Quote Originally Posted by wallstreetcappers:
@spockgato Probably a good thing to stop stalking the guy like this, he isnt antagonizing you and if his handshakes annoy then skip the thread and go to the GOP stuff you prefer. I thought you understood how to avoid situations like this?
I’m not stalking him . I’ve been trying to get some form of communication going with him for an extended period of time but he is reluctant to jump into the pool with me . That’s fine . Maybe I’ve been a little too rough or too razor sharp with him in the past , and for that I apologize 
and maybe that’s why he has blackballed me .
I know that’s the way that things work here on this planet . My eyes and ears are always open , so I take in a great deal of information and attempt to do something with it …..
but unfortunately my heart is open too , and that , as we all know , can lead to trouble , so I need to do a better job of finding the right buttons to push in order to find some common ground , which can lead to a resolution , when the other party is strictly against the idea of any and all communication….
And granted , I’ve been pushing a lot of buttons , and not all bad ones either so don’t even go there and label me as a complete killer ok ? but no worries here , my motherboard goes deep son , and my finger is so calloused from pushing shit daily that I barely feel the vibrations when I be tapping on that son of a bitch ……
So with that smorgasbord of how I abhor territorial war cuz it’s a chore is out of the way…..
let me shed some light here like a new born sun just peeking it’s head out over the horizon …..
I may not be as well versed as all the fine gentlemen in this forum in regards to the particulars of current day world politics but I do know a thing or two about life ……
And without a shadow of a doubt or without speaking passive with little sounds …..
I can infer and hypothesize after garnering oodles and doodles of data , that most people clicking away on their devices and submitting posts here in this politics forum are just happy enough to keep playing in their own shit like pigs at a Lollapalooza concert and forgo any attempt to chop it up with those that have opposing views , and you know what ?
That’s all fine and dandy , like sittin’ in the back of the Caddie with a lassie named Mandy , and bangin’ on her back as I snack on some Blackberry Brandy ……
between pumps 
And for those not in the “ know “ that means it’s all good 
But I’ve pushed the accelerator once again on this autobahn of mental delight and I seem to have driven straight passed my original point of thought …..damn . I love to hate when that happens ……
So wallstreet , without further adieu , what is GOP ?
and why do you surmise that I prefer that ? whatever it is ?
I’d like to be schooled on the politics of your home planet and your other members , sans a few , are unwilling to participate in my progress . Maybe you can lead me to the Promised Land of Enlightenment , and I’m not being sarcastic or goofy in the slightest …….
May the Creator or The Energy that started this Universe look kindly upon your soul for giving an Alien like me a chance to understand things better 
Any input you put in is appreciated and embraced , with almost the same amount of love a mother gives to her child during a warm hug after they complete a goal or falter during it’s chase ….
God Bless 
BACK PATTING and KISSING threads are like passing HAM SANDWICHES around over and over-wall