what's more interesting is even though every year the number of voters goes up, at no time in well over the last half century has the numbers jumped that much(2020). In turn there hasn't been a drop off of this magnitude at least as far back as I can look.
Trumps popular vote is falling in line within the margin of error
Democratic votes fall right in line with Obama 2012, Hillary of 2016, and now Kamala in 2024. right around mid 60 million
Biden was able to earn roughly 15 million votes that not only didn't show up on election day in 2024 but also didn't cast a mail-in ballot either.
Out of all the STILL UNCOUNTED ballots left to be counted, to think Harris could even have a 2-1 advantage over Trump is very naive. Maybe in Cali, but elsewhere she will be lucky for an even split. This is a gambling site so most here should know how to crunch numbers.
I don't think Kamala is done in politics either, she will at least run for the next Govenor of California. 2026 is wide open since Newsom terms will be up, which puts him in the limelight to run in 2028 for POTUS. Just seeing how radical the left has gone recently, you know the DNC will embrace this communist with open arms and will not give two shits what their voting block has to say. All in all, if the Left doubles down on this radical shift that's plagued their party it's going to take a bigger comeback that Trump and the republicans just managed to do in just 4 short years.
The party of Joy, and the party of Unity is breaking down every ethnic category and blaming those who didn't show up for both undeserving candidates... Joe and Kamala
Just take the Latino category, how do you even break it down? Cubans in Florida, Mexicans in southwest, Puerto Ricans and Dominicans up around Philly and NYC. All are Latino but to compare any to each other 
Trump won 64% Native American vote, He just appointed the first ever female Chief of Staff. But he's a sexist, misogynist... right this is a political stunt like McDonalds
Just remember that person on the political sign in your yard does not know who you are, what your name is, doesn't care about your kids or family. But a ton of people will stop talking to their family or lifelong friends over this political bullshit. Would you not talk to someone over religion? Atheists will say religion a cult, it's so wrong.
Rant over