It's maddening. A few months ago the three of them jumped down my throat over some stupid, insignificant issue. I had never had any exchange with either of them that I could recollect but instantly it was, "Drug addict this... Coke head that..." So I do cocaine, socially. News flash: People are doing blow again. Just means I have friends AND money. And while I control it by staying away from my home state, it's still a form of addiction. And frankly, poor taste to throw in a guys face. I remember thinking, "What kind of weirdo lurks, retains stuff about a dude they've had no interaction with, just to use at a later date?" I feel that's some chick shit. As I have said many times, I only retain stuff about people I like. People who I feel I have built some semblance of a rapport with. Which brings us to this issue. Since that exchange, where the three of them railed on me for several days to the point of me calling them groupies and stalkers, since then I had thought I had built up a rapport with Fubah. He's from the PNW. I love and live in the PNW. I thought we had bonded over this and found commonality. This is the only reason I retained anything about his upbringing. Not to use against him but because I genuinely think he's an alright dude.
I had stayed away from this thread because I have so much to say, and such strong opinions, but lack the energy to do it justice. You're not going to reach anyone in an internet chat forum, so it becomes pointless. The only reason I chimed in is because I took offense to Asians being generalized as a people. And I called out both posters, and simply said Asia is an incredibly diverse continent. Likewise, Asian Americans, whether 1st generation or 5th, are incredibly diverse. So lets be clear that you can't use Asian as a blanket statement. That when you make these generalizations, let's be clear that you are talking about some Han Chinese, some Japanese, some South Koreans, some Vietnamese, but not all. And certainly not the people I grew from Cambodia, who I hold dear, the people from Laos, the people from the Filipinos, and not even all the peoples from those east Asian countries. I ended by saying I don't think either of you have much connection with Asian cultures but based on my experience, i'd have to agree with Tox. I wasn't taking sides. It was an informed opinion. Fubah disregarded the entire text and paraphrased the very last like saying, Based on my experience, of 67 years, I agree with Kelly" I am not naive and I recognize a device. He was attempting to say, because he's older, he knows better. So I used a device of my own. I basically said, "I come from one of the most diverse regions in the country. Your region of origin, even now in 2021, is one of the least diverse regions of the country. You were born in, what, '53? '54? Not an era where people, even people as open as Fubah,, were necessarily spending a ton of time with people outside of their race. Meanwhile, I wad at friends' houses playing tien len and cat te when I was a kid.
The problem with covers is everyone speaks from conjecture and generalizations. The things I say are based in personal experience. I stand by the point that I doubt Fubah, nor Kelly have much experience with any asian cultures therefore Fubah's "67 years of experience" means dick on this subject. I still like the dude. Again, that's the only reason i've retained anything about him. And I take their personal attacks on me in stride. Says more about them than me. As I said, hurt people hurt people.