Quote Originally Posted by composite:
Can someone explain why going "tout" is such an evil thing? If a fella starts posting winners, he's a hero to everyone. But the moment he decides to sell them, he's ripped by everyone? Why? If a fella wants to sell his picks, isn't it a free country?
For the record, my capping sucks
, so no one needs to worry about me going "tout".
First of all, the guys who post here to go tout all do so with the same m.o. ... DECEPTION.
They act all professional, and try to be one of the guys, meanwhile all they are waiting for is a hot streak so they can get some followers, then they lure those followers to their twitter, where they complain about Covers unfair treatment, and start asking for money for their picks. This story gets played hundreds of times over, particularly during football season.
Let me ask you a question, Composite ... if this guy Stats was such a good handicapper, or 'statistician', why would he need to sell his picks? He could quietly bet them himself and make millions. Have you ever heard of Billy Walters? He is a guy who actually DOES win betting sports, yet it is impossible to get his picks, because he understands followers, or 'tailers' will actually work against him by creating too much action on his picks, thus moving the line.
This guy Stats has undoubtedly been on this site before ... he, like all the other touts, keep creating new alias's until they get one with a fast start, then they try to capitalize on that fast start by getting some guys who mistakenly believe that someone can win at a 70% clip over time, and they take their money for what is guaranteed to be losing plays. Why are the losses guaranteed? Because if anyone hits at 70% over the course of a given period, it is guaranteed over the near-term future they will fall back to the mean. This is a guarantee, which has been tried and proven MILLIONS of times over the decades. Good cappers hit in the low to mid 50% range. 90% of cappers are not good cappers.
Stats is not here to help you, nor anyone else. He has one objective, and that is to charge you money for his picks which he knows will be a losing proposition for you over the long haul ... but he cares little about that, he only wants your money.
I will say it again ... if any tout was such a good capper, they would simply quietly bet their own plays and make a lot of money.
No one has a problem with Stats posting his plays for free here ... but when anyone starts self promoting themselves, and creating numerous alias's to blow smoke up their own asses, that is ALWAYS step 1 in the tout handbook on scamming people out of money.