Well thanks for answering and not slumming as you often do..its not too rough to have a discussion and be civil.
The war avoidance I am not sure that was anything more than situational, it isnt like there was a direct opportunity and he declined to get involved, the macro environment was tame for war so that is great but I dont see that he did anything specific.
I wish he had tackled the drug pricing issue, he promised he would but no way did he do anything, nothing was done there and still nothing has been done.
NATO fair share is kind of silly, yeah its a talking point but the military complex got all they wanted for funding with Trump, I consider NATO in the same sub category as military spending CIA etc so that fair share is like me leaving a 10.50 tip instead of a 10 buck tip, it is so minor that we spent more money talking about it and complaining about it than we saved. It costs money to pursue tangents, it takes time and money so is the goal to claim a victory or save money?
Build in America...well Trump incentivized for sure by giving corps a tax freebie allowing them to onshore money they had been storing for decades to avoid taxes, he huffed and puffed and claimed some victories but in reality outside claiming a win, what was the impact? Did the impact last and did it make a change which we see now or was it temporary? I know he claimed a few things and then a few of them fell apart or didnt come to fruition but the claim already happened and we move on, but to me that huff and puff was a zero.
NAFTA, what changed? Can you tell me the impact of whatever he claimed to have done that still exists? He made a commotion about what a bad deal it was but I do not recall anything of significance that came from his noise outside him demanding things then going golfing for a while. NAFTA is a corporate freebie issue, that to me means nothing happened because corps dont let things happen politically no matter who is in the seat.
Immigration is not a nice topic, I do not like making up boogie men to pit one against another, to point fingers at woes from one group of people and ignore other groups who are harming and because they are legals then who cares...it is not an easy topic but the cost and benefit from his attempted policies is another nothing burger, it never could be and I feel it was a ploy to divide and to win an election, but he really did not do anything and even if he had put up a massive wall it would not have an impact IMO.
Tariffs are paid by the least...so if you want to take profits from corps via a tariff then the end user is the one who pays for it.. I also saw much more smoke than fire regarding tariffs , what has the net result been from this issue? We are too reliant on cheap goods from that region, not just China but many other countries and putting a tariff on China just means they make it there and ship it to another country to be delivered. It really did not do much, it is a noise maker which goes nowhere. If you want to make an impact on China there are other better ways to do so, but that was not his intention IMO...