@cd329 See how ignorant these people are :) yes cd I left to post on other sites not owned by the left to protect the sheep......I'm proud of cd and bc as they make great spokesman for the washed........Check the beliefs :) all they have is TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP :) but funny thing is, nothing happens but a bunch of democratic thugs trying hard to lock him up :) cd, why is Trump not locked up but playing on a golf course today :) keep trusting your media and government and quit lesson......Do you really trust Fox or cnn as you say you watch all news :) try listening to what people say and not what media and government tells you to believe.......bc I feel is younger and grew up with social media thinking for him but I trust what I hear with my ears and not what told.....bc calls 0bama best president in 20 yrs, how????? I know you trust media and government, it's a reason Trump is hated but again, he's your next president!!!!!!!! How are you cd at age 61 I think you said be so blind????? Have you been stuck in NY all your life???? Maybe you should have done like most smart new Yorkers and moved South :) Apparently yall love some Southern Rednecks uneducated :) I'm uneducated :) retired at 58 and owe no one.....Damn it's great being a uneducated redneck :) bc thought you quit posting baseball because the war had you so tore up......You're more full of it than that NY mayor you have but let your couple of foll9wers follow......I've got a guaranteed winner going off around 4, hope you're on the right side because the right is always right in the end.....Just stopped by trying to save the sheep :) have a great day, Knock!!!!! Hey bc respond and break the record for most post in a year at covers :) Knock!!! Covers protects the sheep!!!
Knock shut the hell up, you are just another loud mouth know it all, that thinks your right about everything. News flash your not right and if you think all the charges against trump are made up bullshit, goes to show how brain washed you are. Go read the indictments. Trump is a flat out criminal and con artist, if you cant see that, then am sorry but your really not that bright. I will ask you for the millionth time please tell me why trump isnt guilty of all the crimes hes charged with? So all the papers and nuke secrets he had in his bathroom in florida, is just the democrats making shit up against poor trump the victim. So that phony call asking the georgia secrratary of state to find 11k plus votes is also bullshit, even thou its trump on the call and he even admits to the call. These are just 2 things. So how you can sit here and type up your bullshit defending trumps, shows what a rotten human being you are. Like him, because he spits out the same hate you got inside you. Your funny, telling me to go listen to trump. I have listened to him many times and everything he says is just flat out lies. The guy cant even tell the truth about his weight, how fucking sad is that? You hillbillies have zero street smarts, thats why those religious right church folks take all your cash. Way too much inbreeding down there. Lastly why dont you keep your word and stay gone from here, but you cant cause your a little whinny bitch phony. CD living in knocks head 24/7/365 rent free.
And yes am 61 and have done very well in my life, so dont worry about me. I dont have a college education, but have street smarts up the yin yang.