Bottom line is we should never be in the middle east to begin with.

Trump's assassination violates US and international laws. Constitution gives congress, not the president, the power to declare war. Congress must be notified since there is no real emergency. International law requires approval from United nations security council unless host country gives consent but Iraq condemns the assassination. Or after declaration of war but neither US or Iran made it. Self defense is only justified after an actual attack. Preemptive strike to prevent an attack isn't justified as self defense. According to New York times, very weak evidence of imminent attack on American targets to justify unilateral action by Trump. Also no evidence of link between Soleimani and 9/11.
In wars, truth is the first casualty. Trump lies so often that he lacks credibility. According to Washingtonpost, government officials lied about the Afghan war which is unwinnable. Wasting trillions of dollars and thousands of lives in vain. History tends to repeat.
Trump's assassination violates US and international laws. Constitution gives congress, not the president, the power to declare war. Congress must be notified since there is no real emergency. International law requires approval from United nations security council unless host country gives consent but Iraq condemns the assassination. Or after declaration of war but neither US or Iran made it. Self defense is only justified after an actual attack. Preemptive strike to prevent an attack isn't justified as self defense. According to New York times, very weak evidence of imminent attack on American targets to justify unilateral action by Trump. Also no evidence of link between Soleimani and 9/11.
In wars, truth is the first casualty. Trump lies so often that he lacks credibility. According to Washingtonpost, government officials lied about the Afghan war which is unwinnable. Wasting trillions of dollars and thousands of lives in vain. History tends to repeat.
BREAKING NEWS: The CDC confirms a massive outbreak of a highly mutated strain of bone spurs afflicting millions throughout the U.S. This Medullary Advanced Glial Ataxia or MAGA for short seems to affect mostly Caucasians, however other races have been infected as well. Symptoms include extreme emotional distress, evidenced by sniveling, whining, crying, cowardice, narcissism, mental confusion and an inability to detect fact from fiction. Another hallmark symptom seems to be a complete absence of foot pain or injury. Though no origin has been identified, outbreaks have been observed to be much higher in conservative states. Though no definitive cause of this illness has been determined, evidence shows that regular exposure to fake news such as Fox, Breitbart and other right-wing news outlets have been common factors in those infected. The CDC and NIMH advise protecting yourselves by completely avoiding these disease factors.
Look out Canada. Here come the MAGATS!
BREAKING NEWS: The CDC confirms a massive outbreak of a highly mutated strain of bone spurs afflicting millions throughout the U.S. This Medullary Advanced Glial Ataxia or MAGA for short seems to affect mostly Caucasians, however other races have been infected as well. Symptoms include extreme emotional distress, evidenced by sniveling, whining, crying, cowardice, narcissism, mental confusion and an inability to detect fact from fiction. Another hallmark symptom seems to be a complete absence of foot pain or injury. Though no origin has been identified, outbreaks have been observed to be much higher in conservative states. Though no definitive cause of this illness has been determined, evidence shows that regular exposure to fake news such as Fox, Breitbart and other right-wing news outlets have been common factors in those infected. The CDC and NIMH advise protecting yourselves by completely avoiding these disease factors.
Look out Canada. Here come the MAGATS!
Imagine thinking President Trump needs authority from Congress to kill a terrorist
Imagine thinking President Trump needs authority from Congress to kill a terrorist
It's one of the differences living in a democracy rather than a dictatorship.
It's one of the differences living in a democracy rather than a dictatorship.
I have always backed our past presidents even the Bush knuckleheads. So normally I would agree with you.
But this guy is a lying POS. He always has been & always will be.
He & his administration cannot be trusted by most Americans & our allies.
Do you think the Brits are happy that Boris Johnson had to send 2 of the Royal Navy ships to protect British-flagged ships & escort them through the Strait of Hormuz?
I don't think so,
I have always backed our past presidents even the Bush knuckleheads. So normally I would agree with you.
But this guy is a lying POS. He always has been & always will be.
He & his administration cannot be trusted by most Americans & our allies.
Do you think the Brits are happy that Boris Johnson had to send 2 of the Royal Navy ships to protect British-flagged ships & escort them through the Strait of Hormuz?
I don't think so,
So tell me how this works then..
Trump picking and choosing which bad guys are ok to take out that are not a threat to the US, why did we pick that one when in the scheme of things there are much much worse out there who are killing more and of greater damage to civilization...or many who are higher risk to the US.
Why this target exactly? And what line is there for a US president to take out anyone but especially a military leader without some specific direct reason?
So tell me how this works then..
Trump picking and choosing which bad guys are ok to take out that are not a threat to the US, why did we pick that one when in the scheme of things there are much much worse out there who are killing more and of greater damage to civilization...or many who are higher risk to the US.
