Quote Originally Posted by BigGame90:
@cd329 I know you won't go listen, but Musk just went on Joe Rogans pod cast. Take the blinders off and give it a listen. It's pretty good and might help give some insight about your question that you don't really want the answer to. I know it will make your blood boil just hearing their voices, but they are not against you. They don't hate you. You do realize that Musk isn't the only person running his companies, right? He hires a lot of intelligent people and Musk will never stop working. It's what the guy has done before you knew who he was. Have you ever seen a Tesla change design? No. They look the same because it's efficient and he doesn't need to change the business models on his businesses very much. Let me know what you think about the podcast. It's just a little over a couple hours and is a good listen.
yeah am fuckin stupid, i dont know about musk and what he has done. Maybe you should go read up on the history of musk. Pay pal was his big start. Made a fortune off govt contracts and now hes using his title to push more contracts to his companies, maybe you should take off the blinders and not be a loyal sheep.
Nobody said musk doesnt have people running his companies, but maybe you dont realize how hands on the guy is in all his companies and now he has put that on hold, so he can save us tax payers. Yeah okay. Elon Musk could give 2 shits about all us tax payers. Hes doing what hes doing he can fatten his bank accounts. Everything musk has done in life is all about musk. He doesnt have the decency gene in him, but if you want to idolize this joker, thats your choice. Dont know how old you are, but you might want to worry about musk finding a way to shut down social security (maybe you dont care about things like that, maybe you havent paid into social security so you dont care, who knows) Musk couldnt even explain to rogan why social security was bad, maybe cause the drug addict was high again. Go watch musk at the cpac conference, the drug addict had a hard time putting 2 sentences together.
Heres the thing, am sorry but the richest person in the world working for the govt is a complete joke. Why arent all the other very rich billionaires leaving their companies to work for the govt and save all us tax payers? Go check the salaries all these young grifters are making working for doge.
Why is the telsa board considering getting rid of musk? cause he hasnt been doing anything for the company, even if he has great people running it. Maybe all the shareholders should tell musk to send them a list of 5 things he did all week and why he should have a job.
It really is so hard to have any type of talks with magas, cause they just have a rock head type of thinking.
magas disrupted bidens state of the union speeches but that was okay. Democrats do it to trump and the magas want them punished, lolllllll. Thats the joe rock head mentality.
when all is said and done, musk is gonna walk away with another fortune on the backs of all of us. Mark it down