Quote Originally Posted by inthetank:
Hey KS....Enjoyed reading your long post....I have been involved in football wagering for forty years....For half of those years, I took action....So, I got a lot of mileage and experience behind me....92 % of people who wager on pro football "lose in the long run!"....That's a fact!!..Successful bettors have 2 things in common...1. They extremely limit the number of plays they make, sometimes getting down but a few handfuls of action for the whole season....They may even skip a week or two....2....They all have a system that has been proven over the long run. This of course ties in with number one....At the outset, years ago, I played 20-30 plays a week....As time went by, I read a lot, experienced a lot and in the process, learned tons....I admire you for all the research etc. that you do, your different angles etc....I did it all and more....I greatly limit my plays, walk away from tons of games, and only get down when the game falls within my parameter(s)....Currently I am in the football contest on here done by "will bet anything."....I have 16 wins, 5 losses and one push....Out of hundreds, I sit fourth.....If you take notice, the other contestants all have many, many more plays than me....I did "not" play one game this entire weekend....I didn't have that 'feeling' that I must have, plus have it fall within my system..And I don't care what anyone thinks, you gotta have that 'feeling' too..That is learned 'over the years!'...Of course, it's taken for granted that one must have discipline and money management skills, and NEVER chase...I wish you lots of luck....Pro football is no picnic, but careful observation, experience, trial and error, research etc. can all help in showing a profit...As I said, I once did all that, but now I'm content with what I do.....My best to you!
Now that is a good write up. 
You either bet on select games and stay diciplined and consistent with your amount of plays. Have a weekly budget and have a goal to reach a certain amount per week. or......
You bet the whole NFL slate only....no college betting....too many games. If you bet the entire slate, it keeps you on a consistent system. You bet every game with the same amount...no pounders. Obviously this is for the more veteren gamblers with a good bankroll, but it keeps you consistent. You can definitely hit at least 55%...at worst. It helps you really learn about the line when you pay close attention every week, because you are picking every game.
There is only so much research you can do for a football game that has way too many factors involved, such as, PENALTIES, REFEREES, DUMB COACHES, BAD PLAYCALLING....shall i go on?
Baseball and small conference college basketball are the only real sports you can actually do hardcore research in.
You could be wasting too much time? And sometimes the more research you do can turn you into joe public and you dont even realize it, because you are sure you brioke it down and it cant lose....but really you ended up talking yourself into the wrong side.