like the line alonso in training day delivered that sent a shockwave of sinister truth all up and down my spine , reverberating through my vertebrae , like those expensive speakers did that you had to buy at Sam Goody …..
” you gotta have a little dirt on you for anybody to trust you…. “
now , I’m not sayin’ he wasn’t a piece of shit . or a dastardly fellow playing both sides of the fence , and a motherfucker crossing the line into peril and danger like an upside down world lawman Wile .E. Coyote……
but what that jimmy crack corn sayin’ motherfucker said does indeed ring true ……
like a steeple bell on top of a church out in the country , that’s surrounded by a prairie…..
where the pastor was flown in from a Parrish in Utah , because he had to escape a scandal that will burn his flesh for the entirety of eternity …..
but fuck , no pun intended , .…….
that movie line doesn’t work for that evil impersonator of anything holy , and it doesn’t translate so well into every tiny little nook and cranny of our ignorant existence either , so take it like a grain of salt …..that’s sticking to the deepest corner of your bloodshot retina….
cuz I’m not talking about that kind of dirt …..
there is no remedy or recourse , and no trust , for that type of evil villainous behavior …..
but speaking of dirt …..
we’re shootin’ the shit out of it , ain’t we ?
double barrel shotgun style . kinda like the sweat on your brow matching the sweat on your balls cuz who the hell knows exactly what’s around the corner that wants to do us harm kinda shootin’ ……
with that kind of natural body cooling mechanism to where the sweat ring on the back of your wrangler jeans leaves the naive and fantasy suckers of the world thinking that they see the silhouette of Mary holding baby Jesus in that stink pool of perspiration near your taint …..
some gullible people huh ? this whole world is filled with a vast array of colorful characters . so don’t feel so bad about prior mistakes or regrets sticking to your ribs like a bruce smith sack mister vanzack . you’re doing , and have done , probably way better than most . by far . probably better than 90 PERCENT of these meat puppet thought machines . now that’s real math …. cuz it adds up …..
that’s what life is all about . nobody gets through unscathed . from making mistakes . or doing wrong . or taking a beating every now and again …..
not you . not me . not any pencil neck geek suffering through a cold new york winter . not rustie . not even my man , the numero uno baller danny dimes ……
who picks up all the perfect 10s and gives them the assist …..
maybe he , like we all do , needs to find out for himself . jumping his own hurdles without anyone’s hands lifting his chuck Taylor’s to get over the bars . if he falls flat on his face , chipping his teeth in the process , with blood rushing out of his nose in a wave of tidal fury doubling up any record breaking vagina menstruation in the history books . so be it ….
who knows what the future holds ? maybe he’s gonna fuck this chick …..
and she’s gonna be completely rehabilitated , become his wife , and the mother to his children , join the PTA , and maybe she even also has an awesome recipe for beef bourguignon to boot ….
maybe he’s just that one lucky dude that manages to have things fall his way and get the back door cover . like in gambling . although I’m sure a few guys would enjoy a cover for their back door in those dark , lonely , secluded spots , deep in the corner , of bowling alley parking lots …..
good luck gentlemen and may you all live long and prosper