Quote Originally Posted by StumpTownStu: The only one that is imprisoned is you, incel. I was hiking through the mountains, dipping my feet in a crystal clear yet frigid river on Thursday, relaxing on the beach, dipping in the ocean on a rare 85 degree day on the Oregon coast yesterday, and today I flew for the first time. Not boarded a commercial flight. I flew for the first time. These are unfortunate times but bosses make it happen regardless of circumstance. Conspiracy theorist incels like you cry, ".....but....but... Bill Gates." You never do anything about it because you guys are never about action. You just whine. And you never have money because instead of going out and getting it, you blame "the man". And you never have woman because chicks don't dig whiny ass conspiracy theorist incels. To call you "theorist" is a misnomer because you never theorize about anything. You never have an original thought. You repeat what you've read, or more often than not watched, om fringe websites. Usually the ramblings of other incel like yourself. You blame Bill Gates for your lack of success. You blame women for not sleeping with you. You say i'm in a prison of my own creation when really you're speaking about yourself. Get out. You don't literally have to stay in your house during a lockdown. Try getting high. I sure did today. You really don't understand anything about what's happening in the world. Lost in your own echo chamber of the blind leading the blind. Abstract thinking and reasoning are foreign to someone with a limited skill set of knowledge and the proper education to perceive reality. For you yes, ignorance is bliss. But not everybody wants to travel down that road to nowhere, knowing nothing and caring nothing about anything but their own self-interested point of view. Going outdoors today as if to make some grand statement about freedom and imprisonment has nothing to do with what I was really talking about. I wish you the best, but one day you will wake up and discover the world has changed forever and then you might remember that some "idiot" was trying to warn us about it. Bill Gates is topic you are completely ignorant about. Enough said.
This from a guy who probably never mentioned Bill Gates in this forum prior to the last couple of months. You're a chump and a fraud. You've probably never had an original thought in your miserable live. And yet you have the audacity to be smug.
Quote Originally Posted by mctrap:
Quote Originally Posted by StumpTownStu: The only one that is imprisoned is you, incel. I was hiking through the mountains, dipping my feet in a crystal clear yet frigid river on Thursday, relaxing on the beach, dipping in the ocean on a rare 85 degree day on the Oregon coast yesterday, and today I flew for the first time. Not boarded a commercial flight. I flew for the first time. These are unfortunate times but bosses make it happen regardless of circumstance. Conspiracy theorist incels like you cry, ".....but....but... Bill Gates." You never do anything about it because you guys are never about action. You just whine. And you never have money because instead of going out and getting it, you blame "the man". And you never have woman because chicks don't dig whiny ass conspiracy theorist incels. To call you "theorist" is a misnomer because you never theorize about anything. You never have an original thought. You repeat what you've read, or more often than not watched, om fringe websites. Usually the ramblings of other incel like yourself. You blame Bill Gates for your lack of success. You blame women for not sleeping with you. You say i'm in a prison of my own creation when really you're speaking about yourself. Get out. You don't literally have to stay in your house during a lockdown. Try getting high. I sure did today. You really don't understand anything about what's happening in the world. Lost in your own echo chamber of the blind leading the blind. Abstract thinking and reasoning are foreign to someone with a limited skill set of knowledge and the proper education to perceive reality. For you yes, ignorance is bliss. But not everybody wants to travel down that road to nowhere, knowing nothing and caring nothing about anything but their own self-interested point of view. Going outdoors today as if to make some grand statement about freedom and imprisonment has nothing to do with what I was really talking about. I wish you the best, but one day you will wake up and discover the world has changed forever and then you might remember that some "idiot" was trying to warn us about it. Bill Gates is topic you are completely ignorant about. Enough said.
This from a guy who probably never mentioned Bill Gates in this forum prior to the last couple of months. You're a chump and a fraud. You've probably never had an original thought in your miserable live. And yet you have the audacity to be smug.
"We're all waiting for that miracle Donnie Boy!" Not all ...not all of us are un-American and wish ill health or worse for our President..
No one in here is "un-American and wish ill health or worse for our President. I can see Midnight1 was referring to the following Trump's miracle remark that Coronavirus will disappear like a miracle which is not only yet to materialize but getting worse.
