1. Trump was led to Christ by the preacher Paula White in 2011 or 2012 after watching her on tv for years
2. He isn't open with his faith ala Tim Tebow because if he was open about his faith during the election he wouldn't get 10% of the vote as American won't vote for a Christian who wears his/her faith on their sleeves
3. In an interview Trump did he talked about how people over the years{most he's never met} mailed him bibles. In his Trump Tower apartment their is a room with 1,000 bibles in it
4. I'm not going to decide who is and isn't a Christian. He isn't perfect but he who is without sin shall cast the 1st stone. God must have loved imperfect people because we are all imperfect
I realize their are many out there who don't believe there is a God or a Jesus. But remember this: If you're right that there is no God no Jesus and the bible is a bunch of gobbeldy person..at the end of my life I LOST NOTHING. If i'm right and you're wrong YOU LOST EVERYTHING
You know how I know he's a Christian? Look how they persecute and attack him from all sides They only do that to Christians. Because Trump is a threat to their good time. He's a threat to their way of life and how they have perverted this country. And like it or not deplorable Christians like me and millions of others are taking this country back and it starts with the Supreme Court
Whats funny is those who make fun of us Christians you notice at some point they need us? They make fun of us and say "Look its the stupid Christians! Wave to the stupid Christians! Where's your God at?" They laugh at us....And then Sandy Hook happens. Or 9/11 or Orlando at the nightclub and where do they all go running? To the stupid Christians. But I thought we were idiots?