You sound angry. Why are you angry? Oh, you lost money.
What does that have to do with General, an entirely different person who posts his picks here every day among a lot of bettors who do the very same thing? Why are you particularly angry with him? Oh, you followed his picks.
What made you follow him and not one of the others? Oh, you consciously made the decision to BET ON him winning.
So, who's to blame for the loss then? Who actively willed your money to be put on those picks? A total stranger, i.e. General? Surely not, because he does not have power over your conscious decisions. You did. You willingly put money on those picks. Why are you then really angry? Because you lost money, sure. But with whom are you really angry? That's right, your own garbage decision, your own shitty self and shitty judgment which blindly follows someone on the internet and expecting a positive outcome. You are an idiot, and you know it yourself.
Internalize that anger instead of lashing out; internalize it and use that anger more productively instead of cursing at strangers for your own garbage decision. Use it to kill yourself. Everyone will be happier.
Surprised you were able to come up for air while felating the OP long enough to write such a long winded post.