"It's going to disappear. One day it's like a miracle, it will disappear," Trump told attendees at an African American History Month reception in the White House Cabinet Room.
Source: CNBC
And our President stands firm attempting to strike down ACA and take millions of people's health insurance away.
Quote Originally Posted by SarasotaSlim:
"We're all waiting for that miracle Donnie Boy!" Not all ...not all of us are un-American and wish ill health or worse for our President..
No one in here is "un-American and wish ill health or worse for our President. I can see Midnight1 was referring to the following Trump's miracle remark that Coronavirus will disappear like a miracle which is not only yet to materialize but getting worse.
"It's going to disappear. One day it's like a miracle, it will disappear," Trump told attendees at an African American History Month reception in the White House Cabinet Room.
Source: CNBC
And our President stands firm attempting to strike down ACA and take millions of people's health insurance away.
No one in here is "un-American and wish ill health or worse for our President. I can see Midnight1 was referring to the following Trump's miracle remark that Coronavirus will disappear like a miracle which is not only yet to materialize but getting worse.
You're are right Europa ..I misread the statement the first time and stand corrected......
Quote Originally Posted by Europa:
No one in here is "un-American and wish ill health or worse for our President. I can see Midnight1 was referring to the following Trump's miracle remark that Coronavirus will disappear like a miracle which is not only yet to materialize but getting worse.
You're are right Europa ..I misread the statement the first time and stand corrected......
Quote Originally Posted by Europa: No one in here is "un-American and wish ill health or worse for our President. I can see Midnight1 was referring to the following Trump's miracle remark that Coronavirus will disappear like a miracle which is not only yet to materialize but getting worse. You're are right Europa ..I misread the statement the first time and stand corrected......
i respect that integrity, Slim. You have a good one.
Quote Originally Posted by SarasotaSlim:
Quote Originally Posted by Europa: No one in here is "un-American and wish ill health or worse for our President. I can see Midnight1 was referring to the following Trump's miracle remark that Coronavirus will disappear like a miracle which is not only yet to materialize but getting worse. You're are right Europa ..I misread the statement the first time and stand corrected......
i respect that integrity, Slim. You have a good one.
Quote Originally Posted by KeyElement: Quote Originally Posted by I_Need_A_Detox: Why is South America and Africa doing so well with corona?Pardon me? Have you looked at the numbers and projections out of Brazil lately? Africa and South America are behind the curve because there is far less travel there, but they working hard on getting caught up. Geez, check the status and projections before you make a comment like that. You really think third world developing countries are better equipped to fight is off than the developed world? With the level of healthcare they have the pandemic will devastate them. You think South America and Africa will be worse than Europe and North America?
Probably, for several reasons. For one, they are completely unequipped to deal with it. For another, even if they had the expertise, they do not have nearly the capacity. Another is that every developed nation north of the equator will claim "we have our own problems, can't deal with yours right now." If international brotherhood ever existed, this is the moment it dies. Watch nationalism prevail. First it will be "every nation for itself", then "every man for himself." If the top five or ten economies begin to recover they will still abandon the third world.
Now and then even a BLIND squirrel can find an acorn
Quote Originally Posted by I_Need_A_Detox:
Quote Originally Posted by KeyElement: Quote Originally Posted by I_Need_A_Detox: Why is South America and Africa doing so well with corona?Pardon me? Have you looked at the numbers and projections out of Brazil lately? Africa and South America are behind the curve because there is far less travel there, but they working hard on getting caught up. Geez, check the status and projections before you make a comment like that. You really think third world developing countries are better equipped to fight is off than the developed world? With the level of healthcare they have the pandemic will devastate them. You think South America and Africa will be worse than Europe and North America?
Probably, for several reasons. For one, they are completely unequipped to deal with it. For another, even if they had the expertise, they do not have nearly the capacity. Another is that every developed nation north of the equator will claim "we have our own problems, can't deal with yours right now." If international brotherhood ever existed, this is the moment it dies. Watch nationalism prevail. First it will be "every nation for itself", then "every man for himself." If the top five or ten economies begin to recover they will still abandon the third world.
Dr, Fauci will be going on a "modified" quarantine for 14 days. He's scheduled to testify in front of Congress next week. Redfield (CDC) & Hahn (FDA) will be self quarantined for 14 days but will testify via video conference methods. Thinking is they all came into contact with Katie Miller the wife of the head WH Nazi. The President's valet, the VP press secretary, Ivanka's personal assistant and one of Melania's aides have all tested positive. We're all waiting for that miracle Donnie Boy!