Why this target exactly? And what line is there for a US president to take out anyone but especially a military leader without some specific direct reason?
We don't want a repeat of Benghazi. Why wasn't there any reporting this week of the attempted takeover of the u.s. embassy in Baghdad ??
That would seem important considering the assassination of Salami took place in all places........ Baghdad
We don't want a repeat of Benghazi. Why wasn't there any reporting this week of the attempted takeover of the u.s. embassy in Baghdad ??
That would seem important considering the assassination of Salami took place in all places........ Baghdad
Our news and press of this great country have been doing a great disservice to the citizens of this country. When they not only distort news, but choose to omit significant events, that is dangerous stuff....
Is it any wonder Trump chooses to use Twitter as his voice to the American people.
Our news and press of this great country have been doing a great disservice to the citizens of this country. When they not only distort news, but choose to omit significant events, that is dangerous stuff....
Is it any wonder Trump chooses to use Twitter as his voice to the American people.
As usual you point partisan, I did not go that route...I dont care if Obama labeled him something, did he order his assassination? Get off this repub vs dem reply or the replies above yours which really do not answer the question. Stick to the topic directly and do not wander off on partisan tangents.
I would not have picked ONE because there is no rationalization to pick one or justification. We are not in the business or politics of killing people who are not a threat to our country. Iran is not a threat to our country, that staged embassy attack smells of CIA BO so badly I cant believe any of you Trump apologists are so blind, if this happened with a DEM president you and Trump pre-presidency would be yelling from twitter all day about it. If we are really knocking off targets who are a DIRECT and real threat to us, this guy was not it and the guy who really is it Trump loves to suck up to...the wacko in N.Korea is much much worse and a much greater threat to our country.
There is no rationalization for taking the action Trump did, but damn he has been chomping at the bit to do something and this was that something so he can pay back his defense contractor buddies and get all the ducks lined up for funding and voting blocks next year.
As usual you point partisan, I did not go that route...I dont care if Obama labeled him something, did he order his assassination? Get off this repub vs dem reply or the replies above yours which really do not answer the question. Stick to the topic directly and do not wander off on partisan tangents.
I would not have picked ONE because there is no rationalization to pick one or justification. We are not in the business or politics of killing people who are not a threat to our country. Iran is not a threat to our country, that staged embassy attack smells of CIA BO so badly I cant believe any of you Trump apologists are so blind, if this happened with a DEM president you and Trump pre-presidency would be yelling from twitter all day about it. If we are really knocking off targets who are a DIRECT and real threat to us, this guy was not it and the guy who really is it Trump loves to suck up to...the wacko in N.Korea is much much worse and a much greater threat to our country.
There is no rationalization for taking the action Trump did, but damn he has been chomping at the bit to do something and this was that something so he can pay back his defense contractor buddies and get all the ducks lined up for funding and voting blocks next year.
Amazing to see the anti-war left coming out now after being silent for 8 years during Obama’s Presidency.
Obama armed Syrian rebels in an attempt to overthrow Assad, creating the worst humanitarian crisis since WW2, Assad is still President. Killed Gaddafi, turning Libya into a failed state and a breeding ground for terrorism. Obama dropped 26,000 bombs in 2016 alone. Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, and Pakistan each got a taste.
How could you not laugh at anti-war left crawling out of their rat holes after being asleep for a decade?
Amazing to see the anti-war left coming out now after being silent for 8 years during Obama’s Presidency.
Obama armed Syrian rebels in an attempt to overthrow Assad, creating the worst humanitarian crisis since WW2, Assad is still President. Killed Gaddafi, turning Libya into a failed state and a breeding ground for terrorism. Obama dropped 26,000 bombs in 2016 alone. Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, and Pakistan each got a taste.
How could you not laugh at anti-war left crawling out of their rat holes after being asleep for a decade?
This general was in charge of non state militant actors. He was in charge of financing, training, providing weapons and providing safe spaces for groups like Hezbollah, Hamas, and Iraqi Shia militias that have killed American troops and disrupted our progress there.
If you want to send a message to the people causing instability in the areas that we are trying to stabilize, he is the exact person you kill.
How is the wacko in NK worse than this guy in regards to our national interests?
This general was in charge of non state militant actors. He was in charge of financing, training, providing weapons and providing safe spaces for groups like Hezbollah, Hamas, and Iraqi Shia militias that have killed American troops and disrupted our progress there.
If you want to send a message to the people causing instability in the areas that we are trying to stabilize, he is the exact person you kill.
How is the wacko in NK worse than this guy in regards to our national interests?
