[Quote: Originally Posted by fubah2]
Our ally, friend, and number one trading partner - is holding safe & secure Federal Elections today, with no assho declaring before their election that if HE isn't elected then the election was rigged by rampant fraud.
They have two main parties (Libs and Cons) but a strong third party as well (NDP), which makes Canada's system better.
The party that wins the most Federal parliamentary seats across the nation forms their government with their leader automatically named the Prime Minister.
Our two party system is considered LEFT vs RIGHT, but in actual current practice it is much closer to Left-leaning/Moderate vs. far right.
In Canada, basically, the Libs are a little to the left, while the CONS are a little to the right. There's no polarization there like we have here. Previous acclaimed survey by U.S. NEWS listed Canada as the #1 BEST country in the world. They essentially have FREE (and top quality) Health Care for all citizens, and very strict gun laws - with less than one-seventh the violence we have PER CAPITA!
Their federal, provincial, and local governments are the epitome of multi-cultural and gender inclusion -- unlike us, especially evidenced in RED states.
They consider the US to be good friends, and have supported us in every major international issue except one - the stupid/immoral/unwarrented invasion of Iraq by our republican admin at the time.
In Afghanistan, supporting their US friends, the Canadian's first 12 casualties (4 dead) were at the hands of a trigger-happy American pilot who ignored direct orders not to fire. Those were the first war casualties Canadians had endured since also supporting US troops in Vietnam...
There, mail-in ballots are counted the next day, but election results still could be determined by late tonight.