Don't you mean the Gates funded fraud Fauci who needs some time off to prepare his cover up and propaganda presentation before lying to Congress? You mean the fraud who has many vacc. Patents obtained by firing scientists underneath him? The same Wuhan lab funding Fauci? What will the lemmings do when he tells you all to jump over a cliff while wearing your muzzle, I mean mask?
Politics is just the entertainment division of the MIC, CIA and Big Pharma. And this thread is a comedy show with a cast of blind leading the blind characters.
Relax. I'm unvaxxed!
Quote Originally Posted by Midnight1:
Dr, Fauci will be going on a "modified" quarantine for 14 days. He's scheduled to testify in front of Congress next week. Redfield (CDC) & Hahn (FDA) will be self quarantined for 14 days but will testify via video conference methods. Thinking is they all came into contact with Katie Miller the wife of the head WH Nazi. The President's valet, the VP press secretary, Ivanka's personal assistant and one of Melania's aides have all tested positive. We're all waiting for that miracle Donnie Boy!
Don't you mean the Gates funded fraud Fauci who needs some time off to prepare his cover up and propaganda presentation before lying to Congress? You mean the fraud who has many vacc. Patents obtained by firing scientists underneath him? The same Wuhan lab funding Fauci? What will the lemmings do when he tells you all to jump over a cliff while wearing your muzzle, I mean mask?
Politics is just the entertainment division of the MIC, CIA and Big Pharma. And this thread is a comedy show with a cast of blind leading the blind characters.
For the first time, the U.S. recorded three straight days of 300,000-plus tests while the positivity rate is down to 9.1%, per the Johns Hopkins coronavirus testing hub.
We're 3 months into this & still not testing at least 500k per day.
The UK just announced their national plan while we still wait for some leadership to step forward with a semblance of a plan for testing/tracing.
For the first time, the U.S. recorded three straight days of 300,000-plus tests while the positivity rate is down to 9.1%, per the Johns Hopkins coronavirus testing hub.
We're 3 months into this & still not testing at least 500k per day.
The UK just announced their national plan while we still wait for some leadership to step forward with a semblance of a plan for testing/tracing.
You got that backwards as usual Jethro. It's "You have..." and comma belongs between usual and Jethro, dumbfuck. Someone is getting butt hurt by the truth coming out. When someone has to turn to petty little grammar errors done over a phone keyboard, you know they have nothing substantial to offer but only their own fear response. Have a good day Jethro.
Haha! I wouldn’t worry about someone on an informal forum correcting my grammar. Especially, when what they correct is not really incorrect. Then when they send the ‘correction’ — the ‘correction’ has errors in it.
If you really wanted to be particular on here, you could waste time ‘correcting’ nearly every entry on here.
Quote Originally Posted by mctrap:
You got that backwards as usual Jethro. It's "You have..." and comma belongs between usual and Jethro, dumbfuck. Someone is getting butt hurt by the truth coming out. When someone has to turn to petty little grammar errors done over a phone keyboard, you know they have nothing substantial to offer but only their own fear response. Have a good day Jethro.
Haha! I wouldn’t worry about someone on an informal forum correcting my grammar. Especially, when what they correct is not really incorrect. Then when they send the ‘correction’ — the ‘correction’ has errors in it.
If you really wanted to be particular on here, you could waste time ‘correcting’ nearly every entry on here.
Petition to investigate the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for medical malpractice and crimes against humanity has over 450k signitures. Strategic-Culture.org/RobertBridge
I double dog dare you to link a post you've made about Bill Gates prior to the last few months. Surely you must have been dropping knowledge on the subject for years, seeing as how you're such an expert. You're the biggest lamb on this website. Like most sheep, you read something on the internet, you watch a video, and you run with it. And like most conspiracy theorist incels, you really run with it. And you get judgemental. Pretentious. You're just regurgitating someone elses views though. As much as you think you are, you're not thinking for yourself. You're barely different than the people who hang on the every word of cable news anchors. Like I said, you're heavy on the Bill Gates angle now. Where was that six months ago?