Really? Who has more potential for actually making a strike on this country, Iran or NK? In reality your above partisan comments yet again mean nothing...this isnt about Trump vs Obama or Obama did this for eight years. Did Obama give the hit to assassinate this individual? Reality is we are not capable or interested in knocking out all the "terrorists" out there in fact we sleep with them regularly because it is impossible to be the police of the world and more often our business interests dictate our political actions. To me this leader is for sure a regional threat but not a national threat and also to me we have other terrorists who we actually bunk up with that disgust me just as much. The Saudi's are abusive killers to their own citizens and of course to any opposition..we see so often the abuses of women and the brutality in public the acts they perform yet we excuse it and do nothing about it. Israel kills their opponents and has for thousands of years, covert and out in the open...brutal killings that in many ways is unjustified and yet we are likely their top ally in the world.
We pick and choose those we want to remove and kill, we bunk up with many who are as or more deserving and as I mentioned what is the determining factor for who is deserving? Is it religious or is it that they are business pals or they have resources we need or military access to a region that we need? What determines who we tolerate and who we kill and why did Trump decide this specific person when there are MANY as or more deserving? There was no direct domestic threat from this person, what he did was abuse of his authority like the many many times before..that you guys blindly accept and rationalize this is pretty poor.
Really? Who has more potential for actually making a strike on this country, Iran or NK? In reality your above partisan comments yet again mean nothing...this isnt about Trump vs Obama or Obama did this for eight years. Did Obama give the hit to assassinate this individual? Reality is we are not capable or interested in knocking out all the "terrorists" out there in fact we sleep with them regularly because it is impossible to be the police of the world and more often our business interests dictate our political actions. To me this leader is for sure a regional threat but not a national threat and also to me we have other terrorists who we actually bunk up with that disgust me just as much. The Saudi's are abusive killers to their own citizens and of course to any opposition..we see so often the abuses of women and the brutality in public the acts they perform yet we excuse it and do nothing about it. Israel kills their opponents and has for thousands of years, covert and out in the open...brutal killings that in many ways is unjustified and yet we are likely their top ally in the world.
We pick and choose those we want to remove and kill, we bunk up with many who are as or more deserving and as I mentioned what is the determining factor for who is deserving? Is it religious or is it that they are business pals or they have resources we need or military access to a region that we need? What determines who we tolerate and who we kill and why did Trump decide this specific person when there are MANY as or more deserving? There was no direct domestic threat from this person, what he did was abuse of his authority like the many many times before..that you guys blindly accept and rationalize this is pretty poor.
who are not a threat to our country. Iran is not a threat to our country, that staged embassy attack
This statement causes the whole argument to lose credibility. No reasonable person can believe any of that. Look at the list of countries other than the US that say Iran sponsors terrorists — and has done it in many other countries. When you attack a country’s embassy — that is like attacking that country.
And it is not an either-or situation. You can deal with NK and Iran, etc. — at the same time. That is like the folks that say cops should be worrying about drug dealers and not ticketing speeders — just silly. More than one thing at a time can be done.
There is a BIG difference between theoretical — possibly, off in the future — and reality that is current and active.
Two nice links to demonstrate the widespread sponsored actions in other countries and the reasons to believe Iran and take them at their word:
The U.S. government classifies the Islamic Republic of Iran as the “foremost state sponsor of terrorism,” alleging that Iran provides “a range of support, including financial, training, and equipment, to [terrorist] groups around the world – particularly Hezbollah.” The U.S. has designated Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism since 1984.
who are not a threat to our country. Iran is not a threat to our country, that staged embassy attack
This statement causes the whole argument to lose credibility. No reasonable person can believe any of that. Look at the list of countries other than the US that say Iran sponsors terrorists — and has done it in many other countries. When you attack a country’s embassy — that is like attacking that country.
And it is not an either-or situation. You can deal with NK and Iran, etc. — at the same time. That is like the folks that say cops should be worrying about drug dealers and not ticketing speeders — just silly. More than one thing at a time can be done.
There is a BIG difference between theoretical — possibly, off in the future — and reality that is current and active.
Two nice links to demonstrate the widespread sponsored actions in other countries and the reasons to believe Iran and take them at their word:
The U.S. government classifies the Islamic Republic of Iran as the “foremost state sponsor of terrorism,” alleging that Iran provides “a range of support, including financial, training, and equipment, to [terrorist] groups around the world – particularly Hezbollah.” The U.S. has designated Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism since 1984.
So what is the difference between China, Iran, Israel, NK, Saudi Arabia, African countries, Russia etc? Is it religious or is it that we agree with the means or we ignore the atrocities?
I said the embassy "attack" smells like CIA BO....and yeah we have never seen orchestrated operations from the CIA before to form a narrative right?
So what is the difference between China, Iran, Israel, NK, Saudi Arabia, African countries, Russia etc? Is it religious or is it that we agree with the means or we ignore the atrocities?
I said the embassy "attack" smells like CIA BO....and yeah we have never seen orchestrated operations from the CIA before to form a narrative right?
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