We ended the season strong, after starting it pretty badly.....ONLY SIX MONTHS UNTIL THE SEASON STARTS!...lol.
Everyone is an expert in the offseason, and it is ok to disagree without taking things personal. I've talked about this before....in sports betting you should want people to disagree with you!....it gives you better lines and ups your profit return on investment.
Remember, only 4% of sports bettors make money, so if you have the same opinion as everyone else, odds are you will be a loser.
One thing I have discussed with a betting colleague recently is if you are betting dogs, you will be more successful if you bet them moneyline rather than point spread.
We use a database that goes back to 1989 for the regular season,....we try to match current situations with the past...it's called technical handicapping...probably 90% of bettors are fundamental handicappers and 10% are technical cappers. The equivalent in the stock marekt is a fundamental handicapper will look at stock reports, profit earnings, projections, etc., to decide to buy, sell or hold. A technical handicapper will read and evaluate a stock chart and make an assessment that way. Either can make or lose money equally well, it is how your brain is wired that you will feel comfortable with one method or another.
When using query computer language we enter in parameters into the database and it spits out results of how that performed in the past using killersports or gimmethedog. When making one parameter that our play on team is an underdog, when those parameters spit out bunch of past results,...say at least 20 results and our underdog covers at a rate 60%, those teams cover by an average of about 2.5 points, and they will win straight up 40-43% of the time.
When calculating what would be the most profitable approach, it is almost EVERY TIME, more profitable to play the moneyline, over a large amount of time, versus the point spread when finding queries that hit at a rate of 60% of greater, and most, but not all times that profit is 100% greater taking the moneyline, versus the point spread.
I recently calculated one very good query that indicated taking away underdogs that had been successful since 1989.....I found that it had made 355 units of profit in that time playing the moneyline and between 190-200 units of profit taking that team on the point spread.
We have on this site former bookies, and when they get into this topic, they without exception, will say they fear a bettor that bets underdog moneylines, much more than a point spread bettor.
So, why haven't I done it?....no excuses,......this is the year I bite the bullet and do so.