Quote Originally Posted by mctrap:
Petition to investigate the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for medical malpractice and crimes against humanity has over 450k signitures. Strategic-Culture.org/RobertBridge
I double dog dare you to link a post you've made about Bill Gates prior to the last few months. Surely you must have been dropping knowledge on the subject for years, seeing as how you're such an expert. You're the biggest lamb on this website. Like most sheep, you read something on the internet, you watch a video, and you run with it. And like most conspiracy theorist incels, you really run with it. And you get judgemental. Pretentious. You're just regurgitating someone elses views though. As much as you think you are, you're not thinking for yourself. You're barely different than the people who hang on the every word of cable news anchors. Like I said, you're heavy on the Bill Gates angle now. Where was that six months ago?
Obama has criticized Trump's poor handling of pandemic as an absolute chaotic disaster. Years ago, global health security index rank US as best prepared country against pandemics because of Bush and Obama administrations. No shutdown of US economy and far fewer deaths in their handling of outbreaks. However Trump's incompetence has made the US worse. Due to bad leadership, US has the most coronavirus cases and deaths of any country in the world. US mortality rate is higher than in Germany, Canada and other countries.
Furthermore, US is now in a horrible recession with the worst unemployment since the great depression. Trump tries to take undeserved credit for an amazing economy and job growth trajectory that started in 2010. Any monkey in the white house doing nothing would still have record low unemployment. Trump tries to use pandemic as a excuse for terrible economy. But in Obama's last 3 years, his economy outperformed Trump's first 3 years in GDP growth, jobs creation and stock market gains.
Obama has criticized Trump's poor handling of pandemic as an absolute chaotic disaster. Years ago, global health security index rank US as best prepared country against pandemics because of Bush and Obama administrations. No shutdown of US economy and far fewer deaths in their handling of outbreaks. However Trump's incompetence has made the US worse. Due to bad leadership, US has the most coronavirus cases and deaths of any country in the world. US mortality rate is higher than in Germany, Canada and other countries.
Furthermore, US is now in a horrible recession with the worst unemployment since the great depression. Trump tries to take undeserved credit for an amazing economy and job growth trajectory that started in 2010. Any monkey in the white house doing nothing would still have record low unemployment. Trump tries to use pandemic as a excuse for terrible economy. But in Obama's last 3 years, his economy outperformed Trump's first 3 years in GDP growth, jobs creation and stock market gains.
Stumptownstu is right. There is a lot of harmful misinformation spread by conspiracy theorists that defy medical experts. Facebook, Twitter and YouTube must remove nonsense propaganda. For a decade. Gates has warned lack of preparation could lead to a pandemic. Oddly. lockdown protesters and anti-vaxxers blame him for coronavirus?
Stumptownstu is right. There is a lot of harmful misinformation spread by conspiracy theorists that defy medical experts. Facebook, Twitter and YouTube must remove nonsense propaganda. For a decade. Gates has warned lack of preparation could lead to a pandemic. Oddly. lockdown protesters and anti-vaxxers blame him for coronavirus?
Stumptownstu is right. There is a lot of harmful misinformation spread by conspiracy theorists that defy medical experts. Facebook, Twitter and YouTube must remove nonsense propaganda. For a decade. Gates has warned lack of preparation could lead to a pandemic. Oddly. lockdown protesters and anti-vaxxers blame him for coronavirus?
And it's not that I completely discount everything uttered by conspiracy theorist. Shady dealings abound in this world. Shadow governments, ect... i'm not saying I 100% believe in them but if you were to tell me someone as rich and powerful as Bill Gates is involved in some shit, i'm not gonna clutch my pearls and call you crazy. Frankly, I don't know. And neither do these so called "theorist", which is a misnomer for most of them because few actually theorize anything. The read something from some fringe source, and in todays world, said sources have easy audiences, and they run with it. Which is fine, one can believe whatever one chooses but what makes them so annoying is how holier than now they get with it all. Everyone that doesn't believe the crackpot machinations of some 40 year old incel living in their parents basement is stupid, or ignorant. Or a sheep. They don't even realize their own hypocracy. A wise man gives everything the benefit but takes it all with a grain of salt. The fool blindly follows and deals in absolutes. And that's what most conspiracy "theorist" are. Blind followers. And this guy is one of the worst. Nonstop about Bill Gates all of a sudden. No mention of any of this a few months ago. If he was humble, i'd be like, "You know what? I'm all ears." but I know he got all of this of some fringe, crackpot website, or some facebook group, some youtube channel, all probably in the last month or two. Now all of a sudden he's an expert. So I laugh at him. I know that while I live a good life, if not sometimes over indulgent, in my "blissful ignorance", I guarantee he'll be sleeping alone and afraid tonight. Afraid of the unknowns the world has to offer. And he can deny this but he knows, as we all know, that it's true. It's not as if we haven't all known comspiracy theorist. They're pretty much all the same. Even more unoriginal than degenerate gamblers, and we all know that we're all rather cookie cutter. So what's that say about them? I mean, look at his name. Mctrap. Tells me all I need to know about him. Dude is a born loser and will never be anything but.
