Part Two:
Now shifting to the political realm, the money and motivation literally sky rocket. A crooked ref might pocket ten or twenty grand for throwing a flag in a game, but when countries and nations and defense contracts are involved, you're talking literally billions of dollars, plus drugs, plus assorted person and loose women, plus you name it.
There's also power involved, which is the world's strongest aphrodisiac. And egos. And fear on a scale that's almost impossible to fathom. And don't forget blackmail. That's what the whole Epstein circus was about. He was a foreign spy with blackmail tape on who knows how many politicians and celebrities. Fixed sporting events is peanuts compared to what's involved on a global political scale.
The evidence factor is also off the charts. It takes a little work to dig through the true stuff from the ridiculous, but the evidence of fake news, political assassinations, and much more is overwhelming and concrete. Did you know that a jury in a Florida courtroom actually reached a unanimous verdict that the CIA was involved in the JFK assassination?
Back to power and motivation for a brief moment: the lust to rule the world is hard for the average Joe to fathom. All he wants is a house, a job, and a two-car garage. But that lust is very real. And has been for centuries. And don't forget St. Peter's famous words (I think it was St. Peter): For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. That's where the real motivation lies.
Anyway, I could go on, but my fingers are getting tired. That's enough for now.