259 Tippster 1-0 +100 tizzytizzy 1-0 +100 tlong29 3-4 -190 TML4EVER 2-3 -129 TodaysLocks 12-14-1 -252 TokinBruiser 9-11 -93 Toivo 27-30 -63 tom-jerry 2-1 +100 TomGermany 30-26-3 +863 TomKirkman 2-1 +55 Tommyd222 35-31 +660 tonecin 0-2 -200 Topcat69 28-30 -26 Topshelf84 1-1 +0 totoyturok 14-20-2 -231 towme76 1-0 +100 Tracer 0-2 -260 Trehoops 7-4 +276 L1 tribe228 5-4-1 +52 Truepick 7-2 +430 TruProGambler 10-7 +373 ttcasucci 49-44-1 +70 tuansj2007 9-4 +477 TurnstoneMoney 2-0 +200 twynne 2-4 -211 Uhqb 10-8 +275 ult1ma 5-0 +500 Unc12 2-0 +200 underdogtom 6-9-1 -265 Unstoppable Force 4-5 -80 usdachoice 1-4 -385 USCdiehard71 4-8 -405 Vaioice 0-2 -200 Vancity604 1-0 +110 vanillagq 0-1 -125 vaqsoc12 4-3 +45 vegasdiditagain 1-0 +100 vegasplayer 1-2 -170 vegaswingman 0-1 -111 VeniVidiVici 2-2 +35 vetdrm 0-1 -145 VICKJR27 1-1 +66 Vicky98 8-6-1 +110 Viking812 22-10 +1045 VintageVinny 0-0-1 VLR 81-61-1 +1342 L6 vwells1012 1-0 +100 You need to post a line or I will not record them! Thanks. W8LIFTER 4-9 -661 walkingdude 14-16 +247 wank2 16-8 +730 wannatripp 0-1 -100 Watupdoe87 0-1 -100 welsknight 2-3 -270 welway168 16-25 -990 WeMoveLines 0-1 -123 Werker 0-3 -345 Wetbandit4 1-1 -0 whevans 4-3-1 +70 whipton 0-2 -380 WhySoSucK 4-4 +13 WhyWorry 2-3 -88 Wickedgarden 17-27-2 -907 wilko118 0-2 -259 WillyWonka 2-1 +135 Winner88 2-2 -84 WIN4ALL 2-2 -59 winoNV 1-1 -19 wisards32 0-1 -162 wizardem 5-4 +52 Wizfan420 10-3 +595 Your play was not recorded because of the pitching change. Wizkid30 18-23-1 -242 Wizzy 0-1 -172 wmi799 9-14-1 -370 wmtitan30 2-5 -522 Wookiee 24-28-2 -324 Wreck-em11 1-2 -115 xboxtonx 3-2 +100 Xtreme13 10-10 -81 XxMartiniXx 2-3 -162 YACKER 0-1 -100 Yankees042 2-6 -470 yankees2k6 14-14 -521 yankees77 17-10 +659 yattabing 2-4 -254 Yessirr555 12-10 -171 yunghov3000 16-13 +74 yunginvestor 10-13 -333 Yungstar 3-10 -725 zapale 3-2 +70 zeebestpicks 0-1 -150 zig_zag 9-14 -697 zipnjaz 1-1 +0 zmas13 34-28-1 +792 zonk928 0-1 -100 zoopdog7 2-1 +83