Quote Originally Posted by thirdperson:
Stumptownstu is right. There is a lot of harmful misinformation spread by conspiracy theorists that defy medical experts. Facebook, Twitter and YouTube must remove nonsense propaganda. For a decade. Gates has warned lack of preparation could lead to a pandemic. Oddly. lockdown protesters and anti-vaxxers blame him for coronavirus?
And it's not that I completely discount everything uttered by conspiracy theorist. Shady dealings abound in this world. Shadow governments, ect... i'm not saying I 100% believe in them but if you were to tell me someone as rich and powerful as Bill Gates is involved in some shit, i'm not gonna clutch my pearls and call you crazy. Frankly, I don't know. And neither do these so called "theorist", which is a misnomer for most of them because few actually theorize anything. The read something from some fringe source, and in todays world, said sources have easy audiences, and they run with it. Which is fine, one can believe whatever one chooses but what makes them so annoying is how holier than now they get with it all. Everyone that doesn't believe the crackpot machinations of some 40 year old incel living in their parents basement is stupid, or ignorant. Or a sheep. They don't even realize their own hypocracy. A wise man gives everything the benefit but takes it all with a grain of salt. The fool blindly follows and deals in absolutes. And that's what most conspiracy "theorist" are. Blind followers. And this guy is one of the worst. Nonstop about Bill Gates all of a sudden. No mention of any of this a few months ago. If he was humble, i'd be like, "You know what? I'm all ears." but I know he got all of this of some fringe, crackpot website, or some facebook group, some youtube channel, all probably in the last month or two. Now all of a sudden he's an expert. So I laugh at him. I know that while I live a good life, if not sometimes over indulgent, in my "blissful ignorance", I guarantee he'll be sleeping alone and afraid tonight. Afraid of the unknowns the world has to offer. And he can deny this but he knows, as we all know, that it's true. It's not as if we haven't all known comspiracy theorist. They're pretty much all the same. Even more unoriginal than degenerate gamblers, and we all know that we're all rather cookie cutter. So what's that say about them? I mean, look at his name. Mctrap. Tells me all I need to know about him. Dude is a born loser and will never be anything but.
Maybe it’s because cities like São Paulo, Lima, Bogata, Lagos, Cairo, and Casablanca are too densely populated? And COVID-19 doesn’t do well in densely populated cities?
New York, Detroit and Los Angeles will be glad to hear they are exempt.
Now and then even a BLIND squirrel can find an acorn
Quote Originally Posted by I_Need_A_Detox:
Maybe it’s because cities like São Paulo, Lima, Bogata, Lagos, Cairo, and Casablanca are too densely populated? And COVID-19 doesn’t do well in densely populated cities?
New York, Detroit and Los Angeles will be glad to hear they are exempt.
It’s amazing how well South America and Africa have handled COVID-19 up until this point. It must be their well-developed public healthcare systems. Or maybe their numbers look so good because their hospitals aren’t being incentivized to report fraudulent numbers?
Or maybe it's the lack of international travel, specifically from Asia, to these places coupled with the relative heat.
Quote Originally Posted by I_Need_A_Detox:
It’s amazing how well South America and Africa have handled COVID-19 up until this point. It must be their well-developed public healthcare systems. Or maybe their numbers look so good because their hospitals aren’t being incentivized to report fraudulent numbers?
Or maybe it's the lack of international travel, specifically from Asia, to these places coupled with the relative heat.
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